Tag Archive: happiness

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 1st 2024, is “train.” Use it as a noun or a verb, use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Thank you, Linda!


Some people wake up and see their day full of organized plans like this.

It’s peaceful to know where the train is taking you.

On a good day I wake to

Mostly my trains have a spiderweb network of tracks that overwhelms me.

This blog helps me focus. In case you think yarn and weather is all I deal with, just know it’s just about all I concentrate on before life and distractions take me elsewhere.

Oh, speaking of weather

This is how 2024 started in Christmas Valley. Freezing Fog. It looks like snow. But it isn’t. And you can only see just beyond the porch.
Rosey at 20 finally likes me and my lap as much loved as her main human’s, my hubby.
Leg warmers are getting more colorful. Wow, they’ve reached 10 inches of 24. Among other projects.

So, I need to train my brain on the personal possibilities of this new year.

My stationary bike goal has increased from 5 miles in 30 minutes to more miles in less time. Today I reached 5 in 28. So win!

I know last year I planned on podcasting. Stagefright won. So it goes back on the list of things I still feel I want to do.

Besides German, Spanish, Italian, French, Scottish Gaelic, Latin, Esperanto, Japanese, Navajo, Hebrew, I’d like to add a couple more to my Duolingo list so that I am always doing 10 lessons a day. And I want to get more serious about my American Sign Language classes. My brain loves working on languages.

Hello editing. You are cruelest of all. I’ll do what I can and finished products will go see the light of day on the podcast.

I still will continue working on getting healthier.

My diamond paintings are calling so tomorrow I will play.

Why did music find itself this far down the list? With a new ukulele, I’m trying to learn to make my fingers fit the chords needed. But daily practice might get me there, right?

The recorder is calling. No more trying Carols. Now I can enjoy whatever music strikes my fancy.

Okay, piano. I hear you. I will turn around from the diamond painting table and tickle you on occasion.

Singing loud and proud and dancing like no one is watching sneak into this list.

And that’s not including the bins of organizing I’m already doing.

And I want to get over my phone fear and try to enjoy socializing a bit.

There are only so many hours in a day but all these trains want to leave the station and make their way to improvement and new possibilities. There has to be a way. Some things must be daily Duolingo and blogging (no longer on a struggling list but on the ‘it happens’ like eating list).

The list looks like last year. More has been added. Few trains ended their tracks. My brain and strength expand to meet the fun.

Train-ing is fun

One-Liner Wednesday

Nothing makes me happier than seeing this:

These two have loved each other since they met. They are so good for each other. She’s 22 and slowing down. He has a lot of pain, she seems to ease.

A part of Linda’s One-Liner Wednesday

Simple Sunday

Velcro is too loud, but slip on Skechers do the job!

Thanks, Yvensong.

Here we are again, JusJoJan. A fun way to kick the resolution to write every day into gear. See what I did there?

Per Linda:. Your prompt for JusJoJan January 1st 2023, is “resolution.” Use the word “resolution” any way you’d like. Have fun!

I don’t do well with resolutions. It’s a sure fire way to get a couple of days of habit forming the good or eliminating the bad ways to fall on the floor with my inner teen rebel. I prefer seeing the end result in my head. I see if it seems in attunement with my nature. Can I see the possibilities of it working with my passions? If so no other thought is necessary.

That worked quite well for me for a couple of years. My weight had dropped and my blood tests have improved a lot. All from the thought that what my son said about Keto/fasting felt right to me. It had been easy. I don’t work hard at it. I just follow my mind/body. If, as my birthday, I want pizza, I have it with a passion and go back to healthy the next day. See? No resolution. Just keep leaning toward what feels right to my body.

The Hat Lady and her Animals (Picture Books for Kids)The Hat Lady and her Animals by Gita V. Reddy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fun little story with plenty of lessons. A story in kindness. A story of using your talents to help others. A story about yarn skills.

By the way, Darlene only knits in this case. The yarn comes from, and finished products go to Hugger Hats. Those amazing ladies in the group are the ones that collect yarn and distribute the finished toys and hats to the needy. But I understand keeping it simple for the story’s sake.

I have to admit to being more than uncomfortable seeing my name in the story. But once I got used to it, I loved what the author was trying to convey.

