Tag Archive: i-have-the-complete-series

Review: Mars Rising

Mars Rising
Mars Rising by Cidney Swanson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am SO SAD! This is the end of the series. I could live in this series forever. I want to be Jess, or Harpreet. They are my favorite characters. Both are pilots who fly between Earth and Mars and globally on either. Oh, include the moon in that for Jess.

REAL science fiction. Real research involved in the science. These things are all possible and hopefully the space travel will be something we do.

Mars as a colony is grand! Its a believable world peopled according to what is possible in the beginnings of populating another planet.

Creepy things have taken over the political system of Earth. Such a marvelous planet to an outsider. Rain, oceans, breathable air. But recycling bodies? ‘Rebodying’. Ew. Although some of the science might be worth looking into for incurable diseases.

I know. You are looking at what I am saying and wondering what in the world I am talking about. Sorry. I should stick with reviewing. I try so hard not to make spoilers that I find relaying what the book is about nearly impossible. Meanwhile, these are the books I would have died to have to read when I was a kid. Still they hold up for me at 64. Though a little heavy in males, I find that the author has included all ages and sexes which is refreshing. And they learn from each other.

Okay, there is a bit of romance, but Jess isn’t all googly she holds on to herself and the couple completes each other intellectually and emotionally. That, too, is refreshing.

Cidney Swanson, also took a chance an included a sibling that has a disability. Jess’s brother, Ethan, seems to be a bit of a savant or has autism or Asberger’s Syndrome. She never labels his differences as such, just describes him with his assets and problems in ways that he is just human like all of us. Ms. Swanson is amazing in how she portrays this character.

In fact, the writing of these books is fantastic. I think I found an editing oops, but it was so minor that I can’t remember it at all. THAT’s how an author writes!

The series ended very well. I was glad to stick it out to the end. I didn’t have that incomplete feeling I often feel at the ends of books. Even still, I feel I will have to reread them all again and again! I recommend everyone who is a sci-fi buff to read them all. By the way, The first book, Saving Mars, is free right now. But for once I don’t feel bad about spending the money on the rest of the series. I think Ms. Swanson’s promotions of her books are very well done. Please, find these and enjoy them like I did–do.

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Agnes Barton Senior Sleuth Mysteries Box Set, cozy mystery (Books 1-3)
Agnes Barton Senior Sleuth Mysteries Box Set, cozy mystery (Books 1-3) by Madison Johns
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well, I have finished with the first combined book that encompassed books 1-3. I have to admit that it was fun. By reading the books this way I was able to watch the characters grow into believable people. The story became more and more real. I felt the humor the author sprinkled in as hugs from a friend.

If you want to see the reviews for each of the books here:

I bought them all individually but chose to read the books with the box set so as to get more deeply into Madison Johns’s cozy mysteries. Besides, when I find someone doing what I think is right, I try to support them with my money, meager as it is. In this case, I had been researching stories that featured older womyn. I don’t like mysteries, especially the murder-y kind. I would rather read science fiction or fantasy with crones, senior ladies, being the ones getting to have the adventures. When I think that the baby boomers are the largest generation, then having stories about us, especially the womyn, should be easy to find. But alas, that isn’t the case. Anyway, that is how I found this series and invested into it.

Cozy isn’t the word I would apply to murder of any sort. These books do contain that wicked element. But the author doesn’t spend time dredging up the blood or other details I’d rather not have in my head before going to sleep. The thrill is in watching the main characters sort through the facts and figure out the whodunnit and why. So I suppose that is how it rates the ‘cozy mystery’ tag.

These are great beach reads or quiet reads to accompany tea. One needs lighter reads like that, occasionally. By the way, I do have the next boxed set ready to read but I have a lot on my read-to-review shelf that I need to read first. I do plan to continue enjoying Aggie and El again, soon.

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Senior Snoops
Senior Snoops by Madison Johns
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This third in the series was better than the other two combined. The Senior Snoops are getting to winter in Florida. Nice! If they thought it would all be beaches and tans, though, they got a rude awakening long before they got to their destination. So murder and mysteries abound.

After the two previous books I feel I know Agnes and Eleanor as good friends. They have spunk and are active seniors. They are sexually active and enjoy the men in their lives with enthusiasm. And they are snoopy! They can get in more trouble than any twelve teens.

I did enjoy this book. There are a few editing issues, but they don’t get in the way of the story. I think my biggest gripe was the making Agnes become a sudden prude on nude beaches or in the strip club. I didn’t see her that way before this book so the few remarks that made her that way stopped the story short for me. Still, I have the next set of books set up. I have a few other books I am supposed to be reading first, but I’ll be happy to see what Madison Johns has these snoops up to next.

