Tag Archive: G

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter F

Courtesy of my daughter. Thanks! She was going for a walk with Maggie, her dog. They saw a Family of Four Foxes.

She only captured the one. Isn’t he/she cute?
#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter G

Gratefully, I’m making strides on many levels. German is coming along. I’ve added more languages. I think 12 now. I doubt I will ever be conversant in most of them. But with two grandmothers who died from Alzheimer’s, I’m trying to keep my brain learning new things. LOTS OF NEW THINGS.

And I work both sides as much as I can. I have never been a left brained person so I do the Sudoku. I’ve nearly finished a whole book. I play math games.

Not quite this hard. Cross Math and Number Crush.

Music uses both sides, both hands. And that’s moving along, too.

Gradually the diamond paintings are coming along. I think these are mostly right-brained. The beach scene and the lighthouse cause my brain to relax and stay organized.

If you tap on the picture you can enlarge and see that I’m nearly finished.

This one is small. That is the only good thing. The glue is inconsistent, the symbols are hard to decipher. The drills are irregular. Still, both keep my hands busy.

One more thing I’m grateful for is

Gentle love and long adoring purring sessions between. Rosey and her favorite person. Grins and gratitude.

Per Linda: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “starts with gen.” Find a word that starts with “gen” and use it in your post. Have fun!

This is to combine the SoCS with the AtoZ Challenge that I seem ahead of? I thought yesterday was G, but oh, well, I’ll go with it and stream as it will.

While everyone is concentrating on Easter and streaming and the challenges, I am still editing my CampNaNo novel, Reflexion. The ‘G’ word is Generate, something I need to do. I can’t wait to finish the edits to part one and actually start writing part two. I may actually get finished by tomorrow. I’m hoping that I won’t get garbage, but when letting the consciousness play and put the editor away, you gather the flowers with the thorns, if you get my drift. Generally, I know where the story is going, but now is not the time to worry about grace. Writing is fairly graceless. Editing is when you can make good, or almost good, to great. I hope.

The story I’m writing is sci-fi with ghosts. That is who is doing the reflections of the crew. Grand and Greatgrandparents who didn’t want to travel were left behind on Earth, but they chose to go with the space team in the end. And their ability to be there and unseen by many helps solve a lot of problems but gives grounds for a lot more growth.

Ah, well, back to editing. GROAN!

Ah, well, I’m still:

A-to-Z Challenge, G

Good Grief!

(Does that count?)

Finished Friday (leftovers from yesterday) is a little disappointing as life got in the way of actually finishing. I still have a couple rows to do on my socks. Half a chapter to edit on the first part of my goals for CampNaNo. Two other sock projects are no way near finished. One has been frogged and waiting to start again. I had hoped to start writing on part 2 of my Reflexions novel but needed to finish the editing.

Maybe tomorrow.

So anyway:

Glorious Good Friday to all who follow the tradition.

Guess we need to gather our guest some grub!”

Milo and Zella took Ora to meet the new administrator the next day. That was how he met her at his door. His greeting was pleasant enough. He made the grand gourmet gesture but the gloom in his eyes as he glared from Milo to Zella proved he still held a grudge against the ones he thought to cause the uprising.

A guard stood nearby with a gun in his gloved hand. The two had gotten his goat more than a few times since. They could see him grind his teeth. His goal seemed apparent that he would prefer the death of these two. Yet he seemed to like the new person they had brought him.

In general, he thought of himself as a good person. He had nothing to gain by killing anyone. But he’d grown up here. He was genetically guaranteed to inherit this position. And wasn’t that what this whole experiment was all about? The best, most pure humans. Not gutter rats like these and their crazy offspring. They should all be sent out to graze in the meadows like the other beasts.

Ora was glad that she wasn’t in the gown she wore to Xeno. At least right now this guy was treating her with some sort of respect. But she saw how he looked at Milo and Zella. She heard the hate for Daniel. Why hadn’t their first try to educate this world worked? But the silence was a clue that she should speak. “Thank you, Mr. Administrator, sir. The meal looks delicious!”

“You may call me George. George Goodman. And it is customary to meet our new members with sustenance. We know that many have been scattered out through the wilderness and need food before they could possibly be the useful citizen needed in this society.


Those were the first few paragraphs in today’s CampNaNo writing. As my plan to follow as best I can the A-to-Z blogging and try for 50,000 words during the month of April. At last count, I have 10,343 I need 11,662 before the end of the day. Sometimes I cheat and include blogs and reviews and journals to pad the count. Often those things help and I can move them into parts of yWriter that don’t end in the count as soon as I have more story words. I don’t really consider it cheating as the point of this is the writing and writing as fast as you can without editing at the moment. You can go back and take care of big obvious spelling or grammar (will that count as a G word?) errors but it is best to lock the editor in a cell and at the end of the month or even later let him out for good. This month the story made me join the Camp folks and it promised it had the words. So as the gullible ghostwriter for Haven‘s newest story (Haven in 3D–not available yet) I relinquish control and just type. (Seems once I get started I can’t stop on some letters. Not looking forward to X).

If any of this sounds like fun for you, any of the underlined weblinks or even the pictures will take you to the places to get started. Now back to writing furiously!

#A to Z Challenge–G

Going, Going, Gone? GNot!


Kali’s first ‘outside’ of the day. Hubby took her out around 11 last night and proclaimed it was snowing. I took her an hour later and it was just wet. (We are late night people so Kali is too.) This morning at 9:30 there was snow on everything.


See all the brown? Snow goes away quickly where the quail get fed. Oh, and Kali isn’t looking at the car. There is a quail still finishing up and two seconds later she is attempting flight. For walkers, quail CAN fly away quickly. Kali hasn’t quite mastered it even though her huge ears are flapping.


If you can see her please give her a bit of privacy, please. I couldn’t see the screen of my phone the sun was so bright so I didn’t realize she was in the middle of the picture.


Front yard. Look at that sky!

So Father Winter isn’t quite finished with us but Spring Sun has it melted by noon. But more clouds means he’s not finished for the day. At least the temps are not so cold anymore.


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