Tag Archive: ebook

Deadly Wrong (Preternatural Affairs, #5)Deadly Wrong by S.M. Reine

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I thought I was caught up with Ms. Sara Reine’s series. That’s what I get for thinking! She sent me another couple books to review. Whew! That is one prolific author!!!!!

Okay, my tags may include zombies. Don’t be afraid she’s not the “Brains” kind. She just a little undead. Or should I say, a little or almost dead? I love the main character. I like her a lot more than the usual person who inhabits the Preternatural Affairs series. Even though Cesar Chavez is an interesting person, I think Ms. Isobel Stonecrow is much more interesting. Even if she is nearly dead.

When I get e-books sent to me, I have the choice to use my USB to transfer to my Kindle, or email to my Kindle address. But it is so much easier to download the e-book into my Moon Reader Pro. Then I don’t need to read it on my Kindle and my Tablet or Fire together. Because I need the text-to-speech feature I need two items to read with. On MRP I listen on my tablet and the font is adjustable. So it makes me very happy, everything on one reader.

This was a quick read for me. I found it fun and scary. I mean, it does take us to Dis/Hell for a while with demons and nightmares all around. But Isobel can hold her own and even when she makes mistakes they seem to go in her favor in the end. I can’t wait to read more!

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Alien Within (Sandi Nuolla Book 1)Alien Within by Karen Forrester

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Okay. This was more like it. A sci-fi with strong female leads. Other planets and peoples. Bad people that want to take over the Earth. All happening while we get to know a nice main character, Sandi.

I am having trouble avoiding spoilers. I guess all I can say is read it for yourself. Especially if you love sci-fi with strong females. Warning: there are LGBTQ themes, but not in ways that are overwhelming. Just the right amount for folks that are more advanced than our current population in ways of love.

This edition was given to me during an author giveaway for free-4-reviews. I feel so lucky that I was able to read it. It was fun. I miss it already! I look forward to a possible book two, please, please, please. I will read Karen Forrester’s book Inner Mind/Outer Space, just to keep the good feelings alive that I got from Alien Within.

By the way, these two books I placed in my Moon Reader Pro so that my tablet could use its text-to-speech. I do love that program. It makes reading faster and easier for me.

So, sci-fi friends, please seek these books out and enjoy!

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The Desert ThiefThe Desert Thief by Daniel Patrick

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclosure: I was given this copy in exchange for an honest review.

Daniel Patrick has done it again! This was the second book in his children/young adult series involving Lara and her locket. It is very steampunk and fun. There are new friends and dangers, including the sinister Sora who is out to kill Lara and get her locket.

The first book The Locket Thief felt very much like Golden Compass without daemons and drunken polar bears. But this had just as much action and adventure. This book made a great continuation of the first.

Daniel’s characters are fun and likable with a bad guy you love to hate. There is flying in airships and long treks through the lands below. I really like the new people. I didn’t so much at first. I didn’t understand the beginning with a differing point of view but I stuck with it and soon understood.

I have to admit that I wasn’t in a childrens’ book mood so it took a lot for me to get into it. Having it downloaded in my Moon Reader Pro helped with that as I just put on the text-to-speech and allowed the story to encompass me. Soon I couldn’t stop and found myself reading far later than I should. I blame this book for my 2PM wake up. Where does the day go when you rise so late?

If you’re looking for a fun little adventure to pull you out of your mully grubs this is the series for you.

One note, I would suggest reading both books as closely as possible if you have a memory like mine. I think I could have used more reminders like, Where did the locket come from? Why is it important? Who were the folks that died before and how did they die? Mr. Patrick did include a few clues but I could have used more.
And… I hope there will be more as I am concerned about threads that weren’t neatly tied up. At least I’m left feeling safe, no cliffhangers.

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Home, Sweet Home
Home, Sweet Home by Amitis Karami

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oh, that was adorable! I loved the illustrations and the sweet story.

Though I found the poetry forced. It would read aloud well as the rhythm stayed true, it was more the word order that bothered me.

When I read children’s stories I imagine reading them to my four kids… when they were kids. Back then we had goats and chickens, ducks, a dog and a cat. Thank goodness we had a barn! A discussion would have followed the read. We would have talked about how nice it was for the lady to take in her cold, wet friends. How we should always try to be kind to others, golden rule recited. How our animals give us so much including food, love and laughs.