These are great light reading for when you need a break from heavier literary pursuits.

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Review: Vitality

Vitality by M.A. George
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Want a light read that is fun and full of adventures? This series offers all that. As I said in my review of the previous book, this is a combination of sci-fi/fantasy/YA/Romance.

I love the characters and their talents. What I still have a problem with is that the main character only uses hers to get herself in trouble. She is immature for 118, she’s immature for 18. And the constant fainting is just annoying. At least the author has the character and her friends acknowledge this trait. What is even more annoying is that this is supposed to be a person that is a doctor and scientist. She has gone through all that schooling and has dealt with people going back to Churchill. She is long past teen tantrums. As for her taking chances, that might be less too with maturity. Not that she has any of the horrid aches and pains or fragileness of old age, but just an ability to foresee who she is putting at risk by her actions should be called to mind.

Even so, when you let all that go, this is a fun read. I loved all three books in the series, Proximity, Relativity and this one Vitality. I think even late grade school students would enjoy this. I would have read and enjoyed it had it been around for me in fifth or sixth grades. There is very little science, it is merely alluded to with space travel and other innovations. The talents these aliens possess are more what feels fantasy. Oh, and there is one human from Earth. How I wish he would have been more involved.

Oh, the romance! Not my thing. Have at it girls! In fact, that is why I don’t think guys will like this so much. Still, it was a nice book to escape into.

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Caged in Bone
Caged in Bone by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Whew! Another 3:30 morning for sleep. Today I slept until nearly 3:00 in the afternoon. Caged in Bone was so stimulating that I just couldn’t go to sleep even when I finished reading it. Sure we were left in a safe spot having a few threads tied up. But you could tell there was more. Luckily, I was too tired to see if I had the next book ready so I didn’t start reading it yet. I am itchy to get started on it, though.

Have I mentioned that I love Elise Cavanough? After this many books with her as the main character, I nearly think of her as real. Heck, she did live in Reno for quite a while; she could have been a neighbor. **wink**

This book is a continuation of the stories before, saving Heaven (Shamain), trying to resurrect someone we love (sorry, Spoilers!) all the while each character fighting their own personal demons, real and imagined. The book grabs you and won’t let go.

By the way, disclaimer: I was given this book by the author for an honest review. So I say, those five stars and my review are fully an honest reaction to a fantastic book in a fantastic series of serieses (is that a word?).

Please read these books. Starting with Seasons of the Moon series, then Cain Chronicles, then Descension and Ascension (which I think I am nearing the end) then the newest one is the Preternatural Affairs series. I can’t wait!

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Paradise Damned
Paradise Damned by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, I can’t believe that I am finished with another of Ms. Sara Reine’s series. This, book 7 was the finale of the Descent series. It was gripping!

This one had you moving from Reno to hell and heaven and places between. It was a nightmare of Genesis, origin of man, angel, demons and the many things that could and did go wrong.

I love Elise Cavanaugh and James Faulkner. The tension between this couple that draws them closer and farther away keeps the reader on edge and only wishing for their safety. Both are flawed but strong characters who play out their lives in Ms. Reine’s worlds. The plots and worlds are equally strong and believable.

I am so glad I read this series. But remember that it is best to start with the Seasons of the Moon series and then start Descent series with Death’s Hand. Though I think one could read the books out of order, I have found that each book is built on the one before and you can feel the characters growing and the plots thickening.

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Review: Darkmoon

Darkmoon by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Not many books throw the main character into the action pregnant with twins. Even worse, whose babies are they? Poor Alpha Rylie has found herself in this weird predicament. I love that the rivals for her love and progeny are brothers who have love for each other, often to their own detriment. And will these twins be pups or human? So many questions yet so much to do!

Meanwhile, Rylie’s aunt is now a zombie. And Cain, the rotten apple from Abel and Seth’s mother, is raising–well, Cain! Add to all that the care of a pack and Rylie’s got trouble!

This was another quick exciting read that had me up til the early morning. I had to know what was going to happen, and the action didn’t quit until that last page. No, it wasn’t a cliffhanger. Even so, I have made myself not read the next book until I write this so I won’t be confused again. SO–Read this series after Summer of the Moon series and enjoy!!

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The Cain Chronicles, Episodes 1-4: New Moon Summer, Blood Moon Harvest, Moon of the Terrible, Red Rose Moon
The Cain Chronicles, Episodes 1-4: New Moon Summer, Blood Moon Harvest, Moon of the Terrible, Red Rose Moon by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another great work by S.M. Reine. I love her characters and stories. It was fun to go back and see Rylie, Seth and Abel. I find their evolving relationships so intriguing. They can’t live with modern societies rules of love. Two Alpha werewolves and a Kopic. Two brothers and the girl of their dreams. Human needs versus werewolf needs. A little polyamory needs to play out.

