Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “chicken or egg.” Use the “which came first” conundrum in your post, whether about the chicken and the egg or about a real-life situation that fits the question. Or just talk about chickens and eggs! Enjoy!

Found on Facebook just yesterday by our personal astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson. Like he knew the prompt for SoCS.

There are so many times in life that you wonder what came first the pain or the fear. Sometimes the very thing you fear brings the pain you most dread. Worried about stepping on glass you bump your head. Ya know what I mean? The thing you were alerted to had you blind to something you never thought of.

We’ve just finished bingeing Cesar Milan’s show on Disney. I’m trying to train myself to get ready for my new fur baby when the time comes. Cesar sees many people who have been traumatized by dog bites. And those animals were traumatized by past people. Now the new pet and parent have to overcome their fears and learn to trust each other.

The lesson is to control yourself in the moment. Be present. Trust you’ll know what to do.