Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “antic.” Use it as a word or find a word that contains it. Bonus points if you do both. Enjoy!

Anticipating April and Camp NaNo, I set up an easy goal. 15k for the month. Editing the novel started in November helps me get reacquainted with all the characters and the plot. So I’m counting the contents of each scene I edit. That will give me word count at first. And today’s count impresses me: 3,440! Yay!

Other antics I’ve been up to: more socks!

These are for me!!! Toe-up Two At A Time Socks with Fleegle Heel on ChiaoGoo red-lace circulars US 8, 40″. I no longer need to watch the YouTube by Happee.
On the foot, nearly the toes. I’m so glad. These needles and thin yarn are hard for my hands. These will probably fit a child.
These have been knitted and tinked so many times! Though the needle and yarn are thin, the Two At A Time Toe-up Socks on ChiaoGoo red-lace circulars US 1 are easier than the HiyaHiya Fliers or double pointed needles. It’s a learning curve for the mind and fingers.

Meanwhile, I’m improving on my exercises. I graduated bands on one of the leg bits. I can finally do a jumping jack. Not as many as the trainer, but more than the arm lifts I did at first. Isn’t it fun to watch your own body and mind improve? Even at this age (73)! Marvelous! We are made out of the stuff of miracles!

We’re loving Piccard!!!

Don’t expect practice jokes from me. I hate them. But I love all you