There were pages that might work better in paper form, such as the picture of the friends with the lady in the bed were cut in half. I have no idea how that could be fixed for Kindle or epub.

Thank you for sharing this sweet book with me. I would give this four stars. I thinks it is fantastic for a first!

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My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Oh, I am so mad!!!!! I hate when this happens. I’m trying to clean up on books that have been sitting around for a long time. In this case, it was a Smashwords freebie. I know, what did I want for free? Nowhere did the ebook announce that it was a sample. I was reading along with the text-to-speech going. The indicator said I would finish this book in an hour. I thought it was a short story and I could free up a tiny amount of space if I read it. An hour later was an actual cliffhanger with the advertisement to get the real book on Amazon, Kobo, etc. So grumbling I clicked on the URL and saw that the real thing was actually FREE. Had it cost anything I would have backed away. But then the Amazon ad came up that I could get the Audible version for only $1.99. So I got it.

So far I kind of like the main character. I find it impossible that she and her sister had lived alone for so long and her not know how to hunt and fish. What have they been living off of? Then there is a tree that falls over from pushing it with her knife edge. TOO many impossible things. If she hadn’t ridden on the motor bike for a long time, what makes her think she can drive it at such horrendous speeds? Okay, I know, I should have suspended disbelieve and just enjoyed it as a tale.

I think I will let this one go at one star for now, let some time go by and come back in with the narrator helping me.

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The Witch Sea
The Witch Sea by Sarah Diemer
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Talk about overdoing it. I picked up the free version on Smashwords.com. Then forgot I had it and picked up the free one on Amazon! By the way, it is still free on both sites.

This was a short but sweet book. I loved the characters Nor, the sea person, and Meriel, the witch. Though there is a brief romantic tryst between the characters, it didn’t overpower the story. I liked that for the quick read.

I loved how both characters came together to understand they could help each other as they were both prisoners of their respective dwellings. I loved the descriptions of sea and surf.

Short stories are not my thing. They always make me want to know more about the characters, and learn what happens next. I love knowing people in my real life in a deeper way. I want to know what they think, what makes them tick. I am very bad at social small talk. So I think that is why short stories don’t appeal to me. Sorry.

Anyway, if you are so inclined, check out this sweet story.

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The Well of Loneliness
The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I picked up this ebook through this website:
https://www.free-ebooks.net/ebook/The-Well-of-loneliness And yes, it was free. It was quite a while ago so I had to do some searching to figure out where it came from.

This book was very relatable. If you have ever felt like you didn’t belong to the norm for whatever reason, you understand the loneliness of the main character. Parents set you up? Check. Parents, relatives and friends find you weird? Check. All those feelings are beautifully, nearly poetically spelled out.

With the flavor of pre-WWI English, similar to Jane Austin the main character looks for love and feel quite unlovable. She learned that she doesn’t go for men but rather for women. The word ‘lesbian’ isn’t used. Gay refers to the tablecloth. In a time when all of this was far less accepted as it is now, one finds that we haven’t come as long a way as we may hope.

This story is anguishing and sad. It made my blood boil. It was tender. There are times when the tears are so close. BUT it was dreadfully boring at times. I read it on my Tablet using Moon Reader Pro so it could read to me. I tried very hard to read while listening, but there were times I got so distracted that I realized that whole chapters had whizzed on by.

Some consider this a classic and it does have that feel about it. It’s worth reading so that you can say you did. Maybe, if a read person narrated it it would keep my interest all the way through. I wonder if it has ever been made into a movie? I think it could be done quite well. The author gave many descriptions of gardens and lakes. It could be visually delicious!

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Lost in Prophecy
Lost in Prophecy by S.M. Reine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well, at least I didn’t finish this after midnight! This is non-stop action from beginning to end. I find myself panting a little from all the running, and fighting.

In fact, it is all that fighting that I found overwhelming. Though I love Elise Cavanaugh, I agree more with the pacifist, Rylie. Surely our kind of book would be boring with everyone just getting along. And, no doubt, this is the story the characters fed to the inkster, S.M. Reine. But, oh, my gosh! Can’t I breathe a moment?

Once again, I longed for a character list as some folks are brought back that I couldn’t place until they are explained in answer to others’ questions. Still once I knew who they were I could understand why they were there.

This book left me feeling the cliffhanger. Maybe with all the books that came before, I could have handled it with some grace, but I have to wait until summer to find out what happens.

