Tag Archive: happiness

Share Your World August 30, 2021


(Going DEEP on these today)

Are human beings required to better themselves, and will doing that make them happier?

Who would require this? So no. I don’t think humans are required to better themselves. Nor can I say that those who strive to better themselves are happier in the process, or even with the final result of said bettering. I would love to say that some chose not to work on themselves at all. But maybe that is judgemental of me to look at them from the outside. Maybe they are doing the best they can at where they are in their path of living. I try to not judge myself either and just do my best to do what feels like the right thing to do.

Is it easier to love or to be loved?

Being loved is out of our hands. And though it may seem a nice thing, it can be torturous if you can’t return in kind for whatever reason. But truly loving a person holds deep responsibilities. So though the emotion can be easy, the follow-through can be painful. So I didn’t answer with a definitive. I guess loving is easier if it is your constant choice in how you live your life. Having loving habits makes that follow-through more automatic.

Outside traumatic brain injury, can memories be completely erased?

I don’t think so. They readjust as they are reflected against current moods and life. Bad memories can be less emotionally charged when leveled with knowing other information unavailable when the memory happened. Good memories can come from looking a the mundane with loving understanding. In this case, seeing your mother’s grocery list in her handwriting after she passed. I still get a tear in my eye when I remember picking up that boring bit of scrap paper.

Is there such a thing as a good death?

No. I guess I am bad about endings. I’m bad about people who leave me, or I have to leave. Even when I know, we will see each other again. Lots of tears. The sadness of the loss. But I wouldn’t want a person to live in debilitating pain. That would hurt worse.

and one ‘silly’ one because the former questions were fairly serious:   What do you imagine is inside a baseball?    

I imagine a rock in the hardball and a baby chick in the softball. I have seen the inside of a golf ball, my favorite jacks ball; it looked like a bunch of rubber bands. And I suppose if I got curious, I could go Google it. Not that curious. Sorry. Throw me the baby chick, please.


Feel free to share something uplifting this week!  

I am grateful that the hot summer seems to be ebbing. We have to drip our water tonight as the temp is predicted to be 32. I am grateful the flies are on their last days!

Thank you, MELANIE B CEE, for Share Your World questions to pursue!

Sad Sunday

I love it when family and friends come to visit. I absolutely turn to jello and can’t find my keys to the new-to-me car I’m so sad.


Then I spend the ride home thinking about the good feelings of no bra, no shoes, and sweatpants. And fish and chips. And a wonderful newish car. I look at it and even though I am comfortable and self-soothed, and Kali snuggles, I miss the daylights out of my family and friends. Even the recommended Daylight Savings Time nap didn’t take away that sad.

Back to life as we know it. Watching Doc Martin season 9 while knitting and snuggles. I am feeling grateful for all the love, happiness, and health that surrounds me. I wish it for all of you, too!

JuJoJan / 1LinerWed — Happiness

Happiness is January Snow!

This one-liner has changed several times today. Happiness is a warm puppy was taken. Well done, Winston! So Kali wouldn’t stand in his shadow. But it was snowing around noon. Even stayed on the ground. Now it is muddy. The trees are budding out thinking this is Spring. Someone isn’t doing the snow dance. You know who you are! I’m told that after nine tonight we might get that white stuff that hides the ugly weeds that didn’t go away. So I’ll stay with the above bold line and claim it!


Just Jot It January is Linda G. Hill’s gem. The prompt “Master” is brought to us by Sadje of Keep It Alive.

When I saw the prompt I went musical. “It’s a lot/It’s a lot…” With Depeche Mode. Then I found myself in Les Miz with om pah pah om pah Enter Monsieur


Since it is January and everyone is talking about resolutions or possibilities of healthy living I thought how many things I want to master. Like I’d like to move without pain. Eat, drink, and move with a mastery of self and pain. I think it is possible. I’ll keep trying.

The other day I found that Udemy is having a sale on classes for editing. It was such a good bargain (and I hope they are good people). So, I’d like to master my writing.

Okay, maybe mastery is too perfect. I want proficiency to the point that I like what I’m doing and unafraid to share with others. What I have learned over my life is that perfection is lonely and never fun. It can send me running away if I find myself working in that mindset. On the other hand, not trying will never  get you there. Finding a balance of trying and being happy in the attempt seems the only way I can do anything.

Does that make sense? I was raised by someone that wanted perfection. Wouldn’t let me leave the piano until I could play a phrase or song perfectly. The bed needed to be made perfectly, the house should be cleaned perfectly. But that parent was bipolar. The house would be so clean you could eat off the bathroom floor, or she’d be laying on the sofa in complete depression. So as an adult, I had a hard time finding my own levels.

