Tag Archive: dark

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “heavy/light/dark.” Use “light” and/or its opposites. Bonus points if you use all three. Enjoy!

It’s a good thing this prompt came up today.  After floundering about the last step of diamond painting, I decided it was time.

You are supposed to apply the sealant, in this case, Mod Podge, in a light coat.

I did that yesterday. It turned out nice. But I got in a hurry today and put it on too heavy. Do you see the clunks of white and the clear cellophane stuff on the edges? Okay, they are sitting on little cellophane packets. But, there are little bits I’ll have to peel off tomorrow before putting on the chains.

This is the first side up and the sealant pooled underneath. So I’ll let it dry and hopefully it will be alright.

Darkness falls over me while I flounder. Impatient attitudes and crankiness show up. If I know what I’m doing and my day is mapped out I’m fine but trying to get myself sorted out and things don’t appear to be hopeful well, see what happens?

Yeah, it’s not pretty.

Yet at the end of this day I’m seeing progress and the sealant is drying nicely, even with my heavy application.

Time for music. That should pick me up.

The Believers (Breeders, #2)The Believers by Katie French
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I finished this book a couple of days ago. Snow, elections, NaNoWriMo, and other distractions got in the way of my review. Sorry.

This is the second book of the Breeder series. The story of the girl looking for her mother and aunt continues. It is far from an easy feat. But Riley and her boyfriend and her brother try to find a way to them.

The story kept me interested. Often I found it nauseating. I think that was the author’s intent. Still, I couldn’t put it down. Maybe it was the train accident effect? You can’t just let it go. You have to look. That is the very reason I just ordered the Kindle Unlimited version. I think the first and second are KU also. So what is there to lose? Find Aunty and Mom!

View all my reviews


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