Tag Archive: Linda G Hill

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “mini/maxi.” Use “mini” (the smallest of something) or “maxi” (the largest) or both in your post. Have fun!

Last night as we took Kali outside it was snowing. I grabbed shoes and my new coat (thank you, Rizza!) and stood on the porch looking up. There is nothing as beautiful as white fluffs drifting down onto face and glasses. This gave me maximum enjoyment for a mini amount of snow. (Possibly 1/4 inch.) Most melted. More is expected tonight and tomorrow. Maybe another maximum thrill coming.

One-Liner Wednesday


Another day, another walk.

Nope, that’s not us. Hubby and I have on hats. The dog is Kali, white with spots. No walking sticks. No trees. Just desert.


One-Liner Wednesday is a prompt by Linda G. Hill.


One-Liner Wednesday

One of my writer friends had this on her FB feed. I love it! By the way, if you like fairies and fantasy check out

Marie Navarro.

I’m currently reading:





One-Liner Wednesday is brought to us by Linda G. Hill. It is a fun and easy prompt. Click on her name to learn how.




I wish good health to all my friends!


Just Jot It January and One-Liner Wednesday are brought to us by Linda G. Hill.


WHERE does the lightning strike? It is wonderful to sit here safe in my home and watch the lightning show. It is scary, too. This storm doesn’t seem to have any rain. In the Oregon desert that is something to fear. Dry weeds and mountain to mountain sagebrush. I can see where it strikes. But tonight there is very little thunder to gauge the distance.


Just as I wrote the above paragraph it started to rain and there was a strong enough thunder to shake the walls of the house!

Image by Jan-Mallander pixabay.com

As I continue writing I am finding myself pulled into a peacefulness. The sounds of the rain on the roof. The smell of ozone and alfalfa fields intoxicating. The fear of fire diminishes with the downpour.

So where does the lightning strike? Where?


Thank you, Linda G. Hill for Stream of Consciousness Saturday!


One-Liner Wednesday

One good thing about three-hour, round trip doctor appointments: Listening to books on CDs! (Dance Hall review coming soon!)

By the way, the appointment went great. C had his Staples out and the doctor was pleased with the recovery. C is having very little pain and seems to be doing well with NO pain pills since the operation.

Thank you, Linda G. Hill for a quick and easy challenge! It is taking a while to get back into the daily blogging routine.



The above double toy (finished today), from following instructions Denise of Loomahat.com on this YouTube tutorial:

Though I like making the blanket and getting better at it, I don’t like sewing on the bits and pieces. I think they are cute and I think someone will find comfort in this toy, I need a break. And I bet you guys need something else to look at here.

But I had to share the toy because of the prompt for today’s challenge of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Thank you Linda G. Hill for the fun prompts!


One-Liner Wednesday

Happy Independence Day to my USA friends! (Midnight is an hour and ten minutes away)

This is a prompt challenge by Linda  G. Hill. Thanks for the fun!


Escapist Coloring Club 2190428

Sorry, again to be late to the party but I’m here! Thank you Linda G. Hill for the fun of the Escapist Coloring Club! Below is the picture for this month before coloring. This is a two-headed dragon with a head at each end.

Here’s the finished product:


I did try the baby oil for blending and shading. It does work nicely except check out my next picture on the other side of the above page. Oil spots! Ugh!

Wish I didn’t do this at night when there are so many shadows! Still, it’s fun and playing with crayons, pencils, and a couple of pens makes a fun adventure.

I have been thinking about my next coloring project for the Escapist Coloring Club. I’ve used mostly colored pencils. They’re fine but I miss the smell of crayons. But I couldn’t seem to get my crayons to blend the way I could with pencils. I may have stumbled upon an answer. I thought I would share with the rest of you. By the way, I ran across this answer on Pinterest.

Besides the Baby Oil hint, there are other hints on how to make your coloring experience more fun and creative. I hope you all find these as useful as I did. And I’m with Alisa Burke, I only love Crayola crayons none of the others. Most of the crayons I have tried over the years were waxy and didn’t have that marvelous scent.


Source: alisaburke: crayons: tips and tricks


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