Tag Archive: Art

Inktober 2021

My friend was telling me how much fun she was having with Inktober. She is not only inking illustrations but also inking a journal or story to go with the picture prompt. That sounded like fun so I’m joining seven days late.

Here’s my days 1-7 #Inktober2021 submission and then the story that goes with it. Since I wrote the story long handed I felt it too personal to take a picture of my handwriting.

Arriving proudly at the ball, Crystal, dressed in a formfitting suit, grabbed the mic. “I refuse to be a vessel for another man!” She loosened the knot at her neck, as she continued, “No wonder guys are so cross! Ties are the worst thing since high heels!” At which point she kicked those glass slippers off the stage.

The belt was next, then Crystal squirmed out of the skin-tight pants. Her jacket was long enough to cover the goods or the raven-black panties covering said goods.

The crowd was cheering her on. This wasn’t on the itinerary but none would object. Still, the spirit wasn’t in her to continue. She bowed to wild applause and then descended into the audience.

“Excuse me, Crystal,” a voice whispered behind her, “I’m you’re biggest fan.”


In my #Inktober sketch above I made a close of Crystal’s eye a sneak peak, I think, is that she was born with a crystal in her eye and since then has developed several each gives her powers. The list of prompts is on the Inktober 2021 website. I’m hoping the writing part will spark something for NaNoWriMo some people call October Preptober. That last link was a Google search and there are so many there to help a person get ready I think I’ll keep it open and wade through them all later.

How many want to join me in either Inktober or NaNoPrep?

The Walking Dead, Vol. 17: Something to FearThe Walking Dead, Vol. 17: Something to Fear by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really wish I could have read this before the television series. I kept relating to a couple of episodes that this issue contains. On the show, this was the hardest one to deal with. As it was, it was pretty horrendous with all the blood and guts, just different.

Negan says the same things and does the same things. Oh, Negan!

What is interesting about this series, either the TV or the comic versions, is seeing how people adapt to a world without society’s rules over the years. Survival looks differently to each individual, and you choose the tribe you feel reflects you and keeps you safe. Watching it through the filter of COVID19 and how that has separated our tribes show that Robert Kirkman understood a lot more than a comic book writer should. The story is great written, drawn, or acted out.

I can’t wait until I can afford my next one.

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The Walking Dead, Vol. 16: A Larger WorldThe Walking Dead, Vol. 16: A Larger World by Robert Kirkman

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I just finished watching the series, getting ready for season 11 and wasn’t prepared to let the TWD characters go. So I picked up the next in the comic series that I hadn’t read yet. I can’t believe how far behind I am in the reading.

The Kindle version is my favorite, so I can open up each frame, see details, and read the dialogue. Maybe after cataract surgery, I will be able to read books and comic books. Meanwhile, I’m glad this technology is out there for folks like me. And it doesn’t take up room in my already stuffed bookshelves.

This particular volume was about discovering Hilltop and meeting the character Jesus. I know this is the calm before the storm. But it was nice to have the reprieve, even if a little boring. Still, it was great to connect with the TWD family, even if it is different from the show’s characters.

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Antics!Antics! by Cathi Hepworth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A couple of friends recommended this fun little treat. After their great reviews knew I had to find a copy.

Okay, so it might be a little advanced compared to other alphabet books. Still, the pictures and one word per page make it a quick memorized book. It may be more fun for older siblings to read to younger ones with a more advanced vocabulary. And parents and teachers can find a lot of conversation starters on each page.

First of all, ANTS! Hey, you could obtain a good ant farm for the kids to watch or a walkout to see ants in their true habitats. Hopefully, you haven’t been inundated by the ones that love your kitchen. But, heck, there’s another educational moment for you and the students.

The illustrations are so much fun! Who knew ants could be so expressive? This brings me to the choose your favorite page. My friends chose Deviant and Chant. I do like both of those. But my favorite is a psychological thriller with personal history. Hesitant. I remember graduating to the level of the high dive. I remember the first time actually climbing back down the ladder to my shame and embarrassment. I gave myself speeches for days and was determined to do it the next time. I did get all the way out on the board—no diving for my first few times. Even the first jump, I felt hesitant. I don’t remember ever getting confident on that dive. I preferred the sturdy diving platform, and I could dive from and reach the other end of the pool in one breath.

I think I will donate this to our little library.

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Escapist Coloring Club

Here is my entry for July coloring fun.

Now that I have my hobby room things like coloring are a lot more fun.

Thank you, Linda G. Hill for the Escapist Coloring Club prompt to pull out the crayons colored pencils, and pens.

Here is the next picture in my dragon coloring book for next month.

There seems to be bleed through from the markers I used on the previous picture. I think I’ll be able to hide it. I took this pic with black and white filter.

