Whatcha watchin’?

Here are the latest distractions I’ve had to help with knitting:

My inner mermaid needs water. A pool, or ocean. I miss swimming! Hence the second Mermaid show: Mako Mermaids, Just Add H2O

Okay, it is a bit silly. But I’m not only watching. It is background knitting music!

Another one for the background is Kipo. I wish my kids were young and I could watch this with them. So many teachable moments!

My husband and I caught up on Outlander. I’m still reading. I am a book behind the show. I’m reading (listening) as fast as I can.


My brother, son and I are binging on Better Call Saul. I have to admit that it is hard to watch the past after you’ve watched Breaking Bad and El Camino. No, this show doesn’t win any kind of Bechdel test. Hardly any female influences. I’m not a fan, but it is fun to watch with my guys.


A show to watch for teachable moments with younger people or men who could use this kind of knowledge, if you are able to handle that kind of thing. Otherwise best watched alone to save the embarrassment levels. There is much for all of us to learn–or discard, but interesting Gooplab:


A show that surprised me was I’m Not Okay With This. I really liked it, so did my brother.


Most of these are on Netflix. Outlander is only up to season 3 on Netflix. The rest is on Hulu.

Speaking of Hulu:

It is really good.


Well, I know there are many more. I even have listened to Pandora this past week so that I could read more of Outlander while knitting. I have a channel I call Pirates of the Caribbean, mostly of the shows but Game of Thrones and other movie music sneaks in there.

What’s your noise at the moment?