Tag Archive: Hat Huggers

Making Monday

I finally have the half-fingered convertible gloves off the loom and ready to sew up. I need excellent light and the best glasses to do the sewing. These will go to the charity as this was donated yarn.


I found in my stash a huge ball of multi-colored yarn.

There’s got to be a couple hats and pairs of socks here. So here’s the hat is nearly half-finished


So with that holiday looming, I’ve got to be looming, even if the gifts get there late. Love is in the loom!

Made It Monday

Child’s Hat

I just can’t stop with the cable stitches or the decreases using the methods I described  few days ago, here.


Over the week end while thinking about bugging out and realizing that I didn’t want to leave any of my knitting supplies behind. I ran across a hat I started a while ago. I used the orange adult KB loom seen in the photo. But my new love of the decreased crown had me going crazy. That white yarn is the bumpy homespun stuff. I  could only decrease one level without it getting tight. So I thought it would be fun to transfer to half the pegs on the flexee loom. Do you ever find yourself in a project that you felt you couldn’t find your way out? Yeah, this hat caused so much actual pain and mental strain I nearly frogged it. I had to use a combination of cable needles to hold the stitches. I transferred them to the flexee. At first I got them on the wrong side. I had a plan to reverse as I went but that didn’t work out–I think it was because I forgot as I worked what my next plan was. Suddenly all the stitches were on the Flexee, even though wrong side out. But I worked the decreases anyway.Inside out! My hands weren’t ready for it. It hurt a lot to work from that direction. But I am proud of the end result!

This hat will go to Hugger Hats, the charity. I hope it helps keeps someone’s head warm this winter.


I mentioned thinking of bugging out; still not ready and hope I don’t have to. We seem pretty safe here, I think. But our Writing Group was cancelled as our friends in Paisley have had to bug out. That is a couple hours away from here, but still it seems Oregon is on fire nearly everywhere. My son has his bug out ready. I’m getting more organized so I think tomorrow I’ll set up the first emergency bag ready and set things up so that if there is time yarny stuff can go along with foods and electronics. And art supplies. and books and journals and music and keyboard and recorders, There’s a reason I have so much stuff, I like doing lots of thihngs. How do people narrow it down?


Thank you all for thoughts and prayers for our west coast and for me and my family. I am so grateful that my adult children are well. My brother  and husband and I are doing well.

But I am writing this on my tablet because my computer keeps going out. We think it is a bad charging cord so we’ll try to get a new one soon. Meanwhile, I can barely read what I’m typing. I hope you can decipher it all. I hope life is treating you all well in spite of it being 2020.

Where Did the Day Go?


My first hat on the Flexee Loom. Just off the loom.

I used this method of decrease for the crown of the hat:

But with the Flexee loom, I could decrease further. I started with 80 pegs as the instruction for an adult hat on the enclosed page. I think that I should have made a few more rows to fit my size adult but I was anxious to see how it would work. So I did all the decreases per the video then moved the loops around to remove links of two every other grouping. In the first case, it was all the lighter color links. Then I did the decreases from the beginning with the video again. Again, at the end, I move the stitches around so as to remove every other link. I followed the video one more time and this time finished as Kristen suggests. I love how the crown looks.

Ah, look at the time! I think we are heading for Monday. I barely remember watching Sunday Morning.  Hence the answer to #WDIIA and #WTIIA.


But it wasn’t apparent at first. It was after lunch when we realized the trash hadn’t made it out to the curb. Oops!

Anyway, I had to share the daughter and boyfriend’s socks on their feet.

From this, you can see what a cute couple they are!

But the current finished project was this pair of slipper socks. They are headed to the charity, Hat Huggers.

There was enough yarn leftover that I have started a smaller pair of anklet slippers. I hope I have enough to finish that project.

I took pics of the Flexeeloom as I am making a hat for an adult. I know it seems weird to have a loom that wriggles around, but it is light and sturdy and I love working with it. Working the two-by-two ribbing is tedious on most looms and can actually hurt my hands. This loom is like working with butter.

