Tag Archive: dragons

Escapist Coloring Club 20190328

Foreshadowing Dragons

I lost my favorite photo editing app when my computer died recently. So these pictures may not be very clear. Any free editors you all can suggest here, please share! Anyway, the above it the before.

Hope you can get the gist of what is said under the picture about the red dragon and the white dragon.  So I tried to stay with that theme as I colored. No, I didn’t use Baby Oil as I forgot to put it on my shopping list. Maybe for the next coloring project, I can try it. Here is my next challenge:

Brought to you by Linda G. Hill. Thanks for the fun!

I colored this for the last day of the month. But then the escaping shoulder joint of my husband’s sent us out into the Snowmaggedon and sleep didn’t happen until 5 AM. By the way, his shoulder is fixed so…

I just wonder if this counts for my turn in for February still? At midnight the first of March we were in the ER. I didn’t want to use my phone to post more than the simplest post. First my eyes have a hard time on the phone screen and second my fingers never hit the right keys.

Without further ado…




Thank you, Linda G. HIll, for the coloring fun.

For March this will be my challenge:

I guess I never capture the page before I got busy. Way back a couple months ago I decided to watercolor in the sky. Bad idea and it discouraged me. I didn’t want to touch it again.

Since it is One-Liner Wednesday I thought maybe I should make use of the extra time and pulled it out and determined to finish it.

Here is the finished product:

I kind of like it now. And I’ve already taken the picture of the next one so I’me ahead of the game.

Once again, the Escapist Coloring Club is brought to us by the every busy, Linda G. Hill. Thanks for all your ideas!

Late to the Party!

Sorry to be late to the party, Linda G. Hill. Busy month. But here’s my Coloring Escape Page:

I’m horrid at taking pictures. This is the least blurry of the three I took. I colored this while watching Kong: Skull Island.  I had to make my reptile look better than the beasts on that show! Dragons have pride, you know! (I’ll try to get to this fun earlier in the month next time.)


Thank you, Linda G. Hill, for always being an inspiration!

So, a few years ago my daughter gave me a couple coloring books and color pencils.


I played in them off and on but only was this far last spring:



I didn’t like the pre-done bits in either picture like all the dark parts in the Mandala or all the scales and shading on the dragons but decided because Linda set us to task to get busy and try. I finished (I think) the dragons. There still may be things to do but here I am now.

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Besides the mandala to finish, this is the next dragon:

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This one looks like a lot more fun! What do others prefer to color with? I want to try pastels or actual crayons but feel I need to learn more about the pencils. Maybe I should wait for the next picture as this is on the back of that multi-dragon and maybe the wax of crayons will bleed through?

Cyrus LongBones and the Curse of the Sea ZombieCyrus LongBones and the Curse of the Sea Zombie by Jeremy Mathiesen

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

You wnt boys to read? Keep the action going. Want girls to read it? I wouldn’t. The action is fine. But here’s the female line-up:
An abusive step mother
A zombie water witch
a girl-sister(?) who needed rescuing

It seems you want to grow heroes but don’t want them to be female. And don’t care to teach inclusiveness in any way.

Sorry. All that action was boring to me and I wouldn’t recommennd it to boys or girls for what it doesn’t teach.

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Just Coloring

Thanks to Linda G Hill for reminding me that I like to color. Here’s what I’ve done on my two coloring books I got for Christmas a couple years ago. Yeah, I don’t do it very often.



One-Liner Wednesday is brought to you by Linda G Hill.



Cleverly, (not so much, really) I have combined #AtoZChallenge with One-liner Wednesday! Check them out and come and play–and color!

The Christmas Dragon and other Seasonal StoriesThe Christmas Dragon and other Seasonal Stories by Katharina Gerlach

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a quick read. I thought since my tree is still up I could still handle me some Christmas, especially if there are dragons! Check and check!

If you read my reviews often, you know I am not a fan of short stories. I love long series type reads. I like getting to know the characters really well. But I have read other books by Katharina Gerlach that were delightful so I knew I couldn’t go wrong. I just needed to read something light between the heavier reads of post-apocalyptic dramas and the next long read. This hit the spot!

Did I mention it has dragons? And that starts with the first story that was touching and sweet. I think it was my favorite of all the stories.

Please, if you need a Hallmark moment that includes Christmas and Dragons, give this gem a read!

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WINDOWS: A Broken Fairy TaleWINDOWS: A Broken Fairy Tale by Casey Bramble

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book took me forever to read. Though it had a lot of good things going for it, still, there were many times I wanted to put the book away and forget about it. Let’s start with the good: I loved the characters, at least the main ones… okay maybe I loved the blacksmith.

Second, I thought the story and plot were a very good idea. BUT… The plot got to certain places where it just bogged down. Not sure why. I think the sisters were too silly, and Raven needed therapy, badly. But I wanted to know what would happen with Sarah (blacksmith) so I stuck it out.

Oh, I love a book that includes romance and lesbians. That was a plus. But it took far too long to get there

I loved that there was a dragon!!!!! And I thought it clever to have the mixture of medieval and modern times, i.e. refrigerators and stoves; castles with dungeons; jeans and T-shirts and balls with long gowns. The worst for me was wishing the author had done more that a spell check. ‘To’ and ‘too’ were mixed up, ‘quite’ and ‘quiet’, ‘then’ and ‘than’. It got worse toward the end, whole sentences were messed up and hard to understand. Sadly, that was when I was most engaged with the story.

The worst is that it left me feeling the need to find out what happens next. A real cliffhanger. After so many days reading this, I don’t get to know what happens next? Boo! Not sure if I am engaged enough to read the next book.

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Children's book: Pete the Amazing Dragon (Fairy tales books)
Children’s book: Pete the Amazing Dragon (Fairy tales books) by Tal Nir
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I love dragons! I love chocolate! How could I resist this free Kindle book? I loved the cover picture, too. The rest was only okay. Sorry. I wanted more and bigger pictures and was annoyed by the writing that had many uncomfortable sentences. Rhyming ‘well’ with ‘well’ well…

When I review children’s books I try to think of what my children would have liked, what would have spawned great conversations, what I would have enjoyed. I think mine would have gone back to books with more and bigger illustrations. I do like the fact that you can get the coloring book. That would have drawn us all into possible addicts of Pete the Dragon. This one just didn’t work well as a Kindle book for me.

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