Tag Archive: ebook

Review: Silver Tongue

Silver Tongue
Silver Tongue by Evelyn Ink
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: This was a free Smashwords ebook from the author for an honest review, Thank you!

I love the way Evelyn Ink thinks. Her books are always so creative and fun. The worlds she builds are like our own but not. The people have many words similar to ours and some that stray from ours but in logical ways. The best part about her worlds are that they are somewhat steampunkie with aeroships at the like. Her characters are believable, flawed but ever growing.

Silver Tongue’s blurb presents the book as dark and scary. As a middle schooler or junior high student that might be thrilling but as an older student I think this book is just a fun adventure. I can imagine reading this book to my own children so long ago and having a great time with it. But it isn’t simple. Older people can enjoy it, too!

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Love and Cola Wars
Love and Cola Wars by Heidi Loney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: This ebook was a gift from the author for an honest review.

If I were a teen this would probably be getting a much higher rating. Even so, I would say this rates a 3.5 star rating. So I rounded it up.

What was good? The book didn’t get mired down in the angst that a lot of YA romance novels do. What worries presented were not hormonal but rather more about life lessons and growth of characters. I liked that we got to see the romance from several points of view. Parents and their own problems were included. There was even a little sister who was given worth beyond being cute. Bravo! The main characters were both strong in their own right yet flawed making them realistic. The story was good. There were a few plot threads so as to keep it all interesting. And I felt I learned something. The terms and play of fencing as a sport was explained while not getting bogged down in detail.

What was bad? Not much, actually. As I’m thinking about this I feel it is my own age that prevented me from immersing in the story as a reader should. Oh, and assumption that Coke is number one. I prefer Diet Pepsi!

Conclusion? If you like Young Adult Romance, this is a book for you.

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Review: Downgrade

Downgrade by Jacqueline Patricks
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I was gifted this short story for honest review.

First of all, I was rather disappointed that this was so short with no resolution. With all the CSI type shows out there this would only be the opening scene. Castle would have asked a lot more questions. But I suppose that the paramedic doesn’t get involved in the suicide/murder question. Their job is pronounce the victim or save the victim. So… in that aspect it was a realistic depiction.

Second, I don’t read bloody, smelly stories. Not if I can help it. To the author’s credit, she did an excellent job describing all the sensations one might feel, smell, taste, see, or hear in this kind of scene making it immediately accessible to the reader. That is what we are taught to do as writers. But in this case… TMI? I suppose if you are into these kinds of stories this would be perfect. For me… I think I will go get a breath of fresh air and dive into another sci-fi or fantasy.

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A Story of River
A Story of River by Lana Axe
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I am one of the few people that finds Lord of the Rings to be the most boring, male chauvinist books around. So I have to say, that if you like LotR you might like this. I found myself wanting to read other books. I had a hard time liking any of the characters. The one I did like? Well, I think the author didn’t know what to do with that character. Too bad. She was the only female that wasn’t arm candy.

The last few chapters of the book were engaging but had I not felt I needed to read this, I wouldn’t have gotten that far. I hate to give such a mediocre review. It was free for an honest review so I felt I should. But like I said above, there are a lot of male nerds and geeks that would love this and want it to be a video game they could play in their mother’s basement. Bad Dar, snark much?

Oh, I did like the dryads and River, too bad the story didn’t surround those instead of evil and war. Meh.

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Review: Decades

Decades by Anne de Gandt
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This was too poetic and not enough action for me to stay interested. Sorry. It was only a sample that I got from Smashwords. I don’t think I will be buying the book. For friends who are more inclined to read poetry this might be right up your alley.

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Review: Unbreakable

Unbreakable by Joann Lee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Is there anything that befalls womankind that doesn’t appear in this series? Whew! Don’t get me wrong, as much as is covered in these books, these are not thrillers. Suspense is there, but you have a confidence that it will work out. Love seems to pull the characters and reader through it all.