As you can see I can wad it up or stretch it out and the stitches stay on the pegs and the work is fast and easy. Here is where I left off today.

This is the underside.

This is from the top.

Oh, look at the time! It is nearly tomorrow! S0 this concludes #WDIIA and #WTIIA Friday edition.

I feel like dancing! Shouting to the rooftops!

I didn’t start out that way this morning. I felt I would never finish the socks and I needed a quick win. So in about an hour, I knitted this little cutie.

Knifty Knitter 24 peg loom. Fold-over brim. Flat knit stitch. Drawstring cast-off. Pom-pom on the smallest pom-pom maker. I think it gave me the juice I needed to finish the socks.

The top pair are for my daughter, the bottom pair are for her boyfriend. Soon to be in the mail to them. Totally made with love. These were made on the KB His (purple) and Hers (orange) sock looms. All four were made toe-up with the Kitchener Cast-on. Flat knit stitch. I varied the cuff in that daughter’s is four-by-four ribbing, and boyfriend’s cuffs are two-by-two ribbing. It was quite a learning experience. I was still feeling the magic as I finished to see that the stripes are so matched that they seem store-bought. I do have enough of this yarn leftover that I can make me a pair, too. But I have other things to finish first.

Much of my time lately is working on a crafty project I hope to give friends. That has me shaky as I have not spent a lot of time, lately, on artsy/craftsy things. But it is fun and I think it will feel more confident as I keep trying. We’ll see.

Meanwhile, I have been experimenting with yarn masks. I have a lighter weight one that I hope to create on that will be comfortable in the summer. I’ve ordered bamboo yarn because it is allergy-free, and has tons of benefits for the wearer.

As a bonus, this was our sunset:


This is what I’ve been spending most of my day on:

Oh, and when my brain didn’t work I started these:

Both for charity.

When sitting got too much and it was gorgeous outside, Kali and I took a zoomie walk/run around the property. She’d run ahead and hide and jump out with what looked like puppy-laughs and I walk-ran to keep up with her to find her. It was so much fun. I doubt I hit a thousand steps, but it was more than I would have had in the bad temps of last week. I hope we get better at this so I can improve and lengthen our walks.

This What Day Is It Anyway I think is Tuesday. Cinco de Mayo/Taco Tuesday was plastered all over FaceBook. But I don’t spend a lot of time over there. So in my day, I lost the day many times. I took a fibro-flare seriously over the weekend and all day Monday. So I missed my writers’ group. The reason is that the pain was too much to keep my brain working. I had even started my prompt a few times. I knew where I was headed with it. But then I couldn’t hold my laptop without it hurting. I hate fibro for its way of deceiving me. I’m not sure about whether or not it isn’t the flu or covid or… It is only when it gives up that I know it was a flare. It was worse when I was working. I couldn’t tell, how do you call your boss and say, I don’t know if I can work today. It feels only tired, hard to wake up. It is only when it hurts so bad that I know I can’t be at work. It is only the aftermath of one step too far that lets me know. Remember exercise that you do 10 steps today, and increase to 20 tomorrow? I used to be able to make big increases and improve lots every day. No way can I do that now. 10 today 4 tomorrow, zeros and back to 10. If not flare. It is hard to know when it is too much. I always feel like such the ‘Fairweather friend’ in that suddenly I’m not there where I wish I were. If it were just pain, I could do it. But suddenly there are no words. Then the next day you wonder if that were true. Did it really hurt that much? And how long was I out? Well, shoot! I missed a weekend and Monday. So here is Tuesday.

Yay! Finished Friday!

I’ll be more talkie tomorrow.


This happened.


I took Kali outside. Stood on the porch for half a moment. Then suddenly something made me yelp. I don’t know what it was. I didn’t see anything fly or crawl away. But touching anything feels like cactus on my arm. So I am trying not to hold my arm where it touches. I’m not dying. It hardly hurts. Just uncomfortable. Wish I could find the critter who did it. Revenge sounds good!

Busy, Busy!

