Tag Archive: friends

Found on Facebook, thanks Cher!
Thanks, Linda for fun prompts like One-Liner Wednesday

It’s not like this, but I would love it! Sadly, it has not been on my diet for a couple of years now!

Per Linda:

Your prompt for JusJoJan, January 25th, 2024, is “cheesy.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Cheesy is from Yvensong. Check out my friend Yvensong’s blog. It’s not too cheesy!

She would definitely say I’m cheesy.

I’d say all my friends have to be a little cheesy. We are like fine cheese. The outside may not look like much, but we are aged to perfection.

Photo by Mark Stebnicki on Pexels.com

It’s kind of sad how the world forces us to look at one another. We tend to see the package first. Well, I can tell you my friends had great packages way back when; I did, too. Sure, there were the imperfections we saw in ourselves, but looking back, we were something. Now, we have gone through a lot of life working on our issues and trying to become better people. I think we succeeded. And we are following our passions, the things that draw us to learn more and extend ourselves.

But when we get together, it is hard to say goodbye. We enjoy our time together even though we can only see each other through the internet. We are grateful we can see each other. Physically, it is getting harder and harder with lack of funds and aging joints, so a few hours being cheesy, or communicating our lives to each other, is so worth the wi-fi interruptions and family intrusions.

Each friend:

Monday’s Maxim

Found on Facebook


I brought my little kit with me. My friend and I sat and DPed while watching The Umbrella Academy.

It’s been in the 100s so sitting around in the cool house made for quieter fun.

Here’s what I got done so far.

Bits of the kit. How the moon looked before the diamonds.
First side finished yesterday.

Back side finished today. I still have a couple more forms to work on. This kit is portable and easy to do in small bits.

I’ve got a pair of socks going, too.

Just a couple of rows and it’ll be time for the heels. This yarn is soft. It’s charity yarn so these will go to the giveaway bag. I need to take the bag to the charity. It’s getting full!

We took a little trip to see our friend. It was good to see her healthy. We laughed and enjoyed each other’s company at a park. Starting the visit with a COVID test to make sure the exposure she had from a previous meeting was negative is a weird way to start a visit. But we are rather in that vulnerable population so we have to be careful. She was negative. So we celebrated life.

I’m having a blast this week. Friends and my adult children on long visits are building my memory banks with love.

Family Fun

I got to road trip then spend time with my son and daughter. And SO daughter. We had a lot of fun. It was HOT so we couldn’t do much and stay COVID safe but we managed.

Now I get to visit friends.

Why do I turn into a crybaby when I have to leave?

Happy Thanksgiving

I couldn’t decide which Bitmoji said it best. So enjoy. By the way, I’m actually making and eating instapot turkey first turkey I’ve had in decades. Looking forward to Zoom time with family.

The only thing I won’t be eating.

I can think of names of people I know who have heard me say that I didn’t believe Pyramid Lake existed. Julie, Cheryl, Chris, Yve are a few.

The thing is, while I lived in Reno, NV, I made many plans to see said lake. But plans fell through every single time.

Finally, I got there. It was beautiful and peaceful. Unfortunately, it was very hot so we didn’t stay long. But here is the proof:

Please Wiki the lake. It had quite the story to tell. Tufa and all

As of Tomorrow:

For those who need to know; travel Monday and see you soon!

Hope. That is the word in my constant thoughts. 

I hope they can knock down the fires with the least amount of harm to lives and land as possible.

My husband took this when out shopping. This was looking south, the direction I hope to travel soon.

I hope the fires are out so folks can enjoy their summer.  Not just mine. Everyone has been trapped from the pandemic and now we all hope we can get out and enjoy each other and the world at large.

And just as we all feel safer about venturing out, fires, floods, hurricanes, a new variant. I hope our glee to enjoy life isn’t premature.

I hope to hug my adult children and their new families.

I hope the routes are free and clear to make a safe, fun drive. I don’t want to push the fates or God with my will on this. My regrets could outnumber my desires, I’m afraid.

So it is with hope I face this next week. And as in the year past I’ll be flexible to how it works out.

Per Linda G. Hill

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “hope.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Finished Friday

I wish I could say I have finished a whole pair of socks. Instead, I have to claim a sock and nearly another, minus the cuff. I think it is safe to say that the pair should be whole by Sunday.

I’m still teaching myself to circular needle knit a pair of toe-up magic circle socks. I’m giving up on the provisional cast-on. I think it isn’t the actual cast-on that bothers me; you aren’t starting at the tip of the toe but farther in. So my blog-friend at Missy’s Crafty Mess   shared her favorite cast-on. It does seem a lot more logical, so I’m frogging those again and trying this instead. Maybe I should call it Frogging Friday at this point?


It was a fun Friends Friday as my buds and I did our regular Zoom get-together. While we were chatting, our weather here went from sunny to a layer of snow. Now it is mostly gone. Sorry to the rest of the country that is getting overloaded with the stuff. We need lots more as our drought continues. But it was fun to watch this out my front window.


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