I needed to find how to be happy playing the piano. Singing helped. I needed to find how to clean and thought I had it down to happy until the fibro hit. Then I found I had to be happy with whatever my body allowed that moment. Delegate and be happy with how they do it–or don’t.

It seems that nowadays I have to look at every movement for every job and goal. Oh, and maybe the word happy isn’t it. I think I could happy my way back to weeks in bed. When I really get into something, say working on a pair of socks, I can enjoy it too much. Hands hurting for weeks but nice to have the socks done? The trade-off is too off. So the aim is to do just short of the goal. Be happy with the results later. Not the way we have been taught. But maybe more the master of life by knowing limitations?

You would think at 69 I’d have this whole concept mastered. Live and learn. Have you found mastery of life easy?


It’s the Simple Things



I can now carry the dog across the water to dryer ground.


Brought to you by Linda G Hill

Move Made Manifest

At last, the “iffy” trip and the “iffy” purchase of the acre and the double wide mobile have manifested. I’m sitting in my office/studio/escape looking out my window and seeing miles and miles of sagebrush. I can see little tiny hills far, far away and I can see the horizon. And the sky above goes on forever with feather clouds here and there.

As I sit here I can think of all the times I wondered if this was really going to happen. All the things that could go wrong did go wrong. They made me doubt that I should do this. They made me determined to try harder, but I didn’t want to press the gods that made this happen. What if I were to find out that I’m not supposed to do this? But what if this is exactly what I’m supposed to do? And I go around in circles with this batch of questioning. Still, I was packing boxes and packing boxes and packing boxes.

You see the two-bedroom apartment cave that I lived in before cost me over double what we will pay for this place. Our lease was up and we knew we wouldn’t be able to afford to live in that cave another moment.

In spite of how small the place was, we filled a van that should take a three-bedroom home and still had so much more to figure out how to get it here, or if we should toss it. And that was with C’s son moved out. His bed was the sofa and that was his sofa. So where do we get all this stuff? And how did the place get so dirty? Well, 2+ years in bed basically. And of course, we all know that nobody else cleans except the woman of the house. The pain of the fibro and the depression and the social anxiety all of the bundled up for those two years and all I could do was lay in bed. I tried to get out. I wanted to see friends but when I got to the day of doing it. I’d hit a flare. But this summer was different. I felt better. I got to go on a couple road trips. I got to go swimming. Whatever made me feel better, I am so thankful for it. The “iffy” trip gave me hope, gave me something to live for. And here I am, ready or not!

Spontaneous HappinessSpontaneous Happiness by Andrew Weil

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As someone on disability for depression and now fibromyalgia for over a decade, I felt I needed some new answers. I have always admired Dr. Andrew Weil so when my friend told me she liked it, I thought I ought to give it a try.

Kindle and their whispersynched Audible co-play helped me get through the techno-speak. Kindle’s ability to fast forward Dr. Weil’s slower speaking speed, helped this to be a fast and educational read. By the way, that was a hint my husband pointed out to me. That on smart phones, tablets and Fires one can speed up the narrator’s voice and not lose quality. It’s like the person is speaking faster, not higher like a chipmunk.

I can see that the paperback or hardback book would have its points as one could highlight or check back on references later, still, I like this version for the first run-through. That way I got the gist of what it was all about in a quick over-read. I will go back and take notes and try to follow many of the suggestions presented in this book. Meanwhile, I will try a couple ideas that stayed with me and see how they help with the mental and physical pain.

This book is well worth the read, and further study.

View all my reviews

21 Habits of Happy People

21 Habits of Happy People.

22 Things Happy People Do Differently. Worth sharing! 🙂

You know that feeling when you finally hit the sand at the beach, you take off your shoes and feel the warm grains of sand massaging, absorbing your feet and spirit, and then that precious moment when you stand in the foam and hear the pounding of waves, smell the salt in the air? Or that moment when the car gets to the forest of evergreens and you have to stop the car as your eyes release the tension of the sun and city, and you smell the pine and dirt? That is how this blog affected me.

Okay, I am not doing the sunrise thing. Been there, done that. But I understand the concept. The only way a sunrise is beautiful to me is when I have had a productive writing night and I see it as time to go to sleep, at last.

The rest of this speaks to my soul. I hope it speaks to yours, too. Thank you, Jasmine, for sharing on http://kuuleilani.wordpress.com.

16 steps to happiness.


Petualang Baru

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Sophia's Baseball Blog

I am a student who loves baseball. My goal is to become a professional sportswriter.

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How Free is Free

How does a free blog site work when everything is tied to dollars? How do you create content without using proprietary themes when it seems even the colors and fonts are tied to upgrades for usage? Is it even possible? I hope to find out.


...hard choices bring consequences and even harder choices... free will is the cause and effect of our lives...


مجلة السلام الاكترونية


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Towards Good Life

Make your life more productive and feel free.