Tag Archive: Laura

The postcard of the cottage we were blessed to stay at during the week of my daughter and new son’s wedding.
One of the many beautiful quotes on the walls of this cottage.
Outside the back door
Taken from the enclosed back porch
One of the many seating areas outside.
The enclosed patio with pellet stove.
My son’s and my shoes at the back entrance to the home. Aw. This makes me smile and miss the place even more.
The kitchen is the first room after the patio. It is spacious with all the amenities one could want, and more.
I love the layout of the kitchen, and at the two places you might need to fill with water, say a teapot on the stove or the Keurig coffee maker, coming up, there is a separate faucet. Not something I would need, but handy for those that like to spend time in the kitchen. A bit of the one at the stove is on the far left of this picture.
What catches your eye when you first enter the home are the cute pictures and, well, the beauty of the cottage. Oops, I took this as we were getting ready to leave, and that box was heading to the trash.
Every window opens to scenery worth enjoying. My son was laughing while washing his cup one morning. He said he witnessed a bunny and a squirrel scampering out this window. Again, pardon the box.
A better view from above the sink in the kitchen. Isn’t it lovely?
A nice breakfast bar sits at the end of the kitchen. My son and I enjoyed this often. There are welcoming notes in the notebook sitting there and a little to-do notebook to add things that might need to be attended to. By the way, there are many antiques and clocks that look like they could be.
Directly across from the kitchen sink and next to the back door is the coffee machine I mentioned above. A drink cooler? Now I show my unsophisticated ways. We just have a refrigerator at home.
Looking from the coffee counter toward the dining room. The huge modern fridge. Yes, my suitcases are ready to go. So sad. I still live in this place at night, in my dreams, daytime wishes, in my heart, feeling the love here.
This is the wall behind the breakfast bar. I loved all the quotes and pictures tastefully displayed all over the home. I loved the welcome on the chalkboard. We left a thank you there before we left.
To the left of the welcoming chalkboard.The exercise machine. LOL. I did get a lot of exercise as what I needed was always at the other end of the stairs.
The door to the left of the stairs.
I think I already included this downstairs restroom and shower. I love how it is all arranged in one of the YouTube tutorials. Wish I would have captured the picture above the sink in the toilet room.
Guess I don’t need to say anything here.
The sink in the shower room.
The shower.
Storage for towels.
The dining room. At the end of the kitchen, where the fridge was. This is so pretty that I decided not to make it a smaller picture.
To the right of the TV table is the dining table. We used this room to gather Spouse 1 and Spouse 2, family, and friends together to make plans for the rest of the week. Great memories here.
Across from the dining table is a little sitting area. Yes, that is my coat on the one chair and my son’s backpack on the other as we are getting ready to go. So sad.
Outside a squirrel scampers on the fence.
From the dining room we enter the foyer. Probably backwards to coming into the house from the front door.
Another seating area outside.

The scamp is there again.
Pics in the foyer.
A napping bed in the foyer.
Antique phone above the bed.
Front door.
Never got around to it but there was a whole antique store across the street.
This across from the napping bed, the top drawer had crayons and paper. That came in handy when the friends and family visited.
Beautiful front door.
More foyer artwork.
Foyer furniture
Another nap bed or reading corner at the far end of the foyer.
Window seat or napping?
Artwork entering the living room or sitting room. I loved this room best. The sofa fit me best. This was where I did the most knitting and tinking.
Obviously, I hadn’t fluffed the pillows but that was quite comfortable!
Cute little end table.
A most comfortable living room. Great for relaxing after such a busy week.
My son’s favorite chair. And when I needed scissors I found them in the drawer behind his chair.
This wall is back at the entrance to the dining room. I love the saying and the picture.
This antique turntable was on top of a cabinet I wish I had known about at the beginning. It is full of board games.
Guess what was in the table behind the chair. Yarn!!! But I brought my own. Imagine had I not. This could have taken care of my addiction.
Look at the cute antique typewriter! I have visions of working on my NaNoWriMo novel here.
One of the many full bookshelves. The reader in me was so happy!
Beautiful fireplace and a TV that has enough streaming to get us by. Roku had Farscape, which we continued when we got home, and Netflix, Call the Midwife, and other easy watching. Isn’t the wooden goose cute?

