Tag Archive: WordPress

One-liner Wednesday

Dear WordPress, how is it I have 799 days of daily use yet you just awarded me, after 300+ post for having 3 in a row? (I DO BOTH one after the other EVERYDAY!) GRRR!

Linda is fearless leader for One-liner Wednesday!

Oh, No, Look At the Time!

I didn’t notice that midnight had come and gone. Here it is 1 AM! Well, I thought something was odd that suddenly I was behind so I typed and typed. I ended with 39,874 words. The number at the bottom of my laptop screen said it is the 24th. The math for that is 40,008. OOOH! That is actually tomorrow’s date! So sometime tomorrow I will write a scene with 124 words and call it good. Or more. It is kind of nice to be ahead.


The sad part is that WP will start the counting on day one tomorrow. I had finally gotten to 39 days blogging in a row. I know I have been blogging over 400 days in a row because I blog after doing my German on Duo and that I’ve managed to keep done before midnight for over a year.


Time for bed.

Check out Linda G. Hill’s site to learn about Just Jot It January. Today’s prompt is “Passionate”.

I had thought about other things to write about today but I am very passionate about the problem I’m having the Media+. I went for help from WordPress and their answer was clearing the cache. That worked last night, but today not so much, The problem is back. I will go back to working on something else besides the computer.

Wish I could show you a picture of the ear warmer/headband I’m making for my husband but the Media+ isn’t working. I have no energy to fight this daily. Getting very discouraged. If it gets fixed I will tell you about a school I worked for that taught from passions of students and teachers. I was very passionate about that school. But not today. Sorry. Back to loom knitting.


I can’t believe it, but I have forgotten how to do this. I have a badge I want to add to my website:

Professional Reader

How do I do that? I want it on the left with the achievements of NaNo etc.

Thank you!

Blogging for Beginners - Answers to Your Frequently Asked Question

Blogging for Beginners – Answers to Your Frequently Asked Question by Mark Reinert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you want to sell something. your books, ideas, or start a business, this book is for you. If you are like me and just want to learn how to blog, this book is quite helpful.

When I do decide I want to sell my novels, I will pull this one out of my archive and read it again.

On the other hand, it didn’t quite meet my needs as a new blogger. I am still left with more questions than answers. I know all new pursuits have a learning curve. I think I may be on the upward swing with mine, until WordPress changes the look of something I use on a daily basis, then I am back to ground level struggles.

In an attempt not to be negative, I think this may have enough information out there it is worth the try. It does have clickable links so read it on the Fire or a tablet to get best results.

It took me a while to read this, not because it is long, but because I wanted to absorb the information and see if I could apply it to my own blog. It would be a quick read straight through.

View all my reviews

A while back I got a big surprise from a blogger I admire for art and blogging against the odds. Thank you:


This is a special award to someone who still thinks of herself as a newbie. I’m part of the family!!! 🙂

Smile! You’re at the best WordPress.com site ever



Thank you, again, mcsirishart.

Then, as if I shouldn’t gloat or just enjoy the glow, the very next day after receiving the nomination, I fell into a fibro-flare. In spite of that, I have gradually put together a list of some of my favorite blogging sites to nominate. It was very difficult to decide. That said, here are the

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family
4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them.
5. That is it!

And here are some of the many blogs that have inspired and encourage me in no particular order:












Congratulations to you all!

Versatile Blogger Award

This was a shock! It was two weeks ago and I have had to work on getting this blog just right to start nominating 15 amazing blogs. So here it is. I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award. Wow!

Thank you:




1 Add the award logo to your blog.

2 Thank and link back to the person who awarded you.

3 State 7 things about yourself.

4 Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and include a link to their site and tell them that you have nominated them.



My, my! What will I say about myself that I haven’t already shared?

Have I mentioned that I have watched Game of Thrones 1-3 seasons so many times I can’t count and I am nearly finished with my second read-through.

I collect dragons. And they demand to be in my novels.

If Dragon Naturally Speaking came with a cone of silence I would use it for everything!

Blogging is so much fun! I love meeting all the people and seeing what countries they are from! The world doesn’t seem so large anymore.

Retirement (for my husband, disability for me) makes me an adolescent again. My husband and I stay up all hours and sleep in til noon or later.