I have the first book of the next series lined up, but I am a little concerned that I need to finish the Ascension series before jumping into Preternatural Affairs. This has been a fun bunch of books to read. I love Sara’s writing, very strong and in the moment.

Though this ARC was given to me for an honest review, I found very few problems. In fact, if there were errors I didn’t notice as the story kept me going. Can’t wait for summer!

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Caged in Bone
Caged in Bone by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Whew! Another 3:30 morning for sleep. Today I slept until nearly 3:00 in the afternoon. Caged in Bone was so stimulating that I just couldn’t go to sleep even when I finished reading it. Sure we were left in a safe spot having a few threads tied up. But you could tell there was more. Luckily, I was too tired to see if I had the next book ready so I didn’t start reading it yet. I am itchy to get started on it, though.

Have I mentioned that I love Elise Cavanough? After this many books with her as the main character, I nearly think of her as real. Heck, she did live in Reno for quite a while; she could have been a neighbor. **wink**

This book is a continuation of the stories before, saving Heaven (Shamain), trying to resurrect someone we love (sorry, Spoilers!) all the while each character fighting their own personal demons, real and imagined. The book grabs you and won’t let go.

By the way, disclaimer: I was given this book by the author for an honest review. So I say, those five stars and my review are fully an honest reaction to a fantastic book in a fantastic series of serieses (is that a word?).

Please read these books. Starting with Seasons of the Moon series, then Cain Chronicles, then Descension and Ascension (which I think I am nearing the end) then the newest one is the Preternatural Affairs series. I can’t wait!

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Ruled by Steel
Ruled by Steel by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I was given this ebook by the author for an honest review.

Let me take a side step from the review to talk about Moon Reader Pro. Most books I read nowadays are read on my Second Generation Kindle with text-to-speech. I have a newer Kindle but the TST is not as human sounding. When I get an ebook that isn’t for the Kindle (Yes, I know I can move the book into Kindle manually, by Calibre, or by sending as email but I’m lazy) I usually open it in Moon Reader Pro. I love this program because of all the features. If you don’t need the TST but would like to challenge your reading speed you can set that and a line keeps you on track. Even the TST can be speeded up or slowed down much more incrementally than on Kindle. You can have your choice of voices, but they are both rather tinny. Even so there is a bit of emotion added to the voice that keeps the story moving. Another feature is the time left in the book and chapter according to the current reading speed. By the way, MRP is an app you can get from Amazon for a small fee. There is a free version, but I liked it so much I went for the full, and it works for Fire, my Android phone and my Tablet, so I am never without a book that can read to me. And the MRP highlights the part it is reading unlike the Kindle.

Okay, back to the book. So I was reading it on my Tablet. The tinny voice going while I’m crocheting, but I wasn’t getting much out of it as a listener. I put away my project and pulled myself into the story, fully paying attention. Even so, I found the first chapter or so boring. I don’t know why. Maybe being left with such horrid outcomes in the last book? But, truth be told, I think the author was screwing with the reader here. She allowed a calm before the storm, so to speak. Because once this story got under way, it soared! I couldn’t stop reading! And here is where MRP comes in. At the most exciting part I was being told that I had two more hours left in the book. It was midnight. 2:00 AM is a decent bedtime for me. BUT not after this book! I couldn’t sleep after I was finished because I was SO excited I couldn’t settle down for a few more hours. SO advice: don’t read this before going to sleep!

I was happy that the pack and the angels got involved in this book. I liked all the characters and their interactions. If you have followed my reviews from the beginning of SM Reine’s books, you may have noticed that I wasn’t fond of werewolves or demons or angel stories. Ms. Reine changed all that. They are now characters as real as humans in my reading diet. I suppose vampires are next since I don’t like those much. We’ll see. (Confession: I love Vampire Diaries on TV, and I loved Moonlight so…)

Anyway, this book was an all out war with everyone taking hits from every side. It was personal and in your face. Even now as I am into the next book the battles are still raging in my head, as are the questions I dare not speak for ‘Spoilers’. I hope answers are forth coming. I am in this world and can’t leave until I am caught up with Sara’s writing. That is how gripping her books are. Start reading them with the Seasons of the Moon series, then Cain Chronicles, then Descent, then Ascent and woops! There is a new one, Preternatural Affairs. Ms. Reine needs to stop writing so I can catch up! 🙂 Meanwhile, those of you that haven’t started yet, you are in for an adventure that doesn’t stop! Enjoy!

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