Tag Archive: JuNoWriMo

Thursday the Thirtiest ;-D

JunoWriMo is done as of today. I reached my lesser goal of 15K words added to my memoir, Moving. After two months of writing, I have accumulated 55,394 words, and I still have much more to write about. I don’t know how many of you have written a memoir, but it is far different for me than fiction. I just wrote the word friction and laughed. Yeah, either way, the writing is about friction. So my next part, I will make a new goal for CampNaNo and see how far it takes me.

I am trying to keep it about me, this book. That sounds selfish, but it is the only way I can keep from throwing others under a bus, of sorts. Did they do me wrong? Yeah. But many have grown, and many have left this plane of existence. So I am just trying to claim my own issues and experiences without awfully implicating others. Still, there are some that I haven’t figured out how to tell the story without the other person involved.

At the same time, I want to use this writing as a memory enhancer or therapy session. So I will have to remove names to protect the innocent or those who need their anonymity,

Just to give an idea as to how far into my life I’ve written, I am on the thirteenth move, I am well into my forties, and my oldest is now a young adult. So there are another thirty-something years to write about. Though this second half of life isn’t nearly as full of excitement, agitation, or losses as the first half.

The biggest fun I have had writing this is trying to tour through the homes as I get to that part of my life. It amazes me what I remember and what I have forgotten. It’s nice to pick my adult children’s brains for details I might have forgotten, and if not theirs, my brother’s. And then there’s that weird thing that happens. Every person recalls an incident differently, sometimes widely different than each other. That Mandela effect plays strongly on all of us. Heck, that plays a part when you send two people to the store with grocery lists, and they come home with none of the essential items.

But then we hardly agree on what day of the week, right? Hence, Linda G. Hill’s What Day Is It Anyway prompt. Several times today it has been Saturday. Other times it feels like a Monday. Maybe it is due to the long trip to Redmond we had to take on Tuesday. That has screwed up the space-time continuum for me this week.

Back to the writing. I think I will set up my CampNaNo goal for 15k more. That will allow for some special things I am planning for this month. I get to see family and friends! Yay!

Does anyone know if Linda G. Hill is still doing the Escapist Coloring prompt still? I have a page colored I could share tomorrow.

Happy Friday Eve!

So unfortunately the lighthouse is finished. My next project won’t be here until Wednesday. I’m at loose ends. Meanwhile, I still need to straighten, seal and hang it.

I finally hung the tea dragon on the tea cabinet. My phone camera was being weird.  It looks far better than this.

I’m nearing my goal on my memoir for Junowrimo.

Look! Only 367 until 50k! Oh yeah. Snap! That wasn’t the goal for June. 55,100 is the goal. I think I can…
Sock number one is nearly done. Probably finishing it tomorrow.
I know we can!

More like sort of beginning.

I’m at 41,852 in the autobiography. Dividing it up like this between three months is nearly painless.

I finally got the beach sunset up. Square drills are the worst! Some are still trying to pop off. I hated my painted frame. I used too much sealant trying to keep those tiles on. So the idea of a sunset on a beach is on the wall above the piano. My dream area in Dar’s Dabbling Den, right next to my gifted Mermaid (thank you, Georgia). Yeah. Now I see they need to be straightened. And tenor recorder tried to get into the act.

I started a new diamond painting. A lighthouse. It is bigger than others I’ve done. It’s for my husband.

Here’s a quick unboxing.

Size. And look how great those symbols look. This should be easy!
It came with easy instructions.
Two pens and cushions instead of just one. At least two waxes.
Lots of little baggies.
Open on my easel in my drill catching tray/lid. The bags of colors.
Another look at the drills in baggies.
Here’s my first days work. That bit on the upper right. I had to roll up the left side to fit in my easel.
Today’s work. Play!

Knitting socks continues but less than the diamond painting. But the progress doesn’t show up much in pics, just a couple rows each.

So what have you been up to? Being retired is great!

Fast Friday

That’s how today has gone. Fast! When days like today happen, I remember when my kids were young. I remember being so busy the whole day and when my then husband got home the house was a mess and I was exhausted yet it looked like I didn’t do anything at all. I learned a little trick. Rather than write a list of tasks I wanted to achieve, I would list what I actually did. That made me feel so much better.

In fact, I think this blog is a bit like that for me. It is a way to help me not think that life has just passed by while I just lived it. You know what I mean? And it does help. If I want to know when the last snow happened, when the last pair of socks finished, what was I doing last year this date, I look it up here and say to myself, “See! I did do something.” ” Oh look it snowed bundles more last year,” etc.

So, I don’t have writing numbers for today as I haven’t written yet today. With yesterdays numbers I have Pandamapocalypse just 1,001 added. Marina’s Mission 5,360. As soon as I have this blog published I will go spend the time to make about 500 on Panda and 1,667 on Marina.