We were so blessed in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, at the Greenstone Cottage. We highly recommend it if you get the chance to go, you will love it too. By the way, You pronounce the town as if you were saying, ‘I can no more walk.’. I had such a hard time saying it at first, but I practice it daily.

Thank you, Ronda, for making sure we were comfortable during our stay visiting with all of you. I think it is Cathy I need to thank for this beautiful home. I’ll correct it if wrong. Correction: Her name is Carol. Thank you, Ronda and Laura, for helping me get her name right.

Addendum. I forgot to tell you what Dana and I missed for being so tired from the week before and lack of sleep the day of the flight. I will claim the bout of diverticulitis. Whatever it was, we should have taken a few walks around the cottage. Laura pointed out that just a block away was a lake! I’m sorry, peeps! I could have gotten some fun pics of that! And there were some fun shops had we gone in the other direction. I wish I could do this again. I would have loved to check these out.

One-Liner Wednesday


Then Kelly and Mark showed this today on their show:

The weird and fun get weirder and funnier.


My daughter and son-in-love dressed as the twins from the Shining. Though He is handsome as a male he’s pretty cute as a girl. What’s fun is that both mothers gave the spouse away. Without informing the other, we moms were witches! Me with daughter and new son with my other sons in the back.
The king is from:

Middle back son is wearing a plaid shirt representing:

My #1 son is hidden behind my hat. But he is dressed as a Blues Brother.

The home where the wedding was on the lake front. My new son’s mother’s home. It was beautiful. My diverticulitis was acting up or I would have stayed as the reception was going on. My daughter married into a huge fantastic family.

I took tons of pictures, and so did other family members. So I’ll share more later. I’m sorry to be so vague with names but I’m trying to protect individual privacy while sharing my love of this awesome day. I’ll share more as time and energy permits.

Happy early Halloween!

Ta Da Tuesday

Finally finished.

I was so proud of my husband. As he held up the Afghan he said, “If you had a blocking frame it would take care of the curling.”

I stood there, my mouth ready to catch flies! How did he know that? He said his grandpa made one for his grandma who was a constant crocheter.

It is now in the box being mailed to my daughter. I will talk more about it later.

One-Liner Wednesday

My husband demonstrates the one panel added.

Lots more to do before this gets wrapped and posted.

Memories Monday

I was just researching my first blog about Kali. Maybe the archives don’t go back to December 9th, 2016. That’s the day Laura, my daughter brought Kali to me. The first blog I can find is This One. There is a picture of me from when Kali was still my grandpuppy and lived with Laura.

Now, this picture will make me cry forever. Kali is so sweet and full of energy. It is hard to remember her from back then. But if you do a search on the name Kali on my blog, you will see she even had her own blog for a while.

Please forgive me as I journey down memory lane.

As I said, Kali was Laura’s dog. They were inseparable. Laura took her everywhere. They shared a home with Logan, her brother, and Vader, Logan’s huge dog. Sometimes my brother and I would pet sit if the offspring had to go to a place where dogs weren’t allowed. Kali would sleep with me. Vader would sleep with my brother.

I felt we connected during those short visits.

Soon Laura decided it was time to get her own apartment. Kali didn’t like being alone while Laura went to work. Separation anxiety caused Kali to rip up Laura’s apartment.

Our house had four adults home all the time. We all thought we might be able to help her. And so it was decided Laura brought Kali to me on my birthday in December 2016. Doesn’t that seem a long time ago?


Please excuse me while I curse internally for a moment. I had a LONG blog ready to publish and only the top bit was saved. I am going to attempt to rewrite the WHOLE thing, even though it was full of painful memories. But I best get on with it.


Kali, a rat-terrier, had a lot of energy. We rarely had a quiet day at first. And that was good for me. Even though it was a very cold winter, I had to take her outside. I got a good tam that first year. We did a lot of playing in the yard or taking walks. She loved rides in the truck.

If you wanted to see a dog dancing pirouettes pull out the leash. It was hard to hold still but she wanted to go badly enough that she’d hold still to let you put on the harness or the coat if needed.

