Prequel: An American Fight Against FascismPrequel: An American Fight Against Fascism by Rachel Maddow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been finished with this book for a few days. It is so heavy in history that I couldn’t bring it all in. I may have to buy it and reread it. Luckily, I could read it by Libby audio.

Rachel does her own narrating. That made it better. She can take you back in historical situations so that you know more than names and dates (the things taught to me in history classes of my youth). She can almost take you back to the time the first dinosaur thought of the inconvenience of that leaf and how it led to the conflict of World War II. Her deep research is evident.

There were far more people involved in that war than we were taught in school. And much of what we got had to be taught cleaned up in a way that not just kids but everyone could take it in. There was a reason most veterans of that war said nothing about what happened. They only knew the bit of the war they were in. It was truly a World War, and many people were involved in many aspects. This book covers a lot of them. And how people in many countries, even ours, were placated to or induced into beliefs they might not readily have fallen for otherwise.

I highly suggest everyone read this. I think it could be a textbook for a true history class. I know many won’t want to read it. That’s okay. For those open to try, please do so.

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