Tag Archive: #JJiJ

There is not a word more enigmatic than enigmatic. It is a mystery to me how this word even exists. I know I have run across it in my reading. Obviously, I know what it means. But it is a word I rarely use and I rarely hear others using.  But that is the prompt word provided by VirgobeautyIt certainly a word worth looking into and practicing a bit.

I was looking for a picture but there were far too many on Google images. Look it up for some fantastic pictures to represent the enigmatic word.

On another topic, I’ve been binging again. My son bought the whole series of Breaking Bad. I’ve been going through all the seasons for the past couple weeks. It was way better than I thought it could ever be knowing the plot. And it didn’t rate with my fem entertainment requirements as females were only support. But that could be solved if they could make a series about the women of the show. Those were very strong women.

Tomorrow I will talk about the other binge.

Well, this enigmatic blog is ready for bed. Good Night all!

#JustJotItJanuary brought to us by Linda G. Hill

Chair Yoga. Check. How can I be sore after that? I am.

#fibromyalgia, #arthritis, #seniors, #disabilities, #Yoga With Adriene,


Thanks, Linda for the fun of both of these challenges. Does it matter that there are several sentences in my one line?

I couldn’t think of any food that I could call Scrumptious. All I could come up with is


A soft yummy yarn can make my whole body relax and want to dive into it. Maybe that is my fibro that finds so many fabric of my clothes hurtful. Warm, lovable, delicious yarn makes me happy.

But that goes for colors.

Deep green forests

Deep blue oceans


This sweetie–most scrumptious and not in a burrito!

(I’m mostly vegetarian now, but as a teen I went to a mission in Mexico and the other teens there asked how we liked out burritos and then informed us that they were made with perro. Sadly, I found them delicious.)

Only one more day of Just Jot It January. I can say I loved the prompts that kept me writing something everyday. I must find something that keeps me this motivated. Thank you, Linda G. Hill.

Judy Martin gave us this prompt: “Scrumptious.” Here’s her link: https://www.judyedwinamartin.com/

Well, here I am trying hard to get my writing done before midnight. Seems I am the Midnight Writer! That is a cool name! In fact, I think it is

Sadly it is in use. Of course! And then I thought, ‘What about MidKnight Writer?’ that’s using last night’s prompt with this one. But it is taken, too.  Oh, well.

For those of you who are curious, that might not know yet, my son and his other siblings got here with half of his stuff. The siblings left (are safely home) and we are getting the house in order. In two weeks there has to be another trek down (8-hour drive) to pick up the rest and clean out his father’s apartment and then the 8-hour trek back only to unpack and figure out where the rest goes. The good of that is I get to see my other kids. The scary is everyone on the road so long. It will be nice to be finished with the move and everyone safely back where they belong.

So far the weather has been

for this crazy


The bewitching hour is at hand and I am too tired to care!

Just Jot It January is courtesy of Linda G. Hill.

Our fantastic prompt is from  Jill. See at her blog, “J-Dubs Grin and Bear It,” Here’s her link:  https://jilywily.wordpress.com/

You can keep your knight in shining armor. I prefer my knight who makes everything shiny. (Dishes, kitty litter, cleaning toilet, etc.) Cause I am so tired from the last few days. By the way, offspring arrived delivering oldest and much of his stuff after midnight last night. Had the merest of good visits. Delivering offspring drove back home (are safe in their own homes) and #1 son is here and bought us who were still here pizza. We mostly took today off. Too tired. Tomorrow is another day. Oh, in two weeks we need to travel back and get more of the stuff and clean the apartment. Maybe by then, this place won’t look like box city! Please forgive this mishmash of a blog I can barely type.

Find out about the Just Jot It January and the prompt here.

After a week of moving things from one room to another and then to have more coming to move in, I feel I am incapable of movement. I so want to just hide in the bed and recuperate. Yet we find out that not everything got brought up so another trip in is the works and more moving. And they haven’t even got here yet. Son #2 said they thought it would be about 10 PM. I didn’t want to put off the Just Jot It January and Stream of Consciousness Saturday. I’ve been doing this too late every day anyway. Most of the time lately it is after midnight.

Sometime tonight I expect to see something like this pull into my driveway:

Well, minus the chicken and dog. They are already here. My brain and body hurt thinking about it. At least I get to see my adult offspring for a night and one is staying. Yay! Next week I expect to slow down and loom knit or knit and visit with my son.

