Toes done. CinDWood 1/4″ fine-gauge, 56 peg. Socks for a friend.

Toes done, again. The sock on the right was how far along I’d gotten when I saw it was time to frog the whole mess. So I’ve started a new pair. This is the ‘His’ of KB His or Hers sock loom. This is a charity pair.

The Tea Dragon is nearly done. Probably, tomorrow I’ll place the last diamonds.

I’ve done Morning Pages two days in a row. Of all the finished or near finished projects, the 6 pages are what I’m most proud of. It is hard to do them.

Five more days until this NaNo goal is reached.

Junowrimo will get the next part of my autobiography.

Last night was another beautiful sunset.

Still cold, windy and rainy. But the sky is gorgeous!

The eyes keep getting better though the bruises and swelling make it look like I was in a brawl.

I can’t wait until I look more like my Bitmoji.