Tag Archive: Grey’s Anatomy

Filmage Friday

Here’s what I’ve been bingeing lately:

My son and I are on season 4 of 7 now. I finally like it. At one point a long time ago, my husband and I watched it weekly, and at one point, we both lost interest. Now the second watching, I was accompanied by my own geek son and his inside information of the characters. We’ve come full circle as I read comic books to him to help develop a desire to read, and soon I didn’t get to be a part of the comic team.

When he is not in the room, I have been bingeing Virgin River. I started from the beginning and soon realized that I had watched the first season. Now I am finished. But not before getting my husband into it, so he is off watching it again.

I need another ‘me’ binge to watch while knitting or editing. I have some like The Originals that I can totally ignore. I have no idea which season I am on or what is going on. I just know I don’t have commercials, and I don’t have to watch with attention.

I do the same with Star Treks. Although I can often bring some of the ideas into my writing. And I get sucked into the story on this one.

As everyone is getting excited about the Christmas line-ups, I am sad that things that barely got back are going into the holiday hiatus. I have loved Grey’s Anatomy and Station 19, and how well they approached the COVID19 situation.

I hope you all are finding ways to stay interested in the world and find good writing tools. I find those who put down TV or movies don’t understand the depth it takes to take the original writing, then adds so many other levels of arts: acting, music, make-up, costumes, scenery, so many people doing the best they can to bring stories to life. I love to read, purely read. But I find so much in other artforms, even the bad ones have put in a lot of work.


Oh and

Wow! When did it become Tuesday?


While knitting lots, today, the sky looked like this:

No. Not my photo but Pixabay.com

There were winds and lots of tiny hail and rain that made a lot of noise. It looked like we’d have a huge lightning storm but we only heard the thunder once. But, darn it, it is still cold. I know I will be complaining in a few days about 110 degrees heat. But it is May and I would appreciate 80 okay?

I guess I could catch up on my binges. I finally finished Grey’s Anatomy over the weekend.


Then I talked to my daughter who reminded me that I needed to catch up on This is Us.

I’m sad because even though I love those two shows, being done leaves me flopping around with that no friends to watch zone. Oh during that time my son and I found Little Monsters. We laughed and so enjoyed it. I know. Zombies. But it was more about how a kindergarten teacher saves the kids and a very messed up band member. I may have to watch it again soon. It made me happy.

Even though the weather is making me hurt, including my hands, I want to get back to finding something to watch while knitting. Those socks don’t knit themselves!




I don’t know if the croakers around here look like this guy. But as I take Kali out for the last couple times of the night I hear a chorus. It is so peaceful. I wish I could see them but they are in the neighbor’s yard this year so …

All-day bingeing Grey.  And playing games on my phone. Didn’t knit or draw or coloring. And Yipes it’s nearly the end of the month! There is a dragon with my name on it–or will be when I get it done.


Starting the morning I was able to Zoom a service. I nice way to start the day with a lot of positive goodness during a negative time.

And after that, we all watched Sunday Morning on CBS. I love that show. My favorite part is the moment of zen. Today no egrets, I mean, there were egrets.


So that’s #What Day It Is Anyway.

What Days Is It Anyway? A2Z-R

So after a day without the internet, and that at the end of being in a funk.

I decided to meander a bit using Bitmojis to help me keep the

I know I am blessed. I have lived a long and fantastic life. But I have to say, I am very ambivalent about everything right now.


Oh, gosh, this is so

But that is the haircut of my dreams right now. My hair has to be held back by barrettes. It tickles my ears and eyes all night. Before COVID19, I cut my own hair. I was a cosmetologist as a young adult. I understand hair. The plus side is I know how to do it. The negative side I can’t take my head off and put it on a wig stand and do the best I know how.  Maybe once it’s done I give ya a before and after.


I’m sitting here in my recliner bingeing Grey’s Anatomy and the episode Song Beneath the Song is on and that gets me every time. Check out the Chasing Cars part:

This is my favorite episode of almost any show ever! If you get the chance to watch all the music and singing, chills!!!!

Believe it or not, I was going a whole other way when I started writing here. I think music has soothed this savage beast!

Now I’m all:


and I know that by tonight I will be

Well, the cat (Rosey) is all black and then there’s Teddy the ginger, and Kali the canine to keep me company and help me sleep. See? That stupid headache last night and the deliveries and family members going to stores. That stuff that makes me not breathe. I’m so scared. Sad for those having problems. I’m doing fine, sinus headache from allergies is not COVID19 and then Callie sings All of these lines across my face and I am cured!

Rock On!

and best



Prompts from #WDIIA and AtoZChallenge.

