Tag Archive: complimentary-copy

Lost in Prophecy
Lost in Prophecy by S.M. Reine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well, at least I didn’t finish this after midnight! This is non-stop action from beginning to end. I find myself panting a little from all the running, and fighting.

In fact, it is all that fighting that I found overwhelming. Though I love Elise Cavanaugh, I agree more with the pacifist, Rylie. Surely our kind of book would be boring with everyone just getting along. And, no doubt, this is the story the characters fed to the inkster, S.M. Reine. But, oh, my gosh! Can’t I breathe a moment?

Once again, I longed for a character list as some folks are brought back that I couldn’t place until they are explained in answer to others’ questions. Still once I knew who they were I could understand why they were there.

This book left me feeling the cliffhanger. Maybe with all the books that came before, I could have handled it with some grace, but I have to wait until summer to find out what happens.

I have the first book of the next series lined up, but I am a little concerned that I need to finish the Ascension series before jumping into Preternatural Affairs. This has been a fun bunch of books to read. I love Sara’s writing, very strong and in the moment.

Though this ARC was given to me for an honest review, I found very few problems. In fact, if there were errors I didn’t notice as the story kept me going. Can’t wait for summer!

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Caged in Bone
Caged in Bone by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Whew! Another 3:30 morning for sleep. Today I slept until nearly 3:00 in the afternoon. Caged in Bone was so stimulating that I just couldn’t go to sleep even when I finished reading it. Sure we were left in a safe spot having a few threads tied up. But you could tell there was more. Luckily, I was too tired to see if I had the next book ready so I didn’t start reading it yet. I am itchy to get started on it, though.

Have I mentioned that I love Elise Cavanough? After this many books with her as the main character, I nearly think of her as real. Heck, she did live in Reno for quite a while; she could have been a neighbor. **wink**

This book is a continuation of the stories before, saving Heaven (Shamain), trying to resurrect someone we love (sorry, Spoilers!) all the while each character fighting their own personal demons, real and imagined. The book grabs you and won’t let go.

By the way, disclaimer: I was given this book by the author for an honest review. So I say, those five stars and my review are fully an honest reaction to a fantastic book in a fantastic series of serieses (is that a word?).

Please read these books. Starting with Seasons of the Moon series, then Cain Chronicles, then Descension and Ascension (which I think I am nearing the end) then the newest one is the Preternatural Affairs series. I can’t wait!

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Sacrificed in Shadow
Sacrificed in Shadow by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The first time I read this book I hadn’t read the Cain Chronicles or any of the Descent series and maybe even a book or two from Seasons of the Moon. It was a great read and I loved the characters. But now that I have read everything in the right order this book makes a lot more sense. The personal histories of the characters and places are solid rather than leaving me with a vague feeling that I was missing something.

I was unhappy this time because it isn’t centered in Reno, NV. Nevada is mentioned a few times but this is on the east side of the country where I have no frame of reference. Still not a problem as I have never been to Heaven, Haven or Hell but I still have a relative idea about those places. 🙂

Elise Cavanaugh is still absolutely fascinating to me and I can’t wait to read more about her and her people.

Since I have already written a review on this book you can read it here:

I love Sara Reine’s books!

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Review: A Silent Shore

A Silent Shore
A Silent Shore by E.J. Mack
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book has been sitting on my To Read shelf for so long that I had forgotten about it. I picked it from BookRooster.com. I don’t know why I chose it. There must have been something in the reviews or blurb that got me.

The book was okay. I see many five star reviews, so it must just be me. I liked the parts about Izzy and her mother, but the parts about the men-folk were just plain boring to me. Sorry. If you like books about deceit, power, and relationships that don’t work, then this is the book for you. Read other reviews for reasons why others loved it.

Oh, I guess I should add the plusses. I liked E.J. Mack’s writing style and her characters were believable.

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