Tag Archive: hope

Just Jot It January, Despair

 Carol Anne’s blog brings us today’s prompt, “despair.”

JusJoJan is Linda’s fun place to start.

The despair I had when Kali and, within a short while, Teddy crossed the Rainbow Bridge is still hanging on. I don’t know if you ever get over losing someone, even or especially our beloved pets. Even though it was last Spring, these last two losses are still heavy in my heart.

My hair was long when I first met her. Little did I know then that she would be my best buddy for sleeping and walking and chatting.
Teddy jumped into a friend’s car at 3 AM when she was coming to visit us. Just a kitten. Our friend called her mother during the day to look for a possible owner in Garden Grove. Teddy loved the long drive. They didn’t find anyone, so he became ours. He loved getting out on a leash. He could fly between beds even into his last couple of weeks alive. He divorced me when Kali came but toward the end of both of their lives he started sleeping with Kali and I.

We just watched Dogs.

We watch a lot of vet and zoo shows. I can’t help but think there is a dog that needs me as much as I need her/him.

What hit me was the kind priest who loved dogs near the end of the second season of Dogs and the despair those poor dogs felt living on the street with no one to love them. I believe there is a sweetie or two out there for me. That is the hope that heals my sadness.

Just Jot It January, Optimism

This post is brought to you by Just Jot it January and June! Please be sure to check out June’s blog here! Her prompt is ‘optimism.’

Not seen in the picture? The ant.
Unseen, the person lost in the darkness who sees the tiny light.

And yet I have optimism. Hope.

And though things look bad, and as a realist I can see it might not all work out, to live at that lowered end of the see-saw means you miss the sensation of flying.

Hope. That is the word in my constant thoughts. 

I hope they can knock down the fires with the least amount of harm to lives and land as possible.

My husband took this when out shopping. This was looking south, the direction I hope to travel soon.

I hope the fires are out so folks can enjoy their summer.  Not just mine. Everyone has been trapped from the pandemic and now we all hope we can get out and enjoy each other and the world at large.

And just as we all feel safer about venturing out, fires, floods, hurricanes, a new variant. I hope our glee to enjoy life isn’t premature.

I hope to hug my adult children and their new families.

I hope the routes are free and clear to make a safe, fun drive. I don’t want to push the fates or God with my will on this. My regrets could outnumber my desires, I’m afraid.

So it is with hope I face this next week. And as in the year past I’ll be flexible to how it works out.

Per Linda G. Hill

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “hope.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!


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