Tag Archive: dance

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “move.” Use it as a verb or a noun; write the first thing that comes to mind. Have fun!

Moving was the title I gave to the memoir I wrote a couple of NaNoWriMos ago. The name started revealing itself to me right away. At first, it was that even though I was in two houses for my first twenty-one years, they kept building schools for our grade level, and we were the newbies to settle each new school. After marriage, my husband’s job moved us around the state.

My story then ran in how my mental attitude moved from one thinking to another. Music played a part in the many mental states I phased through. And since I have been reentering the music world for a while, movement is a prominent word in that realm.

Photo by Saeid Anvar on Pexels.com

Ah, but yesterday, before I even saw the prompt of the day, I saw the word movement on the top of most of the pieces I worked on.

Photo by David McEachan on Pexels.com

Each piece was a movement from one symphony or another. As a music major whose professor was the conductor of the college orchestra, I sat in on a lot of concerts. But I couldn’t sit still. My teacher saw that I needed to be a part of the music, so she made sure I had the orchestral score to follow along with. My aim in music in college was voice, not piano. There was too much psychology attached to that big, beautiful machine.

In the next few days, I plan to break it all down. Needless to say, I need to move from the depth of stagefright that even played a part in yesterday’s practices to phone calls or being with more than people I know very, very well.

Now I need to move, to Duo, then uke, then recorder, then bed. Get up and MOVE!

Thanks, Linda!

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “memories of the room you’re in.” Write about a memory of the room (or park, or gym, or where ever you are) you’re in when you write your post. Enjoy!

The room I use the most is the living room. My memories here are about ten years.

When we first moved in, we didn’t have much furniture in here. My friend, who sold us the house, had laid carpet samples in a checkerboard pattern. With so much room I’d find myself dancing square to square. Those were fun days. Now the room is full of furniture and my hobbies. These create new memories. But I miss a place to dance even if no one ever saw.

How I imagined it.
Now, sans wine insert tea and knitting.

Okay, I’m a bit of an outlaw this year. I didn’t get signed up for the A-to-Z Challenge on time. Still, I like the idea, so I thought I’d try to catch up today. Unfortunately, this is One-Liner Wednesday. Already I’ve gone too long. But let’s see if I can catch up with only one line:






Photo by Simon Berger on Pexels.com

Thanks, Linda, for cheat the prompt today.


My friend shared a Maypole in May Day. I shared with her how my mom said they danced around the Maypole. Then they would share baskets of flowers on neighbors’ porches. After sharing this my friend shared the above article.

May Day Pole shared by Marie Rodriguez. Thank you.

Wouldn’t it be great to celebrate life by sharing kindness?

In the Corner

Some parents send kids there.

Some kids draw on the walls there.

Some kids follow their noses from the corner to the bigger wall.

Some find freedom that way.


Think about it next time you find yourself in the corner.

Maybe you deserve to be there,

or maybe not.

Draw some pictures.

Peel off the ugly wallpaper.

Follow your nose out of the corner and see the rest of the room.


Because when you are in the corner,

You are there all alone.

Dance your way out of the corner.



Per Linda

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “in the corner.” Write about whatever the image or thought of “in the corner” brings to mind. Have fun!

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

The Sole With Soul

I don’t know why I made that title. Mostly to remind me of the prompt of the day. But it did make me see dancers. Yes, this one:

For seeing the sole of the shoe in the moonwalk dance during the Billie Jean performance brought me back to listening to popular music. The 70s were not nearly as exciting for me as the 60s so I had taken to just my few albums, ​33 1⁄3  if you please.

The next decade offered tons of wonderful music as one of my children noticed the Beatles and another the Cure and Depeche Mode and Queen I was happy to turn on the radio. The kids and I sang loudly!

Music plays a part in my soul at all times with such eclectic turns and extremes. From the forced piano lessons from ages 5-15, church music, singing non-stop even in my dreams, classic and even an occasional loud metal or rap. It’s all in there and always on.

As for the other picture in my mind for the prompt, and I hope I can find a picture that matches the one in my head, the dancing sole-fish:

Okay, I know it isn’t a sole fish, but he seems to be dancing with soul!



Thanks, Linda, for this fun challenge!

Beneath the MaskBeneath the Mask by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t read ‘romance’ novels. Not if I can help it. But I consider Margaret McGaffey Fisk to be my friend so I felt I should try. I knew I couldn’t go wrong with her writing. I don’t think I saw a passive sentence anywhere in the book. This reading comes close after I read of Pride and Prejudice. If this were to be a contest, this would win heads down!

Passion is what wins it for me. No! Not that kind of passion! I mean the passion this young girl had pursued since she was small. But, now that she was to be presented as a woman… She wants to dance, something frowned upon back in those days.

Dawn Hyde, narrator of the Audible version of the book made this book so beautiful! Her accents and voice changes helped keep the characters separated and unique. I look forward to reading more with her voice.

Okay, for the romanticohics, there is romance in the end, but most of it is this girl coming of age and her trying to live out her passions, somehow. It makes me sad to know women of the past weren’t encouraged to follow their hearts and passions. When I start feeling like we’ve made no forward motion in the feminist movement, reading something like this shows we have made some progress.

I am looking forward to more by Margaret McGaffey Fisk!

View all my reviews


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