Tag Archive: gratitude

via Working On Us- Passive Suicidal Ideation 

This is worth the read. If my computer were less glitchy I’d add to the responses. Meanwhile, read my friend, Sadje’s response.


Once again, sorry I’m late. Crazy computer problems.

If anyone wants to join in the #ShareYourWorld fun, check out Cee’s Photograph. Her site is wonderful to look at and she has many fun prompts to play along with, whether writing or photography.


Have you ever participated in a distance walking, swimming, running, or biking event? Tell your story.

No. I haven’t done that. I would love to be in good enough shape to do it. On the other hand, I have been known to walk the 8-mile round trip to get my mail. Not very often, and VERY slow.

Name one thing not many people know about you.

I used to be a Shirley Temple fan. I knew all her songs and even tried to dress like her, curl my hair like her. Okay, it was sixth grade. What do you want? At the same time, she became a diplomat. She was a pretty good role model for a young girl.

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What is your favorite flower?

There are two. Hyacinths

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and Hydrangeas.


The first for the wonderful scent of spring. The second for memories of playing bride with my grandmother’s forbidden bouquets. I can still hear her yelling at me for picking them. That was in my Annie Oakley days.

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Things I want to have in my home (paintings, hot tubs, bookcases, big screen tv etc)

Though I like to paint and look at paintings, I have never had much desire to add to my confusion but hanging things on the walls. I have a bunch of pictures I think about doing this with but can’t bring myself to mess us a perfectly good blank space.

I’d love to have a hot tub and a never ending pool. I love being in the water, I love swimming!

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One can never have enough shelves or books! Even with my eye issues, I want a lot of books around me and the best way to organize books is shelves.


Nowadays we are all watching our own things. A big screen TV seems like overkill.

I’d like my dishwasher to work, but we are doing fine with all of us keeping that up. I wish I had a built-in vacuum system because we are all bad at doing that chore right now.

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Hubby and I need new beds (he needs a reclining type). Our bedroom shower needs to be usable as getting in and out of my life-dream of an antique claw-foot tub is dangerous for us now. 😦

Mostly what we need is more outside storage, a shed to keep our tools in. A chicken coop that can be moved. A dog-run for Kali to be outside more–with a house and protection from predators.

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While doing this dreaming, a few more windows need to be doubled for the weather. A working self-sufficient system for water and power, and heating. A swamp cooler might be nice.

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A wrap-a-round porch me and a cat-io for my felines. And a lot fewer weeds as I know the three of us will never get this house protected by fire on our own power with hoes and rakes.


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I don’t want much. 😉

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

At this point last week is so long ago. I guess that in itself is something to be grateful for. Getting the double recliner into the living room. Life is coming together for us. I still love it here and am so grateful for the wonderful people we have met here.

I’m looking forward to seeing my offspring as they tell me they are coming up soon! Yay! I’m so glad the weather is getting better so I can see family and friends from elsewhere.

Move Made Manifest

At last, the “iffy” trip and the “iffy” purchase of the acre and the double wide mobile have manifested. I’m sitting in my office/studio/escape looking out my window and seeing miles and miles of sagebrush. I can see little tiny hills far, far away and I can see the horizon. And the sky above goes on forever with feather clouds here and there.

As I sit here I can think of all the times I wondered if this was really going to happen. All the things that could go wrong did go wrong. They made me doubt that I should do this. They made me determined to try harder, but I didn’t want to press the gods that made this happen. What if I were to find out that I’m not supposed to do this? But what if this is exactly what I’m supposed to do? And I go around in circles with this batch of questioning. Still, I was packing boxes and packing boxes and packing boxes.

You see the two-bedroom apartment cave that I lived in before cost me over double what we will pay for this place. Our lease was up and we knew we wouldn’t be able to afford to live in that cave another moment.

In spite of how small the place was, we filled a van that should take a three-bedroom home and still had so much more to figure out how to get it here, or if we should toss it. And that was with C’s son moved out. His bed was the sofa and that was his sofa. So where do we get all this stuff? And how did the place get so dirty? Well, 2+ years in bed basically. And of course, we all know that nobody else cleans except the woman of the house. The pain of the fibro and the depression and the social anxiety all of the bundled up for those two years and all I could do was lay in bed. I tried to get out. I wanted to see friends but when I got to the day of doing it. I’d hit a flare. But this summer was different. I felt better. I got to go on a couple road trips. I got to go swimming. Whatever made me feel better, I am so thankful for it. The “iffy” trip gave me hope, gave me something to live for. And here I am, ready or not!

22 Things Happy People Do Differently. Worth sharing! 🙂

The Undeniable Facts About The Safety Of Diet Coke.. One of my FaceBook friends posted this. I thought I would share here.

You know that feeling when you finally hit the sand at the beach, you take off your shoes and feel the warm grains of sand massaging, absorbing your feet and spirit, and then that precious moment when you stand in the foam and hear the pounding of waves, smell the salt in the air? Or that moment when the car gets to the forest of evergreens and you have to stop the car as your eyes release the tension of the sun and city, and you smell the pine and dirt? That is how this blog affected me.

Okay, I am not doing the sunrise thing. Been there, done that. But I understand the concept. The only way a sunrise is beautiful to me is when I have had a productive writing night and I see it as time to go to sleep, at last.

The rest of this speaks to my soul. I hope it speaks to yours, too. Thank you, Jasmine, for sharing on http://kuuleilani.wordpress.com.

16 steps to happiness.

Gratitude and Friends

I just finished sending a thank you note to a friend. This is what happened:

My eyes were getting worse and I found I couldn’t read ‘tree’ books. My friend, let’s call her Jane, heard my complaint and said she had a page magnifier. I declined it as I didn’t want her to sacrifice her own vision. Then I got paid and went ‘Amazoning’. I found one fairly inexpensive that might work. Meanwhile, another friend, let’s call her Sally, was upset that she couldn’t see to do her bead work. She and Jane met up together. Later Sally told me that Jane was passing a page magnifier to me. It works great for my needs and I passed the hands-free model to Sally.

The next email I read took me to this WordPress article.

Gratitude and Friends.

I am so grateful for my family and friends. Often it is hard to tell who is which.



Petualang Baru

Law that attracted me!

My transformation from outwardly rituals to internal mantra of sub conscious mind


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Sophia's Baseball Blog

I am a student who loves baseball. My goal is to become a professional sportswriter.

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How Free is Free

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...hard choices bring consequences and even harder choices... free will is the cause and effect of our lives...


مجلة السلام الاكترونية


Senior Girl Is Here. Now Ready Set Go Read Me.

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Navigating Health and Wellness in Today's World


System of thinking ( MIND )

Sentient Metaphysics

Spirituality And Psychic Development

Verse Voyager Books

Embark on Literary Journeys with Verses Unveiled.

The Wild Coach

The truth of the light and the light of the truth

Towards Good Life

Make your life more productive and feel free.