One-Liner Wednesday

“To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.” — Kurt Vonnegut

One-liner Wednesday is a fun prompt by Linda G. Hill.

How to Draw Cute Stuff for Kids: A step by step Drawing Guide for Kids to Learn How to Draw 180 Cutie Stuff in 4 Easy StepsHow to Draw Cute Stuff for Kids: A step by step Drawing Guide for Kids to Learn How to Draw 180 Cutie Stuff in 4 Easy Steps by JAY T
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This a how to draw for children. Yet I learned that drawing things from memory is helpful as we age. It was one of the things tested on the brain-age app on the Game Boy. I found that when I was tired my drawings of the test didn’t fair well. So a little practice book like this can be helpful to everyone. I might look up other books by JAY T to find cute drawings to play with.

You can find a book or two on Amazon but this on isn’t currently available. Any would be great for step by step drawing instructions. And this one was free.

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The Walking Dead, Vol. 14: No Way Out (The Walking Dead, #79-84)The Walking Dead, Vol. 14: No Way Out by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

For the first time, I’m at the same point in my Walking Dead binges of watching and reading, Alexandria and the angst of surreal safety. Though the comics book handled it differently than the television series, the overall story stays the same.

Again, I have to admire Robert Kirkman and fellow authors and artists who wrote a great foundation for the directors and actors to play with. I personally could have used a few less f-bombs but who knows what I’d let fly while fighting surrounding zombies?

And, for these old eyes, I love the way you can enlarge each frame for ease of reading or examining the artwork. Getting the Kindle version is best idea for me.

A side benefit of the two binges is my comic book geek son and I can chat for hours about TWD.

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The Walking Dead, Vol. 13: Too Far Gone (The Walking Dead #73-78)The Walking Dead, Vol. 13: Too Far Gone by Robert Kirkman

Not fair! I ran out of book money so I didn’t get to buy the next one yet and this one left me on a cliffhanger!

On the other hand, though some things changed on the show from this book, the fight scene was nearly exact. In a way, I like the flipped storyline of the head family of Alexandria. I would have loved this better had I read it before watching the whole series. But I do love that the TV version was even more inclusive than the book.

Once again, I read this on my Kindle Fire because I can enlarge frame by frame. The art and story are fantastic. I think I am getting addicted to Kindle comic books on the Fire!

I can’t wait until payday when I can get back into the story. Meanwhile, I am resisting bingeing The Walking Dead yet one more time. I so miss it!

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Rorschach Test

When I was young and spent the night with my grandparents I felt so lucky. First of all, because my mother’s parents and my father’s parents lived two doors down from each other. Even my other cousins weren’t this lucky. And on this road, I had a great aunt or two. The second fun part of this convenience was that if my folks were visiting the one set of grandparents I could run and be at the other grandparents’ home.

Both of my grandfathers were carpenters. Mom’s dad was more of a cabinet maker. But when mom was young he actually built a wooden roller coaster and a Ferris wheel. There were pictures in the local paper with mom and my aunt as girls in these rides.

My dad’s dad was more of a home builder. When these two close families moved from ‘back east’ they bought land near each other and mom’s dad copied nearly every nail strike from my dad’s dad. Thereby their homes were very similar. I can still see and smell those two homes. Mom’s parents’ home smelled of cedar. Dad’s parents’ just smelled clean like wind-dried laundry. Mmmmm!

That doesn’t include all the food smells. Mom’s mother specialized in pies and cakes. Dad’s mom was best at meats and dumplings. Not to say they both weren’t great cooks! My mouth is watering at this vision.

But back to spending the night. The walls of both grandparents’ homes were textured with stucco, a kind of relief feeling and then painted. I remember laying on their beds and finding pictures in the textures.

As a mom of four, we had a house that had a bathroom with fake marble lined the wall. As you would sit on the ‘throne’ you could see ‘angry dad’. Beard, mustache and all. Yes, he was an angry cuss at times back then. (Not my current husband.)

Here in this house, I have found another set of Rorschach tests in this bathroom. One in the fake wood panel of the door. The others are from spackle patches that we still need to paint over.

Anyway, here are cell photos of the muses.20200213_235910(0)



The only picture with true color is the wooden door one. These other two are white on sky-blue. I don’t know why they turned gray.

Anyway, do you see pictures? I have been meaning to capture these by drawing and seeing what characters I feel as I draw. Here are my first renditions.




Those were only quickie sketches. But for some reason, I felt nearly obligated to draw them out. It is like they want to be in a story or something.

Does this happen to you? Do you see pictures in tree-bark or leaf patterns against the sky? Do you feel they call to you to be represented? What do you suppose it means?



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