I hate my mouse-brown hair. I like the gray. I hate shoulder length hair. So… growing and going back to blonde!

My favorite thing to do is laugh!

And here are my nominees:

















I just couldn’t decide, there are so many blogs out there I love! Congratulations all!






Dar49 Daily


Dar49 Daily. Is out. Yeah, I know, FINALLY!!! Well, there were so many ‘shiny chickens’ (distractions to ADD/ADHD) running about I couldn’t remember what I was actually supposed to be doing with my Paper.li. Editing. In other words deleting stories that have been repeated in the last couple of days. I wish Paper.li would let me then jump in and put in something new, but that’s not the way it works. My husband doesn’t bother with editing, he just send out the papers as they come to him. I have a feeling that Scriptorium does the same as I often see repeated stories in that paper. If you see a repeat in mine it is either connected with a review or same story different source. At least, that is how I think I am doing it. I am still in the learning curve. But now I am actually thinking about paying for this service.


Did you know you can have a Paper.li of your own? I am finding it a lot of fun so I thought I would share the process. When you go to my paper look at the top. You can join simply with your twitter account if you like. Then they walk you through it. Click around and chose your sources. You can choose what they choose for you or put an interest in the search bar to bring up others. I chose: Fibromyagia, Game of Thrones, Science, Writing, Grammar. You may have other interests, say sports of knitting, who knows. You will only be able to have 25 sources. But as you can see with the three papers I have shared here that is quite enough. And when you are tired of the source you can replace it with other new interests. If any of you do set up a paper of your own, let me know. Send an Url. Do you have the ‘Press This’ button on your browser? I have one on Chrome and that is how I share a lot of articles I find interesting with you all. That is how I share my Paper.li with you. too.




Oh the ‘shiny chickens’ of the day? DNews. Click on them and watch Discovery News on YouTube or from the URL on the paper. I found myself transfixed with all the sciencey goodness.



Do you have trouble viewing websites? I do. I have trouble reading sites with small print on white background. While I am on the topic of addons to Chrome, Evernote has my newest favorite. Sorry if this sounds like a commercial, but I like to share when I find things that help me. ‘Clearly’ is an offshoot of Evernote. It not only can resize the font, it can change the background to gray or black. And if you pay for Evernote you can have text to speech from any webpage. That, for me, is worth it. I can read so many more websites now. Oh, and the voice on ‘Clearly’ is nearly human in its sound. There is emotion when it reads, say, “Wow!”, or “That’s sad.”


Okay, done with commercials. If you have any questions about anything I’ve mentioned here, send a comment here or on my Paper.li–Dar49 Daily. I’d like to see what you think.


20 Inspirational Apps and Online Resources For Writers – Lifehack. Some great ideas of products that help you stay a productive writer. For Tablet and laptop.

Self-Discipline. Ok. What Now? Can We Buy Some on E-Bay?.


System of thinking ( MIND )

Sentient Metaphysics

Spirituality And Psychic Development

Verse Voyager Books

Embark on Literary Journeys with Verses Unveiled.

The Wild Coach

The truth of the light and the light of the truth

Towards Good Life

Make your life more productive and feel free.

Enabling Residual Income

Earning Passive Internet Income With one-Time Action

The World Through My Glasses

Travel | Photography | Food

Episodes of Daily journal

lifestyle, reality, wellness

Spirit of Tarot

Tarot for Insight and Self-Awareness

Heartland Echoes

Hello and welcome to Heartland Echoes! I am thrilled to have you here. So, sit back, relax, and stay awhile as you explore my diverse range of written poetry, mental health articles, motivational quotes, and ten captivating chapters of my autobiography. Get ready to be inspired and uplifted as you delve into the world of Heartland Echoes.



Healthy solutions

Healthy forever

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

How to get started as an affiliate marketer


Read, Look, Listen

Zizzling Zazzle - Christine aka stine1 blogging

POD Designer and AI Art Enthusiast blogging about my Adventures online

Affiliate Revive

Empowering Your Affiliate Journey: From Strategy to Success

nicki does hair

Just a hairstylist helping you to MANEtain your luscious locks in the salon and at home!

Sunra Rainz

Poetry. Art. Photography. Musings.