Tag Archive: Julia Cameron

It's Never Too Late to Begin Again: Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond (Artist's Way)It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again: Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond by Julia Cameron
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’ve been meaning to review this. I finally remembered. A friend and I have been working through the book as a sort of class to get our creative muses up and running again. We would do the tasks and work on our memoirs as homework. We both picked up quite a bit through this book.

We both had the paperback, and I had the Audible, which we would listen to on Zoom while we followed along in the paper copy. That worked pretty well. We both felt we got more in touch with areas of our lives we wanted to improve.

My biggest gripe was that I felt too old for the book. It seems if you are an early retiree, this would be perfect. We had already passed the floundering when you aren’t part of the workforce. If, in fact, you are at that stage, I think this would be the perfect book to start the next part of your life.

Heather Henderson (Narrator) was excellent in leading our little ‘class.’

View all my reviews

One-Liner Wednesday

Linda’s One-Liner Wednesday

Beauty is whatever gives joy. –Edna St. Vincent Millay

Found today during creativity class in the workbook : It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again by Julia Cameron

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

The prompt from Linda G. Hill:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “the first 2-5 words at the top of the closest printed matter.” Open (if necessary) the closest printed matter to you. Use the first 2-5 words at the top of the page any way you’d like in your post. Have fun!


It’s Never.

That’s right. It’s never. Different than forever. Different than now. Endings. They are as sure as beginnings. And just as unpredictable. ‘It was a dark and stormy night’ could easily be an ending as a beginning. Think about it. The main character feels solid in her growth and the reader knows there is no more story. Even still it could end because it was a dark and stormy night. Hey, better that than, It’s never.

What happens in never? Is Peter Pan the only one to deal with that? Never grow up, never grow old. Like that’s the worst that can happen? Never to have learned, never to have lived seems worse, don’t you think?

Somehow as I read the first two words of the Julia Cameron title, ‘It’s Never Too Late To Begin,’ somehow, I heard the ending of an argument between a man and woman and the woman is shouting, “It’s Never!” That shouted in my head. Maybe that’s the result of too many hours watching shows and hearing fights. Still, can you hear that argument?

“Well, what’s it gonna be, Mabel? When are you going to grow up” [staying with the aforementioned Pan] “Are you going to pay these bills? Now or ever?”

The woman grabbed her hoodie from the coat rack. “Never! You made these bills. You pay them. It’s never!” She donned the sweatshirt and pulled up the hood. The door slammed satisfactorily behind her. She smiled as she realized Never is a good place to be. It was a dark an stormy night. Her kind of night.

Photo by Nikolett Emmert on Pexels.com

Here’s me wishing for rain.

The Artist Way, Morning Pages Journal.

That’s what I try to share here. Things that bring me joy.

The things I make aren’t professional, but I love working on projects and finishing.

Here’s one

Yahoo! 100 words extra! Already set up next month’s Junowrimo of 20K more. I miss dragons and planets but Moving (my newest working title of my memoirs) is more fun and more work than I thought it would be.

No pictures until totally finished and hung on walls but working on straightening, sealing, and framing my diamond paintings. I can’t wait to unwrap and kit up my next, a lighthouse for my husband.

No pictures, but continuing knitting a couple pairs of socks.

Spring brings me joy. The mesquite are starting to bloom. I’ll wait until full bloom to capture. But yesterday we caught sight of a bright yellow bird. I thought it was a finch. But today I got a good look. Unfortunately, he kept moving beyond my phone picture range. But I Googled what I saw. Turns out to be a Western Tanager.

Aren’t they beautiful?

And I’m writing this early as today is my last long drive. My final eye recheck is this afternoon. At least not early in the morning. Still, so many 5 hour driving days are so wearing. Maybe by July I will have recovered.

I think tired is the reason I’m not seeing more improvements. My eyes are tired and blurry. I hope to find ways to get better this afternoon.

Speaking of tired. I just realized, this is Tuesday!!!!

And Happy Tuesday!


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