I keep trying to write this review on this batch of episodes but I am already reading book number five. I just couldn’t stop reading at the end of this four book box set.

Check out the Seasons of the Moon series first. The Cain Chronicles just gives us more time with the same cast of characters. Who doesn’t love to spend time with friends? Now, can I get back to book five? I am 67% into it and enjoying it thoroughly. 🙂

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A Feast for Crows: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Four
A Feast for Crows: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Four by George R.R. Martin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I can’t believe I have now finished a second reading of [b:A Feast for Crows|13497|A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, #4)|George R.R. Martin|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1358261107s/13497.jpg|1019062] This time around I read the books according to the prescribed method found on http://boiledleather.com/. I prefer this method over reading the books straight through. A Feast of Crows is a disappointing book if read straight through. It has very little of our favorite characters. Since both of the last two books start immediately after the third, the continuity seems to get lost.

In this second read, I had the advantage of watching the television series so as to know the characters better. I don’t think I had that going into the books the first time. I caught a lot more innuendo that I missed before. The bottom line of this read is that George R.R. Martin presented a world that was basically misogynistic, but full of good and bad people of both sexes. Each character was human with light and dark thoughts. Even the bad guys/gals had light thoughts and vice versa; that humans try but even while trying, fail. George did seem to project the idea of what women go through and glorified those women in his books who managed to pull up to their male equals and the dangers for those women that are power-hungry and not just wishing for equality. (Sorry for the awkward sentence there. My mind is a bit fuzzy right now.)

Once, again, I must sing my praises for narrator, Roy Dotrice. Yes, I would prefer that he not use leprechaun voices for women and/or Tyrion. Still it is handy to separate the characters. I listened to him on the Audible version as I read an ebook version. BUT–The Kindle version is now only $4.99. That is a 50% discount!!! It still isn’t text-to-speech enabled, nor is it lendable. For those of us with cash-flow problems, the books and cds are now at the libraries.

Below is the review of my first reading.


NO TEXT-TO-SPEECH. NOT LOANABLE. WAY TOO EXPENSIVE! AND ONLY A MACHISMO WAY OF LOOKING AT THE WORLD. POWER, POLITICS. WOMEN ARE AT THE LEVEL OF SHEEP OR COWS. And as I am reading this I remember being forced to read such as this in school and teachers telling me it is wonderful and a classic. Male teachers, no doubt.

I read to escape real life. If it wasn’t that I want to have an honest conversation with my adult children about this series, I would not be dragging myself through this. It is dark and bloody. This world is even worse than the world we live in now. It may help women who read this to see and remember how far we have come and yet how far we haven’t. As long as books like this praise rape and plunder and this is considered the usual behavior of males in our society, we will never have a society of peace.

Meanwhile, I do respect that the author has managed to keep tabs on all his characters. The writing is good. The plot is well strung. There are some phrases that I find irritating now as after this many books WE KNOW. But maybe it is how the author keeps the characteristics unique?

Anyway, I am on to book five. I think I see the light at the end of this tunnel. I have so many other books I want to read!

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What an exciting conclusion to a great trilogy. Read my review here:

<a href=”http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15827257-emergence&#8221; style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img alt=”Emergence (Eden’s Root Trilogy #3)” border=”0″ src=”http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1365267098m/15827257.jpg&#8221; /></a><a href=”http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15827257-emergence”>Emergence</a&gt; by <a href=”http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/719277.Rachel_Fisher”>Rachel Fisher</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/605511766″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Wow! What a ride! Look if I’m dingy today, I blame Rachel Fisher. This book started out rolling and didn’t stop. Real life got in my way, or I would’ve finished this in a day or so. Somewhere around 60%, it felt slower but that was the calm before the storm. I figured last night. I’d start reading it midnight and I would fall asleep. The sun was well up in the sky for two hours before I fell asleep. I could not put the book down. I wanted to know what was going to happen to Fi and her friends.<br /><br />I gave this five stars because, as usual, Ms. Fisher told a wonderful tale. But I noticed that somewhere around 60% of the book, there were a few mistakes words left out or tiny misspellings. The other thing that really bothered me and I know this is just me, how did Fi deal with dirty diapers? I’ve had four kids. I could not have fought a war with any one of them hanging from me. I know Fi is a really strong woman. But somehow I have a hard time grasping a woman who just gave birth and running 3 miles with her baby in the backpack. It just seems rather impossible to me. But that doesn’t stop the story. And it is an amazing one. Maybe I missed something in reading it.<br /><br />I love the ending! I will have to reread the trilogy again as I miss this great bunch of characters!
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