Though the toys in the story were not the ones I made, I would love to put patterns in the book for those who wanted to learn. Many children love knitting. I was twelve when I learned to crochet and knit.

The little stuffed animals were adorable. Easy the pup was my favorite. But the cat couple was so sweet. I can’t wait for the Hugger Hats to see this story more about the group than about any one person.

View all my reviews

I brought my little kit with me. My friend and I sat and DPed while watching The Umbrella Academy.

It’s been in the 100s so sitting around in the cool house made for quieter fun.

Here’s what I got done so far.

Bits of the kit. How the moon looked before the diamonds.
First side finished yesterday.

Back side finished today. I still have a couple more forms to work on. This kit is portable and easy to do in small bits.

I’ve got a pair of socks going, too.

Just a couple of rows and it’ll be time for the heels. This yarn is soft. It’s charity yarn so these will go to the giveaway bag. I need to take the bag to the charity. It’s getting full!

We took a little trip to see our friend. It was good to see her healthy. We laughed and enjoyed each other’s company at a park. Starting the visit with a COVID test to make sure the exposure she had from a previous meeting was negative is a weird way to start a visit. But we are rather in that vulnerable population so we have to be careful. She was negative. So we celebrated life.

I’m having a blast this week. Friends and my adult children on long visits are building my memory banks with love.

Socks done. Now the hard part, getting them in the mail.
Dragon nearly growling off the page!

Not as much done on the writing. Pretty tired from stress, long drives, actual surgery, so I mostly vegged

Scrappy socks for charity.

Reading. I’m having to learn to track, or figure out which glasses help best. And I won’t know for a month. So Audible and Text-to-speech is still my friends. BUT, standing in front of the mirror winking first right eye then left eye, the surprise is that my left eye sees my reflection better than the old favorite my right eye.

My new big E. At first I couldn’t see the numbers with my left eye. Well, before surgery it was a blotch on the wall. It’s about 10 feet from my recliner. My ‘good’ eye, the right still sees it, even the second hand. But gradually poor weak but refurbished left eye sees the numbers now. YAY! This is quite the adventure!

Here’s what made me happy.

A bit of dragon head, wing, background.

Here’s the healthy.

Kali, Chris, and I. 👍

Kali was cute. Last time I tried to take her for a walk she wouldn’t let me put her harness on. She had to stay home.

Today I was putting on my shoes. She let me know she didn’t want to be left behind. She laid still while I put on her harness.

Oh the walk she wanted to jog. So we did a few steps. Then I got winded. She pulled on me.

We went down a street we haven’t walked for a while. I nearly had to pull her. Once we got to our street, she knew where she was and wanted to run. I gave her a few more jogs then back to walking. She pulled me again.

Kali is tuckered out.

Wow! Can you believe we are back to January in a year that can look like this Y2K22? Beginning Just Jot it January, again, a prompt to write on everyday. Today’s blends with the Stream of Consciousness Saturday with the word prompt appropriate for the day, resolve.

Resolve according to Dar’s silly dictionary is to repeatedly solve. Which is how we all continue an insanity every year. Resolutions have been proven unsuccessful most of the time.

My friend and I choose to sit and write out possibilities. Last year I saw a possibility of getting healthier. It took the whole year adjusting eating habits losing over 30 pounds. And Intermittent Fasting has been the best, easiest method of my life.

This year will mean a possibility of more movement. More music making. More art enjoyments. Of course more knitting. But I’m determined to knit socks on circular needles, flippies  or whatever they call those bendy short ones, and I want to learn to use double pointed needles. Right now, loom knitting is fast and I don’t lose stitches. But I am determined to be able to use any of these methods.

I see myself writing more letters and cards. And speaking of writing, I see those many books edited and finding readers. 

I see people being kinder to each other. So let’s see if we can make this and more come true!

Per Linda of the prompts:

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “resolve.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!

72, 27, 9

And birthday snow!

How many of you do the digital reverse or add the digits together?

But I’m pretty happy about my actual age. I feel blessed to have lived this long when others didn’t get to travel with me. And my goal is the next prime number.

And the white dusting on the porch and driveway are making my birthday magical.


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Sophia's Baseball Blog

I am a student who loves baseball. My goal is to become a professional sportswriter.

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