Tag Archive: #1linerWeds

One-Liner Wednesday

My second language starting at age 5. (Facebook find)
Linda’s One-Liner Wednesday

One-liner Wednesday

One-liner Wednesday is Linda’s prompt.

One-liner Wednesday

Joy creates creativity and creativity creates joy.

Linda’s One-liner Wednesday is easy and fun.

The longest One-liner is a ball of yarn.

[This one being drawn on from inside and outside to make a pair of slippers.]

One-liner Wednesday is brought to us by Linda G. Hill

Washcloth Wednesday

Second Try

I used the same pattern as I did before but used the larger gauge Knifty Knitter 24-peg loom. It was much easier on my hands and I think the scrubby itself is easier to handle. I think I am going to gift this one.

Just in case, here is the tutorial again.

I don’t know if this counts as a One-Liner Wednesdaybut let’s go check out Linda’s site for the fun prompt anyway.


Badge by Laura @ riddlefromthemiddle.com


One-Liner Wednesday

My favorite day of the week, month, year, is the day I get to see my family and friends!


That’s my one-liner for One-Liner Wednesday.

One-liner Wednesday

In the heat of Summer, rainy days are best!


One-liner Wednesdays is a blogging challenge presented by Linda G. Hill. Thanks for the fun!

One-Liner Wednesday

One good thing about three-hour, round trip doctor appointments: Listening to books on CDs! (Dance Hall review coming soon!)

By the way, the appointment went great. C had his Staples out and the doctor was pleased with the recovery. C is having very little pain and seems to be doing well with NO pain pills since the operation.

Thank you, Linda G. Hill for a quick and easy challenge! It is taking a while to get back into the daily blogging routine.

 One-Liner Wednesday and Just Jot It January are fun ways to keep journaling or blogging. Stop by Linda G. Hill’s site to see how this works.

Why is it that the more things I knit, the more yarn is all over my house? You would think that the things I make and give away would mean less yarn. But I seem to have far more now than before and I didn’t buy more or pick up any more donation yarn. I guess this is a good thing! The yarn bunnies are multiplying!



Just as I learn a little about Just Jot It January, it becomes One-Liner Wednesday.

(Did I do it?)

I hope the below creates a pingback!

One-Liner Wednesday & #JusJoJan 4/17 Prompt – Pro Tip


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