Dar49 Daily. Is out. Yeah, I know, FINALLY!!! Well, there were so many ‘shiny chickens’ (distractions to ADD/ADHD) running about I couldn’t remember what I was actually supposed to be doing with my Paper.li. Editing. In other words deleting stories that have been repeated in the last couple of days. I wish Paper.li would let me then jump in and put in something new, but that’s not the way it works. My husband doesn’t bother with editing, he just send out the papers as they come to him. I have a feeling that Scriptorium does the same as I often see repeated stories in that paper. If you see a repeat in mine it is either connected with a review or same story different source. At least, that is how I think I am doing it. I am still in the learning curve. But now I am actually thinking about paying for this service.


Did you know you can have a Paper.li of your own? I am finding it a lot of fun so I thought I would share the process. When you go to my paper look at the top. You can join simply with your twitter account if you like. Then they walk you through it. Click around and chose your sources. You can choose what they choose for you or put an interest in the search bar to bring up others. I chose: Fibromyagia, Game of Thrones, Science, Writing, Grammar. You may have other interests, say sports of knitting, who knows. You will only be able to have 25 sources. But as you can see with the three papers I have shared here that is quite enough. And when you are tired of the source you can replace it with other new interests. If any of you do set up a paper of your own, let me know. Send an Url. Do you have the ‘Press This’ button on your browser? I have one on Chrome and that is how I share a lot of articles I find interesting with you all. That is how I share my Paper.li with you. too.




Oh the ‘shiny chickens’ of the day? DNews. Click on them and watch Discovery News on YouTube or from the URL on the paper. I found myself transfixed with all the sciencey goodness.



Do you have trouble viewing websites? I do. I have trouble reading sites with small print on white background. While I am on the topic of addons to Chrome, Evernote has my newest favorite. Sorry if this sounds like a commercial, but I like to share when I find things that help me. ‘Clearly’ is an offshoot of Evernote. It not only can resize the font, it can change the background to gray or black. And if you pay for Evernote you can have text to speech from any webpage. That, for me, is worth it. I can read so many more websites now. Oh, and the voice on ‘Clearly’ is nearly human in its sound. There is emotion when it reads, say, “Wow!”, or “That’s sad.”


Okay, done with commercials. If you have any questions about anything I’ve mentioned here, send a comment here or on my Paper.li–Dar49 Daily. I’d like to see what you think.