Tag Archive: book-5

Acorna's SearchAcorna’s Search by Anne McCaffrey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I found many of Anne McCaffrey’s books in the first edition a while back. And at a reasonable price. I bought them up. Now, I am on a mission to read them all. Unfortunately, my reading skills have worsened as my tracking on paper books keeps me slow. And in the case of this book, I didn’t have the hardback. Libby had the Kindle version, so I grabbed it up. With Kindle, I can employ the Text-to-Speech. So I was able to read it quickly. The last book, a hardback, took me a year or so. This took me four days!

It was fun to ‘read’ this, the best of the Unicorn Girl books so far. Not only did we not have the Khleevi, but we had a lot more of RK (Road Kill), the cat. He is so much fun! There is more of Acorna, the original unicorn girl, and more of some side characters I wanted to learn more about.

The best part of this book is how the characters get into a situation that involves time travel on their planet. What a great way to get to know the history of the unicorn people.

I found myself holding my breath in moments of tension and fear for the characters. As much as I was a fan of the Dragon books, I am now becoming a fan of the Unicorn Girl series. I’ve already grabbed up and started reading the next Kindle version from Libby.

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The Fiery Cross (Outlander, #5)The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The new season on television prompted a reread of what I hoped was the equivalent of the book series. Except for a couple of scenes, this book was the more the season before. Still, this read raised my rating from four stars to five.

The narrator, Davina Porter, is terrific as she is reading Diana Gabaldon’s outstanding writing. In fact, I have decided that Ms. Gabaldon is one of my favorite authors. And Ms. Porter may be my favorite narrator. I love living in the Outlander world. I not only read at night before sleep, which proves hard to leave the book for but while Diamond Painting or knitting.

I found the same issue with figuring out when the voice is Claire’s or Bree’s, or Jamie’s or Roger’s, but it was easier this time knowing the story from the TV show and having read this before. I have already picked up the next book, A Breath of Snow and Ash. Now I am nearly caught up with the television series. I just wanted to see how the Revolution progressed in the books.

I highly recommend this series and its TV counterpart.

Below is my earlier review.

These are such great books. The story continues. And now I can watch the current series on TV. But…

Until this book, Divina Porter, the narrator of all the Outlander books, was able to change the voices of most of the characters enough that a listener could tell who was talking. With Bree, Roger, and Ian grown, they all sound like Clair and Jamie. If my eyes could handle the tracking, I would try to have the book or Kindle version open to track who is speaking. Instead, I have to back up a bit to see if I can find out. Or I just keep listening, and finally, context will indicate who had just been the speaker. That throws me out of the story.

Is it me, or is this book a little less exciting? I know with Covid19 all around and the stress that has caused us all, it may be playing a part in my attention levels. I may have to reread the series later when life returns us to quieter minds. So I will try not to affect my rating on this issue. I still loved it and have already downloaded the next book. I can’t wait to see how Jamie and his men adjust to the American Revolution. What if you were on the wrong side of history and knew it but couldn’t do much about it as no one but you had access to future history? Yeah. What a conundrum! Excellent writing, Diana Gabaldon!

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The Fiery Cross (Outlander, #5)The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

These are such great books. The story continues. And now I can watch the current series on TV. But…

Until this book, Divina Porter, the narrator of all the Outlander books, was able to change the voices for most of the characters enough that a listener could tell who was talking. Now with Bree and Roger and Ian grown, they all sound like Clair and Jamie. If my eyes could handle the tracking I would try to have the book or Kindle version open to track who is speaking. Instead, I have to back up a bit to see if I can find out. Or I just keep listening and finally, context will indicate who had just been the speaker. That throws me out of the story.

Is it me, or is this book a little less exciting? I know with Covid19 all around and the stress that has caused us all, it may be playing a part in my attention levels. I may have to reread the series later when life returns us to quieter minds. So I will try not to affect my rating on this issue. I still loved it and have already downloaded the next book. I can’t wait to see how Jamie and his men adjust to the American Revolution. What if you were on the wrong side of history and knew it but couldn’t do much about it as no one but you had access to future history? Yeah. What a conundrum! Great writing, Diana Gabaldon!

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The Walking Dead: The Best Defense (The Walking Dead, #5)The Walking Dead: The Best Defense by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Most of the time I like a book far more than a show. But in this case… Without giving spoilers may I say this is far more gruesome and I’m not talking about the zombies. They are equally yucky.

The governor is far worse. There, I’ve said it.

And I fear the author was a young nerd at the time and not aware that women were made for more than rape and abuse. I’m glad the show writers took more time and found other things to do with this particular part of the story. Maybe the author has learned that half his audience would like him better for taking a slightly different point of view.

Another point for comics on Kindle! It is far better to be able to close in on the artwork or the fonts that I wouldn’t be able to read in the paper copy. This is how I will read the rest of the series as I can with Kindle Unlimited.

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Taxi - Talk (Book 5)Taxi – Talk by Sophia DeLuna

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Remember when I read the first four episodes of Taxi? Well, I got a welcome surprise after the review of the fourth one. Ms. Sophia DeLuna, the author of these great stories, sent me a sweet email that included coupons for the next three books in the series. Yay! Thank you so much. With my tight budget, it is often hard to decide if the next dollar is for food or reading. I hate to admit that I don’t look like I would if I chose books more often. Or maybe it is the fact that one can do both eating and reading comfortably at the same time?

At any rate, I got to the reading as soon as I could. And I think that Taxi 5, Talk, is one of my favorites. It is so real and honest. It touched deep emotional threads for me. This book deepens the relationship of Carmen and Ulrike. You see Carmen, still dealing with her bit of PTSD, or maybe there is a deeper issue going on, like social anxiety, depression, or other mental problems. I found I related to Carmen very much, phone phobia, isolation, etc. And Ulrike is fleshed out in how she and Carmen’s cat bond over yogurt, sharing a spoon. Carmen cringed and so did I. But as different as Carmen and Ulrike are, you see them working hard to communicate and deepen their love for each other.