This second book is even better than the first, if that’s possible. The characters are wonderful. I love them all. Well, that is, except the bad ones and even they are believable. This book had more the stresses of life as a rock-star and cop couple who happen to be lesbian. In this book we see the stresses of married life, fertility treatments, adoptions and so much more.

Erotica peppers the two books, but I feel it is fun and a natural part of being a couple. Spice of life, you know?

My favorite parts of the books, aside from the above fun, was the child, Calista. I fell in love with her in the last book, starting with sandcastles and that love continues into this one.

Although I have watched the reality show with Guiliana and Bill and the troubles they had with IVF treatments, I think climbing into the minds of Lynn and Alexis gave me a better appreciation of what women, couples, go through to get and stay pregnant.

That was on top of the bigoted treatment the couple had sustained in their individual lifetimes. When others can’t find it in themselves to love you in spite of the fact that you don’t fit their idea of what is normal and acceptable, yet all you want is love.

Gosh, I miss Lynn and Alexis! Though the author didn’t leave us on a cliffhanger, there were enough threads to let us know we were not finished. I can hardly wait to read book three!

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Broken Star
Broken Star by Joann Lee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a fun book. I loved the characters, plots, and sub-plots. It was very sexy, romantic. If you don’t like lesbian romance this isn’t for you. I believe love is love and found this delightful.

I especially liked the little daughter. The author made her so realistic. I wanted to give her a hug and kiss on the forehead.

For those who might feel hesitant to read a mystery/thriller, know that the levels of anxiousness are not too high. I don’t think I will have any bad dreams about this book. The good feelings far outweigh the bad.

At midnight, I finished the book yet wasn’t ready to go to sleep, so I started book 2. Book 1 didn’t end with a cliffhanger, so it could be read and left behind until you are ready to read the next book. All threads were nicely tied up.

One small thing, there were a lot of places that could have used better editing. But that didn’t detract from the story; plot and character kept me engaged.

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Review: Viktoria

Viktoria by Kim Dallmeier
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I don’t know what to think about this book. There were promising threads of plot I wanted to see pursued but instead the story seemed to stay wrapped up in relationship angst. In many ways I found it depressing.

The parts about spirits/ghosts I found interesting. The part about the pagan/spiritualist school was interesting. Now maybe these threads will be caught up into the next book in the series–there is a next book, isn’t there?

Now that I am writing this I see that I do want to see what happens next. Guess I will have to look up book two.

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Review: Proximity

Proximity by M.A. George
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I picked up this book on an author-giveaway-day on Smashwords. Somehow I forgot that I already had it. Then Kindle had a freebie day and I pick it up there, too. Does that ever happen to you? I look at the cover, it does play into how I feel about a book. Then I read the blurb and about the author. This book must have passed those criteria with flying colors!

After a slow start, getting to know the characters, Proximity took off. I was hooked. From about 60% of the book, I couldn’t stop reading. In fact, I was still reading at 5 this morning. Thank goodness for an ending that didn’t leave me hanging. Sure there was a few threads that need to be taken care of, but I was left elated which, of course, made me wakeful, wondering how the next bits will be taken care of. (Non-spoiler enough?)

I can’t wait for payday so I can get the next book. Thank you M.A. George for writing such a different, kind of story. Oh, and I need to mention how I loved that the characters were very well educated with goals and talents, along with a little romance. Very good!

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Review: The Locket Thief

The Locket Thief
The Locket Thief by Daniel Patrick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thank you, Daniel Patrick, for the offer of a lifetime! You were right! This book was brilliant! I hated when real life drew me away from reading it.

This book is like a combination Golden Compass, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Annie. The action and adventure never lets up. The characters are well developed. I loved that it felt gender neutral. I think young men and women would love this equally, as well as children and senior citizens. There’s something there for everyone. This could easily be made into a movie.

***The problems written here before have been edited out. So this author deserves five plus stars!!!!***

Fabulous read! Thanks, again! Can’t wait to read the next book!

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