Tag Archive: chris-recommended

SmilodonSmilodon by Alan Nayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My husband seemed really excited about a book he was reading. He even brought it into the living room with his headset while I was watching some show. He doesn’t usually read during the day. He is usually on the computer during the day. So I asked him about the book. It sounded exciting. I was able to borrow it on Kindle.

He was right it was right. It was exciting.

Anyone who reads my reviews know I am on a mission to read mostly female authors with strong female characters. After all, I spent my first sixty years like most people, reading mostly male authors and male characters. This book didn’t fit my new goal. But my husband convinced me that is was intriguing. So I couldn’t resist.

I have to admit that the first few chapters were boring. It was male heavy. And the only females were eye-candy. The main female (secondary character) was the ranger in charge but was seldom given her due of being in charge.

Beyond those complaints, the Smilodon part of the story was exciting. Imagine a creature that big that takes over a park! I don’t want to give any spoilers. It is well worth the read, but maybe not at night. It was hard to sleep after!

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CruxCrux by Julie Reece

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! What a wonderful, unexpected find! I think I mentioned that my husband recommended a book titled Crux to me a while back. Well, I found two titles of Crux and both were free. So I picked them both up not knowing which one he was alluding to. That cleared up, I read the other one, by Moira Rogers, first. Yep, it was grand. But then I didn’t feel it fair not to read this one by Julie Reece, just to make sure it got a chance. IT WAS TERRIFIC!!!!!

Okay, it wasn’t the erotic volcano that Moira Rogers’ book was. In fact, this one is tame enough that anyone could read it and not be embarrassed by sexual, much less sensual acts of the main characters. Okay, maybe there was a kiss or two, but that was expected. On the other hand, just in warning, it does have some very violent scenes. And I almost think that they were necessary for the whole picture. But otherwise, this was a fantastic read.

This was a longer than usual book. But it managed to tell the whole story without the need for a book two. Yet, I wish I could visit the characters again. I always feel like that. Birdie, the main character is a lovable young lady, homeless after years of foster care. The story is contemporary with throwbacks to early Viking/English wars. Since my studies don’t cover the Vikings (except for the glorious TV show, Vikings) I must admit to being a little out of my element at times, but it all starts to make sense after a while and it is always a fun read. And often it is on the edge of your seat exciting.

I highly recommend this wonder of a story to everyone, violence be damned, it’s worth it!

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Kiss the Witch Goodbye: A Nick Gibson NovelKiss the Witch Goodbye: A Nick Gibson Novel by Lisa Olsen

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Okay. First of all I have to say ‘thank you’ to my husband for recommending and loaning me this book. It was fantastic!

Second, the title had me singing the first line of What I Did For Love inserting WITCH for TODAY. Having a title that makes you sing is fun! And the title also, keeps you guessing all the way through. Sorry, I won’t throw in spoilers as much as I want to.

I should have given this book a lower rating for not starring a strong fem. But with Sgt. Nick Gibson as the lead, he is at least empowering, if not protective of the strong women in his life, his daughter, Veronica, and his girlfriend, Annaliese Cross.

As exciting as the story is, I like how the author, Lisa Olsen, takes the time to teach newbies about Wicca and the flow of positive energies. Anna even takes Veronica into a ritual to invoke safety for herself and her father. I felt this was done well, yet not so deep that baby Wiccans can’t see a little about how the spirituality works. Kudos!

Other parts of the book are just plain scary and exciting. I wanted to go to sleep when I was at 80% but had to see it all through. Thereby a 5:30 sleep time. Good thing I had a nap yesterday!

Though this story ended with most threads tied up… I saw a stray which makes me look forward to another Nick Gibson novel! Yay!

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The Ruth Valley MissingThe Ruth Valley Missing by Amber West

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thank you, Chris, for recommending this read to me. It was all you said it was, and more! It was free with Kindle Unlimited when I picked it up, but it is free either way, right now. It is worth the read!

Tired of city life, Jameson Quinn, finds a quaint little town to call home. But you know how small towns are, she barely arrived and everyone knew her name and business. But that wasn’t her problem. She welcomed that layer of openness after not knowing any of her neighbors back in the big city. She made a couple friends right away and found a great little two story cabin to live in on the sheriff’s property. What could go wrong? This is a town where no one locks their doors. Safe, right? Then she gets involved in the church.

The first half of the book is dedicated to getting to know James and her new neighbors. But the second half moves so much faster as the suspense grows, danger around every corner. Who can you trust? How can you help your friends? Wow! I couldn’t stop reading. I had to see what was going to happen.

The ending? Well, threads were tied up. But I would sure like to know what the next part of Jameson’s life is about. Please, Amber West, write a book two! This was fun!

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