Tag Archive: lighthouse

Much looks the same as last time. But you want to know what I’m learning as I go? All attempts get me closer to not. Not a baby beginner. Not a total loser. And if I take a moment and look back I find more proficiency. Faster, not so lost. Progress. And it’s not linear. There are times I pick up the recorder and find that somehow God put holes in my fingers. Air is escaping, somewhere.

Sometimes I get the chord progression of these simple songs. But if I don’t, I only have to remember a month ago. I could tune my uke. Now I can sing little songs and not look as I move from F to G7 to C to C7 and more, and I know without looking at my hand that I did it.

I can remember being 12 and learning to crochet and knit. How I got so frustrated when I had to rip it out.

Now I look forward to trying again. The thing that makes these hobbies frustrating is placing time constraints or perfection goals.

I may not be producing the way society deems worthy, but I’m 74 and enjoying my life. Learning is my fun. Seeing changes in abilities, even as I’m told growth can’t happen anymore, THAT is the fun.

I am keeping my goal on the stationary bike and other exercises. And I see tiny improvements.

My only disappointment in me is trying to find my way to the reading aloud/editing goal. But I’ll figure it out.

Here’s the pics of progress.

I rarely finish a crossword puzzle book but I threw this full one away and am looking for another. The other thing I rarely finish is a bottle of hand lotion. It usually goes bad before I’ve used it all.
These balls are to crochet a strap for my uke. I’m following Bernadette’s YouTube
I’ve only added a couple rows since I posted these. But only 2 inches until the heel. I’m planning to try the Fishlip heel. I bought the pattern. You can Google where to get it. I’ll include it when I find out it works for me.
Only a couple more rows added here, too. I can’t get hyper-focused on the thinner yarns and needles. They can hurt my hands or eyes.
I’m loving this beautiful bird. Can you see how much more color lights up this picture with each section of drills?
Not as happy with this one. It is tiny and the colors are not so vibrant.

I feel good about developing discipline. Why is it only now growing?

Diamonds (drills) are a Dar’s Dabbling Den best friend

Loving the peacock. Even the dark parts are colorful.
Only one more flounder day!

The diamond painting that I Flounder with is the recliner lighthouse.

The lighthouse is coming along. But not in the den.

I can’t believe I’m involved in three diamond paintings at a time.  I straightened and sealed the Sea Turtles. So that on pay day I can mail it. It still looks the same so I’ll use a past pic.

This was a fun project!

While it was drying, I decided to go with the peacock next. So I’m geared up ready to go. Here’s the opening.

The usual pen, cushion, tray, wax and baggies. Those cellophane bags the drills come in were so full of static. I think because today was windy, snowy, rainy, and back to wind.
I can’t wait to start this beauty! I have books on that center fold hoping to iron it out by tomorrow. We
I got this much done so far on the lighthouse. Click on the picture to see the diamonds and empty symbols. I learned, just now, that this lightpad doesn’t need to stay plugged in. It can be charged! Yay! Small wins, ya know?
Except for hiding the yarn ends, I finished these.  They seem larger than the size 7. But as slippers they may work.

So the founding of the day was trying not to dump diamonds everywhere especially with static making them fly. I only have two hands people!

A while back I made the suncatchers. It was fun to sit in my recliner and save my back. So I picked up the bag  to hold smaller projects.


I have the lighthouse project and a lightpad in it near my chair.

It was nice that this little picture came with a separate key to the symbols.
It came with little baggies, pen, tray and wax, and tweezers.
I set up my containers. The picture is in that little cylinder.

I started today. I’m not very adapted to working like this.  The symbols are harder to work with than numbers and letters. I forgot to take a picture as I ran out of energy. Just know the picture is about two hands’width and one hand in height. So, tiny. It may be fast or a pain. We’ll see. So far the top right of the sky has happened.

Tomorrow I’ll straighten and seal the sea turtles. It is easier to work at the dedicated table than my recliner, so far. I know there are a lot of people who work from their beds. I find myself floundering around trying to keep neat and tidy. I don’t like scattering drills, that’s what the diamonds are called.

ADD means many projects. Keeping those separate and easy to get to is a struggle. ALWAYS!

How do you all keep your hobbies contained?

The Joke’s on Me

Remember I told you I ordered a diamond painting for cheap from Wish? Yeah. This might be fun for a child or when I run out of good DPs. Here are the pictures.

So the little scissors are 5″ just to get the idea of the size of the package.
Here are the innards.
The picture will be tiny and probably not very clear. The smaller the DP the less detail you can see. At least that’s what they tell you.

I’ll finish opening when I’m done with my current WIP. I figure it will take a couple days. In the end I’ll probably toss it. I hope I’m surprised and can add it to my lighthouse collection.


Win some, lose some

My friend is visiting! Yay! So just a quick catch up.

Progress of lighthouse.
Just a cute touching bit from Facebook.

You all have a


Petualang Baru

Law that attracted me!

My transformation from outwardly rituals to internal mantra of sub conscious mind


unlock your dream doors

Sophia's Baseball Blog

I am a student who loves baseball. My goal is to become a professional sportswriter.

tiny hearts

binge thinking and other things in life

How Free is Free

How does a free blog site work when everything is tied to dollars? How do you create content without using proprietary themes when it seems even the colors and fonts are tied to upgrades for usage? Is it even possible? I hope to find out.


...hard choices bring consequences and even harder choices... free will is the cause and effect of our lives...


مجلة السلام الاكترونية


Senior Girl Is Here. Now Ready Set Go Read Me.

Wellness in our World

Navigating Health and Wellness in Today's World


System of thinking ( MIND )

Sentient Metaphysics

Spirituality And Psychic Development

Verse Voyager Books

Embark on Literary Journeys with Verses Unveiled.

The Wild Coach

The truth of the light and the light of the truth

Towards Good Life

Make your life more productive and feel free.