Not Today


I woke with the sound of Arya Stark’s voice. I am no longer in love with Game of Thrones. The ending was atrocious. But sometimes a good GoT quote is called for. “Not today” is what we all should be saying. But then again while in the midst of this stuff and losing track of what day it is, all we need is one more day we can’t claim.

Trash is out so I guess it’s Thursday. No Grey’s Anatomy, except all the Netflix ones I’ve been watching. But I’m still pretty sure it is Thursday. Another week has gone to blurry.

Nothing is better than a call from offspring. That makes today very special. I got to touch base with the adultrens. Everyone seems to be fine, calmer than the last time we spoke even though there are new nerve-wracking situations in each of their lives. They seem to be holding it together and keeping on a healthy path. I feel better. I’m still mom and worried but their voices help me take a breath and be grateful.

As of last night, I was 31 words ahead of goal on my CampNaNo. National Novel Writing Month started way back in 1999. I think. I read Chris Baty’s book, No Plot, No Problem I think in 2001. I have written a NaNo every year and sometimes twice a year ever since. I love writing like that. Others may never read my novels but the adventure that flies from my head through my fingers is more fun than any other novel out there. Who but me knows what I like to read? Anyway, I should let Chris Baty speak for himself.

But speaking about novel writing I have 3 and 1/2 hours to get another 1,667 words in to be on track. I have dragons and hippos fighting and an angry virus that is sentient. It doesn’t matter how big you are when it is the smallest things like atoms and viruses that can destroy everything. I hope my characters figure it out better than the government is doing it. Deep Breath. Control what you can.

By the way, What Day Is It Anyway? is a prompt from Linda G. Hill

This URL is where to learn about the A2Z Challenge

Learn more about NaNoWriMo here.

Since we are retired folk, our lives are basically the same as usual. My bother and son live with us and have volunteered to do the shopping and getting the mail from the post office. Our small town is having as hard a time as everyone else. Our school and library are closed. I would assume the few restaurants are closed. We have two small stores, Cheron convenience, and a little grocery. We had already done the first shopping of the month so we won’t need toilet paper for a couple weeks.

So life continues around here, right now, as usual, with me knitting socks and hats, and the big guy doing his researches online. All the while we are bingeing our shows, like always.

We are finally caught up with one I didn’t like the first time I tried it. Westworld:

I think I may be willing to try Battlestar Galactica now. I have been able to follow the characters better than I used to. That had been one of my problems. The other was the treatment of women. But stick with it if that is your issue. These fems are kickass!

We are also caught up on Outlander. And I can say my reading is ahead of the television series.

I don’t know why I like them and seem drawn to them, but I love to watch disaster movies or medical shows. I just finished this one yesterday, the old classic Outbreak. I’m left with the question: What happened to that cute little monkey?

Last night I needed something I consider light–because I’ve watched it so many times, Greys Anatomy. I ended up watching several in a row. And I wonder why I didn’t get to sleep until 4? I was reading Outlander after watching the show. Common sense, Dar! I know!

The weather doesn’t want to settle down and be spring. Remember last night where the raindrops froze on the storm door window? Here’s tonight’s pic:

I hope you all are staying safe and warm. This was my edition of What Day is it Anyway? This is another great Linda G. Hill prompt.



Remember how we all talked about dogs and the zoomies the other day? I wonder if they are having a cathartic reaction to something in their lives. I love a good dance it out (when no one is looking), a quick run around the yard (again when no one is looking–I hope).

It is too bad we all so close to our neighbors. I think a good scream it out or sing at the top of our lungs would be quite cathartic for all of us. It seems the only time I can do that is on a car trip by myself. Me and Babs doing Yentl or other Broadway musicals can bring me back to me.

Sometimes baking bread will do it with the punching down the dough. I think any physical burst of energy can pull out a lot of emotions without spending tons on psychiatrists and meds.

Another thing I love to do is watch shows like Beaches. That good cry at the end can clear out the cobwebs.

Lately, and this is a bit embarrassing to me, (wow! look above at all the cathartic embarrassments!) if I’m feeling a lot of hopelessness about the world, especially the rulers of the world (notice how vague that is!) I love watching non-stop disaster movies. The plots are similar, stupid rulers making stupid decisions for their own good and scientists that are being paid to find certain answers with no regard to truth, then the rulers say not to panic, which in turn becomes panic. Those we relate to live through it all or are emotional heroes.

And right now it seems knitting and binging horror/weirdness shows get me by until I can dance it out again.

Well, even writing this was cathartic. Thank you, Linda and Enthralling Journey

Hey, quit judging! Retired/folks on disability like Fridays, too. No, it isn’t the relief you worker bees find. But there is a rhythm to our quieter lives. Friday starts with alarm in my house. Usually, me, worried about getting the trash out to the curb on time. Like this morning.