By the way, I just did a review of New Hire: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show…, where my complaint was that the characters weren’t deep at all. In comparison, this Taxi series has what I think give fictional characters real life. In this series, I was surprised at how well I had pictured the two characters. It had to be how the author described them. I went to the author’s website: http://www.sophiadeluna.com/ and under the Taxi category I found the author’s rendition of her characters. I would have known who they were had I met them on the street. That is how good Ms. DeLuna is creating her characters. She’s quite the artist, as well! I can’t wait to read #6!

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Immutable (Ripple Series Book 5)Immutable by Cidney Swanson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Once again, I am sad. I am nearing the end of a great series. It has been so much fun to read the Rippler series by Cidney Swanson. You may remember her name from the Mars series I went so crazy about.

The Rippler series isn’t space travel but I consider it to be sci-fi rather than fantasy as the condition that causes one to ripple into invisibility is caused by a certain gene, as I understand it. Scientists discover these genes and work with a multitude of medications to control the side effects and or the people that are able to vanish. As in all groups of people there are good scientists and bad/evil scientists. The results push the main characters and plot of this series.

What I don’t yet do like about this series is that even though you have the oldies but goodies from former books, each book or so introduces a new point of view. The reason I like it is because you can travel to new places and see things you might not have had Ms. Swanson kept the same main character for all the adventures. I like getting to know characters in their depth so that is why I don’t like a new character every time. I know, I’m hard to please. 🙂

At any rate, what I am left with is a case of wonderment. What if one could go invisible, hide in walls or in plain sight? What if one could read another’s thoughts? And how fun would it be to hitch a ride in an airplane anywhere in the world by hiding in the wall? And not only can you be invisible, but you can fly! Or you can take a dip in the ocean with a school of dolphins and not get wet or cold. These are just a few adventures the main characters have in this series.

I’d say try either the Rippler series or the Saving Mars series if you want to have some fun.

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Lost in Prophecy
Lost in Prophecy by S.M. Reine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well, at least I didn’t finish this after midnight! This is non-stop action from beginning to end. I find myself panting a little from all the running, and fighting.

In fact, it is all that fighting that I found overwhelming. Though I love Elise Cavanaugh, I agree more with the pacifist, Rylie. Surely our kind of book would be boring with everyone just getting along. And, no doubt, this is the story the characters fed to the inkster, S.M. Reine. But, oh, my gosh! Can’t I breathe a moment?

Once again, I longed for a character list as some folks are brought back that I couldn’t place until they are explained in answer to others’ questions. Still once I knew who they were I could understand why they were there.

This book left me feeling the cliffhanger. Maybe with all the books that came before, I could have handled it with some grace, but I have to wait until summer to find out what happens.

I have the first book of the next series lined up, but I am a little concerned that I need to finish the Ascension series before jumping into Preternatural Affairs. This has been a fun bunch of books to read. I love Sara’s writing, very strong and in the moment.

Though this ARC was given to me for an honest review, I found very few problems. In fact, if there were errors I didn’t notice as the story kept me going. Can’t wait for summer!

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Review: Dire Blood

Dire Blood
Dire Blood by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t know what I can say about this book that I haven’t about the series in general. Each book has been non-stop action. I can’t stop reading long enough to write another review. Except this one. I haven’t bought the next book yet. I have used up my book allowance for this paycheck. But you can bet I will in the next few days!

Ms. Reine knows how to write in a way that keeps the reader engaged and wondering what will happen next. All her characters are realistic and interesting. Her main characters are strong yet flawed enough to make us believe.

I hope this isn’t a spoiler but something happens in this book that we have been waiting for since the beginning. Are you curious? Check out Six Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon #1) and keep reading all the wonderful stories that S.M Reine shares. Wonder if I will ever catch up reading this prolific writer’s work!

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Review: Striking Mars

Striking Mars
Striking Mars by Cidney Swanson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the best sci-fi series I have ever read. Lots of space travel and well researched situations to keep the reader engaged. Check out my reviews on the previous four books to feel my glow. I am so excited that there is going to be yet one more book that I totally turned ‘Fan Girl’. As soon as I finished reading this book last night I wrote to the author to gush and beg for the next one. Gosh, I can’t wait to read six. It is supposed to be out this Spring, yet another reason I want Winter to LEAVE!

Once again, I am so impressed with the main character Jess and her autistic (?) hacker brother, Ethan. There is a lot of enjoying time on Mars through the family left there, time on Earth, and even time on the Moon. It was just so much fun!

Please do yourself a favor and grab the triology for $2.99 Then enjoy a great adventure. Then follow up with the science links that Ms. Swanson puts in the back of the book. It is worth every penny!

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Review: Darkmoon

Darkmoon by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Not many books throw the main character into the action pregnant with twins. Even worse, whose babies are they? Poor Alpha Rylie has found herself in this weird predicament. I love that the rivals for her love and progeny are brothers who have love for each other, often to their own detriment. And will these twins be pups or human? So many questions yet so much to do!

Meanwhile, Rylie’s aunt is now a zombie. And Cain, the rotten apple from Abel and Seth’s mother, is raising–well, Cain! Add to all that the care of a pack and Rylie’s got trouble!

This was another quick exciting read that had me up til the early morning. I had to know what was going to happen, and the action didn’t quit until that last page. No, it wasn’t a cliffhanger. Even so, I have made myself not read the next book until I write this so I won’t be confused again. SO–Read this series after Summer of the Moon series and enjoy!!

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