Tag Archive: Bernadette

Making Monday

My #2 son’s slippers are now to the arch. Chiaogoo red-laced cable needles, 40″, size 8, Two-At-A-Time. Turkish Cast-on, ribbed arch, will have Fleegle Heel.
I don’t know who these will belong to. But heading for the Fleegle Heel. Chiaogoo red-laced cable, 60″, size 1 needles. Because they have finer yarn and needles my hands have to take it slow.
Mediums are harder in this book. But I feel proud not to give up and I still try. Maybe someday mediums will be easier.
Making music still. Still working on Ash Grove. Learning flats. Playing both alto and soprano recorders. One of these days I will be coordinated or brave enough to record my own duets. This book is still quite challenging.
I know, now, the underlined chords. I’m working on the circled ones. My fingers are callused but so uncoordinated.
I’m also learning to play melodies. After decades of piano, I find this non-linear scale tough but fun for my brain.
I am learning scales, too!
Besides Bernadette’s 30 Day plan on YouTube (which is taking far longer!), I’m working in this book, too. Though I’m getting ready to order the next grade up. Maybe not a kid’s version. Suggestions?
A song involving chords and melody. I’m getting better.
Shooting the Curl will be finished tomorrow. I just need to fill the strays, seal and stash away.
12 languages. I don’t work on all of them everyday. But I do most of them most days. Sometimes I barely make it through one. But I only work on things I enjoy. Follow the passion.

I start my morning watching shows and knitting. I want to pay attention to the show and knitting is a busy hands pay attention hobby, mostly.

Both pairs of socks seem to have landed at the arch ribbing at the same time. I hate it when that happens. I like when each pair are on separate levels.
Just as I was trying to take pics for today’s blog, Dear Sweet Old Rosey jumped on my lap. One is never finished loving one’s pets.
I’m gonna blow my own horn here. After YEARS of trying to learn Sudoku, I think I’m finally learning. I found this book at Dollar General.
I have managed to get to the Medium level with very few peeks at the answer page and then only to check if I was right. Yay! Me!
This is the book I’m nearly finished with. Okay, I’m not a kid. But I like to work from the very beginning with recognizable songs.
I’ve been working with these two for a while. I’m getting smoother in the cord changes.
This one I don’t have to look at any more. I’m fact, I should erase my cheat G7.
This is what I’m starting next. Learning strum patterns. I never needed such animals in piano.😂
So excited to get to learn Imagine with Bernadette’s strumming instructions.
Look! Lyrics!
And I’m learning to play individual notes. Yay!
Yeah, I’m still learning most of these chords
Another note by note I’m learning.
Speaking of Ukulele… I’m trying to Tunisian Crochet a strap for my uke. The trouble with Tunisian Crochet is how it rolls up.
It stretches out to the length of the uke. I need to double that. This should be interesting.
I’m almost finished with 1/3 of the beach diamond painting.
And as of today… I should be there on the blog but seemed to have published a lot after midnight too often.

And now it’s time to strum and recordize.

Thus Thursday

Tuners are your friends!
Is it Memorex? Yep.
Thanks for prompting me, Yvensong. This one is fun to hum if I don’t remember the words while moving my fingers on the frets and strumming.
I know, it’s for kids. But they have small hands. So I should be able to work through what they can.🤞
This one is fun. Like a REAL song! And look at the chord changes! Yay! Me!
This one has the wrong words. A great Kazoo song!

The book goes on and introduces scales of sorts. So my piano background is related not only by chords but note by note.

On the Bernadette Teaches Music I’m gradually moving from day 9, where we learned about ten chords, to day 10 and playing songs. But many chords don’t like me. They have the tone quality of a hammer. But but not by bit I’m getting better.

Ya know what? I’m beginning to have fun!

And my hubby is getting a guitar. We’re going to start jamming. Truly as a solo soprano singer and hidden piano accompanist, I don’t know how to jam. This should be interesting!

And now that everything is out, I might as well get to work.

Happy Baby Friday!

Much looks the same as last time. But you want to know what I’m learning as I go? All attempts get me closer to not. Not a baby beginner. Not a total loser. And if I take a moment and look back I find more proficiency. Faster, not so lost. Progress. And it’s not linear. There are times I pick up the recorder and find that somehow God put holes in my fingers. Air is escaping, somewhere.

Sometimes I get the chord progression of these simple songs. But if I don’t, I only have to remember a month ago. I could tune my uke. Now I can sing little songs and not look as I move from F to G7 to C to C7 and more, and I know without looking at my hand that I did it.

I can remember being 12 and learning to crochet and knit. How I got so frustrated when I had to rip it out.

Now I look forward to trying again. The thing that makes these hobbies frustrating is placing time constraints or perfection goals.

I may not be producing the way society deems worthy, but I’m 74 and enjoying my life. Learning is my fun. Seeing changes in abilities, even as I’m told growth can’t happen anymore, THAT is the fun.

I am keeping my goal on the stationary bike and other exercises. And I see tiny improvements.

My only disappointment in me is trying to find my way to the reading aloud/editing goal. But I’ll figure it out.

Here’s the pics of progress.

I rarely finish a crossword puzzle book but I threw this full one away and am looking for another. The other thing I rarely finish is a bottle of hand lotion. It usually goes bad before I’ve used it all.
These balls are to crochet a strap for my uke. I’m following Bernadette’s YouTube
I’ve only added a couple rows since I posted these. But only 2 inches until the heel. I’m planning to try the Fishlip heel. I bought the pattern. You can Google where to get it. I’ll include it when I find out it works for me.
Only a couple more rows added here, too. I can’t get hyper-focused on the thinner yarns and needles. They can hurt my hands or eyes.
I’m loving this beautiful bird. Can you see how much more color lights up this picture with each section of drills?
Not as happy with this one. It is tiny and the colors are not so vibrant.

I feel good about developing discipline. Why is it only now growing?


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