Last week we were still asleep at 11 AM. With hubby’s shoulder pain and my fibro pain, sleep is hard to come by. So when I woke I knew they had already come. They usually get here while we’re watching the View. Good thing we recorded it. I took out the trash hoping this would be a late week for them. Nah.

So this week we had two weeks of trash to get rid of. I was up at 8. Hubby was still asleep. I think my brother was, too. He’s the only working one and has to keep regular hours, so when hubby’s and my non-sleeping take over, bro suffers. So I felt chosen to do the job. It isn’t impossible and Kali loves it very much. She is so good as when I actually leave the yard to put the can to what would be a curb if we had non-dirt streets, she stays right in our yard and waits for me.

That over I could relax. Make my breakfast yam and tea, then settle with the morning line up. The truck came right on time and took the extra bag. For three people we make a lot of trash!

I am not one of those people who thinks television is evil or a waste of time. It is cheaper than any pill a doctor could give me for pain. I can get lost in a good science show or news show or drama. My writing needs to see the results of other people’s writing. My favorite shows are on Thursday. Yes, the Shonda Rhimes line up has been my favs for a long time. When I was working I knew when those shows were on that I was nearly done with my week. Now I just see them as too far apart. Especially with the cliffhangers of last night. Grey’s sister’s mom is dying of cancer!!! Then on Scandal: HUCK!!!!!! NO!!!

Oh, yeah, concentrating on Friday. The last day of patterned TV: Maybe Kelly (I hate that all morning programs are centered in New York!) But I can’t resist Whoopi and the View. Then the local news–mostly to see what our neighbors’ weather will be like. An hour of who knows? cause I’m busy then. The finally a west coast show, the Talk. Another hour of ‘I don’t know,’ as I’m busy. Then the MSNBC line up, except for Chris Matthews as he yells at everyone and isn’t respectful to his guests. But with Greta, we can play her show during his. Then the evening changes day by day.

Monday is Scorpion for sure. I am in awe of the writers of that show. They have a pat routine to their show: clever jokes, on edge of your seat scary (last weeks’ tram scene had me sweating!) and resolve to light bantering again. How do they suck me in? I know it isn’t real. I know how it is going to work. Yet I am drawn in from the beginning of each show. I don’t usually like formulaic writing.

In the evenings I am so busy with my Duolingo and then catching up on blogs and social stuff and ‘researches’ that I’m not a good remote holder. Hubby takes that job and so I am never sure which show, except for those mentioned above. But other shows are: Blindspot, Bones, Taboo, Startalk, Librarians, The Last Ship, Designated Survivor, Chicago Med, (Almost any Medical Drama). Humans, Expanse, Chicago Fire, –and the list goes on and on as some show go on hiatus and others come back. Most of them are in the background for me. I don’t pay close attention. I’m usually reading, knitting, researching, doing email or FaceBooking. My kids will tell you I’ve always been a non-watcher. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “You were watching it, Mom. Don’t you remember?” even hubby tells me I saw this before. Mostly it is noise to keep me distracted should the things I’m working on not do the trick.

Anyway, those are the basics of the evening shows. We used to stay up and watch Craig Ferguson but since he left we turn the TV off about the time for the noisy late-night guys.

But weekends! We start with Joy but if she is too much of the T-word we move on. We have recorded masses of Dr. Pol and Dr.Jeff or Alaska the Last Frontier or other shows that are similar. If none of those work, a good disaster movie or syfy or animal show will hold that background for me. And the occasional Project Runway.

Sundays are best. Why? Game of Thrones (when it’s finally on) Shameless, Elementary, Secretary of State, and Walking Dead and Talking Dead. Those last two are nearly exclusively mine. Hubby tolerates them. But I love the character development and watching how folks survive certain situations. Talking Dead, cause I love learning how stories are made, behind the scenes and meeting the actors as people and what they bring to a role. And I like Chris Hardwick.

We tend to watch our DVDs or Netflix or the like on the weekend our favorites being Pirates of the Caribbeans Avatar, Independence Day and the like. I could watch these a million times and always notice something new. And I like the music of these shows. Or binging on GoT. That music gets me, too.

But these shows on the weekend hold more of my attention. So I feel healthier. Does that make sense? It’s like I need a lot of animal, nature type things to ground me then exciting music. Just listening to music doesn’t work for me. As a music major, I get involved. Where’s it going? How did they do that? I wonder if I could play that. So I need a show to keep me in the room involved with the writing and characters while knitting and computing.

Do you have a TV diet/routine?


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