This letter is probably my favorite letter. One of the first is called on Wheel of Fortune, or those kinds of games. It is the first letter of my favorite beverage, Tea! Then there are all the words that don’t start with the ta sound but rather the th sound.

Try to write anything without T. It’s impossible. You notice I haven’t even tried! So I give up. From here on, if you want to count the words starting with T, you may. You have my permission. But hey, if you’re going to try that, count the words with Ts in them. Mind-boggling.

Instead, let me brag. I finally got some wordage in my CampNaNo project, Reflexions. I’m spelling out the number to enhance the T-count. Two-thousand-five words, and I think when I am done with the blog and Duolingo, I will try to add to that story. It is bouncing around in my head, so I need to get it onto the blank screen. By the way, my mermaids are punk-rock! And they are now on the spaceship. As happy as I am with the count of the day, I need a lot more than that to catch up and hit my goal of fifty-thousand by March thirtieth. My crew in the spaceship are trying to help rescue the merpeople’s baby, and cousin left on a planet covered with ultra-black. It is not going to be easy for the team or the writer! I have to figure out how they will win in this impossible situation. My job is to make it harder for them. I should rub my hands together and let out an evil laugh.

After a winter that seemed not to quit, I actually wore shorts and needed the fan today. But as I saw the sunset from inside, I knew I needed to take the picture outside. OMG! It was SO windy and cold I nearly didn’t get the shot. And as cell phone pics, sometimes they didn’t look like what my eyes were seeing. But after a bit of fiddling around, I think I got it close.

It looks to me like half of us are holding up the sky! Go, girls! Oh, it isn’t G-day. There were a couple times today that I thought we might get some thunderstorms, but it only was weird clouds and lots of COLD wind!

Time to go to the rest of my schedule. Hope you all had a great weekend!