I planned to be a part of Stream of Consciousness Saturday but I was so busy I nearly forgot to blog yesterday. I have four pairs of socks on looms, two hats on the round looms and a matt of plarn.


Normally, that doesn’t keep me so busy I can’t blog. But THIS had my attention all day.


My son and I loved it, all of it! But my husband found it boring. Isn’t that weird how different we see things? I could not remember what stitch I was supposed to be doing I was so glued to the show. Maybe you will like it.

Tomorrow is supposed to be the Hat Huggers meeting. Knowing that I realized I had some yarn I promised to get set up for folks who don’t have the umbrella and cake winder to make balls of yarn from yank-skeins or frogged items that are donated. So besides the knitting projects, I got out the equipment to wind up a few cakes.

I started in earnest with:

I got a couple big cakes from this white yarn. It is crochet yarn. I know it can be used to make doilies but not sure about things like hats or any other comfort items.

Then I found this maroonish wool yank. It is in the middle of the next picture.

I knew it would make socks. But it seems rather old and broke often. With both of these yarns, there were so many problems getting them to flow properly. The white had stains. I know whoever ends up with it will have to wash their complete project using some kind of bleach. The maroon was so breakable I just tied the bigger balls that resulted between breaks. I decided I will keep it to practice sock knitting on needles. I’ve been instructed to toss very bad yarn rather than attempt to make something of it. But I think I can reuse this skein one more time before trashing.

Someone donated a lot of mohair and the body of a sweater they had attempted. I wish I were a more advanced knitter so that I could finish their sweater. But with no pattern to follow or even the other needle, I figured frogging would be necessary.

So during Godzilla:

It was good to see Eleven from Stranger Things! But I didn’t like it so much. Did you? I found it too loud.


And then the Oscars, I made this kind of mess to cake before bed.

It made me think of Hair Love that we saw this morning on Sunday Morning. I loved this sweet film!

Anyway,  I better get busy. Catch ya on the flip-side!

Happy Birthday, Number One Son

So I knew the birthday was coming. But I only started making his hat yesterday morning. It turned out cool, and very warm.

The brim was a fold-over so double warmth. It was a mix of wool and I think the Homespun. It was all flat-knit stitch. BUT the green (32 pegs) Knifty Knitter is too small for a lot of adults. It was tight on me and fit like a little clown hat on my son’s head.

So I started again with the bigger loom (yellow-41 peg).

In a way, I like this one better. It is reversible. The only difference between the sides is one brim is e-wrapped. the other side is purled. Then folded up. The rest of the hat is a garter stitch until the crown. Then one-row u-stitch and the last flat wrapped. The garter stitch makes the head part very stretchy. It seems to fit my son better with the purl side inside. It’s been a long time since I made anything in a day. I prefer the fine-gauge looms which take longer but make a nicer fabric. I think he liked his hat.

Then with the same colors, I decided to try to make socks. Not sure they are going to be big-wide-enough. But if so they will go to my charity, Hat Huggers. This is with the donated yarn, as were the hats for my son. But the nice part is that I will claim it and make something from my own yarns to make up for it. My color yarns were too girly for an adult male. Anyway, when the socks are done I will share the results.

I want to make a proclamation. No more birthdays any time near or after Christmas. Or at the end of a month (paycheck)! I know it won’t change anything but maybe the universe is listening? That is not to say, Universe, that I don’t want the people attached to these birthdays, rather, maybe we can change when we celebrate? At least, should I get the chance for a do-over, I might do a better job of planning. I know… Keep wishing! Happy birthday, son.

Finished Friday

I don’t know if this yarn is Mohair? It is very soft. (No label) The hat turned out too small for me, so would be great for a person with a smaller head. I made it on the KB small gauge 80 pegs. This one:

I can’t wait to do another hat on this loom. It is just right for adults. Since I use the flat knit stitch, it is slightly tighter. But that’s okay. Not everyone has a big head like mine! Oh, and that is two-by-two ribbing.


Just a note for posterity: Today this is outside. So glad I am inside.


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