This has been an amazing month. Just like last year, I have managed to write on my blog every day. I think the thing that kept it interesting is the prompts Linda G. Hill kept posted and ready for the rest of us. Thank you, Linda!

Take a look at that object. That is my address. I know it looks like a musical instrument that I learned how to play, a bit, when I was in junior high, sixth grade I think. You might even think of it as my own TARDIS. Though it is rather a variable, sometimes bigger on the inside but soon smaller than the inhabitants.

If I’ve counted correctly, I have lived in 21 addresses. Maybe four of them are just the right size. But with family and a few friends and four-leggeds, the insides of these places grow and shrink at the oddest rates. Can you hear the music of the bellows?

When we moved here three Autumns ago, the living room was empty. It has squares of carpet that made me want to play hop-scotch or dance there was so much room. I had my own piano room/hobby room and most of the time I enjoyed that room, but Winter came. Hear the music as we moved into the bedroom to save the electric bill. So that room started collecting things that didn’t fit in the bedroom.

When Spring came, I looked forward to company coming. With no living room furniture, I felt sad. But a kind soul found us sofas and soon the living room had friends and family. I liked working out there where the soft sofas called me. So the piano room is used less.

Suddenly, my son is in a situation where he needs somewhere to live. So this week  I’ve been busy pulling books and things out of that room and trying to find homes for everything that was in there. So remember the empty living room? Boxes! Piano! Bookshelves!

So the address has taken the squeezing–push the button on the top if you don’t want to hear the music! Or is that my accepting sigh? I haven’t seen my son for years! So I am happy to see him and think it will be fun to have him around. Just, oh there’s the sigh again, sad to see the space squish. At least this address is full of space outside, and lots of sky!

Just Jot It January is Linda G. Hill’s baby.

John Holton’s prompt is “Address.” You can visit John at his blog, “The Sound of One Hand Typing,”  Here’s his link:  https://thesoundofonehandtyping.wordpress.com/


Every January we go through traditions. Many choose the New Year to make resolutions to quit habits or institute new ones. A friend and I have used our New Years to write up possibilities. We feel resolutions are made to be broken whereas if you think ahead and wish to do better or see changes in your life you should write them down. They aren’t necessarily predictions, though they could work out that way, but rather shine a new light on our lives. The only prediction that comes out of this is as a counselor once told me: The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. And of course, then continued with the solid advice that the only way that changes is if a person has hurt enough from that behavior and wants a change from deep in their soul.

When we see little changes happening for the better, they can put on the label of possibility.

I want to thank Linda G. Hill for asking for prompts for these Just Jot It January blogs. I had to take the time to think of what I wanted to put my thoughts and predictions. I will keep private my possibilities as I think it spoils the silent work I put into them if I share. Thank you, everyone, who used my prompt of Prediction. It’s been fun to see what you came up with.

Still tinking and frogging and knitting same little hat as days ago. I’ll get this knitting thing if its the last thing I do! I miss my looms! Why do I have to be so determined? Okay, so not one line–unless you put it on a big screen.

Both One-Liner Wednesday and Just Jot it January are brought to us by Linda G. Hill. Go here to find out how it all works.

Back in the day. We only had black and white television.I didn’t think about it much until Sheriff John would bring out his DiMaggio carrots in full black and whiteness. Sheriff John would cheerfully tell us that these orange beauties were so good for us because of the green tops. I knew what I was looking at was wrong. But of the children shows of my day, this show was one of my favorites. I can still sing all the words to his Happy Birthday song. I’m dedicating this song to Linda G. Hill whose birthday was yesterday.  And to my friend, Michele whose birthday is Friday. And I’m glad this is a tribute to a man who was part of the lives of Southern California kids in the 50s and 60s.

About the time of the Moon Landing July 16, 1969, we got out first colour TV.

For all the grey of the moon, that flag was in full colour. I could never go back. To this day I HATE the first part of  Wizard of Oz. I KNOW it represents the dullness of life prior to Dorothy’s adventure to the Emerald City.  Many people love the quaintness of noir or black and white movies but I’ll just stay home and read a book, thank you. B&W is BORING!

I’m so glad to live my life in Living Colour!


Of course, back then most of the shows were still about men. We’ve come a little way, baby.


Just Jot it January is Linda’a gift to us.

“Supernatural Snark” brought us the prompt: Colour. Here’s her link:  https://supernaturalsnark.wordpress.com/



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