I did run through the Prelude from yesterday, not nearly as well. I think the light was worse for me at that time of day. Then I played a few bars of 


No, I didn’t play it one handed. I have in the past but right now I just want to make music. Lesson learned, do piano things earlier in the day while the piano is in the living room. When we move it, it will be lighter longer as it will get a southern exposure.

I did play with the recorder a bit. I will be using this YouTube to help for a bit.

Then when I just wanted to make the music I went to practice on this website.

Then I did a little playing by ear just to work on breath control and moving stiff fingers.

Speaking of stiff fingers I did a few rows on the newest pair of charity slipper socks. Working on ankles then cuffs, yay!

Now it is close to midnight and I have some stories to write before bed.

dont stay up too late

Yep, I’m at it again! JuNoWriMo. I didn’t finish, or even do much with last months editing. So I am combining the editing and rewriting that needs to happen to finish Pandamapocalypse. But a new book was calling to me so I have started on Marina’s Mission. So my count for Panda is 510 words added as the story still hasn’t finished. Yet MM is the second part of Panda. So this is going to get complicated. Even so I managed 1870 words. Yeah! 

I have complained that we get no spring or fall here. But this year the weather has been more of a springy feeling. I love my mesquite bushes just outside. They blossomed up and became nearly yellow with all the flowers. I finally got out to take a couple pictures.

Can you see the pods? Those are what makes the mesquite the most fun. In the summer when the pods turn brown they start popping open. If you are lucky, as you stand an look at these huge bushes, the sound of popping corn happens. It is so much fun to stand and hear a bush make noise!

It wasn’t really quiet as I took the pictures. There were so many bees that the buzz made me very nervous. I got away as soon as I could.

My newest socks are coming along.

The practice on the recorder was slight but I did manage to finger out Mary Had A Little Lamb, and Twinkle Twinkle. But I would love a book to read the music as I go. Tomorrow I promised myself to play one song on the piano just to reconnect.

For those that are curious as to how the Intermittent Fasting/Keto are doing. I’m managing OMAD (One Meal A Day) and that is a very healthy meal. I am rarely hungry later and if so water or tea will do the trick. My pants are getting loose enough to pull down without unsnapping or unzipping. I don’t weigh myself but at the end of the month I have a doctor’s appointment where I know they will weigh me. I think I will be happy with the result.

Today has been the warmest day all year. I think we hit 92. It is suppose to cool off the rest of the week. I think this was to help us get used to what is coming. Fans were running in every room all day.

Midnight is creeping up so I best get this published and head off to bed.

sleep well

Last time I saw this picture was in July last year. Oops! I haven’t colored in a long time! But today I finished using pens and crayons. I didn’t like the story they presented. I have a Marina in my latest Haven book so I rewrote the bottom. Which is nudging me to make the next story about Marina. I really like her and I think she has a lot to offer. My Marina has short blonde hair but I suppose she enjoys wigs or can grow it out now that she has been gene-popped with the other Havenites.

So now I have the beginnings of an outline for JuNoWriMo! Thank you Linda, for tickling the muses and getting me back to enjoying the escaping!

Here’s the next pic in that book. I hope I can hit this before mid-month for a change! It really helps to play with the crayons and colors!

I don’t like the idea of swords or knights or other things attacking my dragons, but this may well happen in the next book! Woe be to those who attempt to kill my Haven dragons!

Thank you, Linda G. Hill, for this fun prompt. I am always happy when I join in the fun of the Escapist Coloring Club

Have you ever had a thing call you to do a something and suddenly you are doing it? No, keep it clean, you all! My music shelf needed sorting. My memory of singing in the truck last week finding I needed more air. Two things crashed. If I started playing the recorder again, I might make my breath stronger. I have recorder teaching books. At least that was the stream of thoughts. But straightening all those books, no recorder books. Darn! I did find my nice soprano recorder in my piano bench. There’s a plus. 

Then I decided to try and find an app to teach myself recorder. I don’t like the app at all. I spent two hours tapping our rests and whole notes on just the key of B and A. My fingers are hurting and I need more movement than just those two notes. I can’t imagine anyone liking that kind of lesson. I think I will go look for books on Amazon when I get paid. Meanwhile, I’ll just play around and see if I can keep the notes sounding pure and not squeaking. 

I think I am getting a music bug again. I miss it. And I miss coloring. And I miss writing. Well, JuNoWriMo is calling but I need to finish the old book before starting the new–or do I? What if I start something completely new?

Well, that is how my Sunday went. Muses are crashing into each other trying to get to me. I’m loving it!

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Towards Good Life

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