But she had social anxiety and couldn’t tell who was good or bad. She might attack the sweetest dogs and made some walks very scary for me.

After three donut turns at night, Kali would curl up in her ‘donut dog’ shape and sleep with me. It made me laugh every night.

Before Kali came it was only Teddy and Rosey. Teddy divorced me the minute Kali moved in. I tried to explain to him that I still loved him but he wouldn’t sleep with me or sit on my lap for the longest time. Only recently did he come back to me sleeping in the bed and spending lap time. I’m glad he forgave me before he left us for that rainbow bridge a few weeks ago.

Though we only had her for seven years it seem like we were together forever. Kali was a part of my daily life. Even with her quirks, she was my best friend.

In the last few months Kali was diagnosed with doggy’s Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cataracts. Her inability to see and her confusion would have her lost in a corner here or there. She was in a lot of pain and we finally had to give up outside jonts as she could get hurt falling up or down the steps or get lost in bushes. We lined our house with piddle pads and eased her shame that it was all she could do. I gradually had to have her sleep on a little bed at the foot of my bed. I felt badly that she couldn’t sleep with me but she fell off the bed so many times and I was always scared she might hurt herself. This whole process was so painful for all of us. From the high energy of her youth to seemingly older than us in the end. Taking care of an elder dog is heartbreaking.


I know there was more here but I forgot what I wrote drat it!


So the last couple weeks she just got more and more tired, just laying at first on the sofa but soon even that was too dangerous so we would scoope her up and put her on either the bed in our room or the bed in the living room where she was right on the floor.

The last few days she gave up food and water. We could no longer give her the pain meds as they needed food or she’d get sick. This was so hard. Look up what to expect from a dying dog. She was all that list. The only good was she preferred lap time with me and I would spend that time talking to her and petting her ears. She loved that.

We live so far from a vet that the trip to have her euthanized seemed crueler than just easing her with love. Yes there was pain but that trip is very painful.

We four adults took shifts in the last days so that she was never alone. We did all we could to keep her comfortable and knowing she was loved.

At 5:11 this morning my husband woke me (I’d just gone to bed at 3:30) and told me that Kali went peacefully.

I woke to an already cleaner house as my brother had picked up and thrown away all the piddle pads and all the bedding and towel were in the washer. He even had a small funeral with the little cat outside as witness. We were all wet faced for several days. Kali is missed. How many dogs love loom knitting?

Here’s a little poem my husband, Chris created with the IA program.

A loyal friend who loved to play, 

A furry companion who brightened each day, 

A faithful pet who stole our hearts, 

Our beloved dog who now departs. 

With wagging tail and happy bark, 

You greeted us each time we embarked, 

On walks and runs and games of fetch, 

Your presence made us feel so blessed. 

You snuggled close on cold, dark nights, 

Your warmth and love were shining lights, 

You listened closely to our tales, 

And licked our tears when we felt frail. 

But now you’re gone and we’re alone, 

Our hearts are heavy, our souls are moan, 

We’ll miss your smile, your silly ways, 

And cherish memories of better days. 

Rest in peace, dear furry friend, 

Your love and loyalty will never end, 

Though you’re no longer by our side, 

In our hearts, you’ll always reside. 

Made by Chris https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt 

One-Liner Wednesday

Thanks, Laura, for the cutest owl ever!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
One-Liner Wednesday

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “whatever.” Use the word “whatever” any way you’d like. Bonus points if you start your post with it. Have fun!

When my daughter was a teen one of her favorite shows was Sifl and Olly. I probably loved it more than her. ‘Whatever’ was the word of the day. By this point I’d survived four teens! I plead insanity!

Languid lizards leap lions lazily. Licked. Lunch.


But let me take a moment to do a memorial. My son, Logan, just lost his best friend, Vader. For quite a while Kali and her mommy (Laura) lived with Vader and Logan. And these, my grandpuppies, played together. Kali thought she was the one in charge. Vader was just a lovable, laid-back, lapdog. Well, far too big for a lap. But he was Mutt (the big one) to Kali’s Jeff (the little one) It is breaking my heart as I love that big brute so much. I know my son must be a mess, Here are pictures of Vader when he was younger and recently.

RIP Vader

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