Tag Archive: loom knit

#Making Monday

Because I don’t like sarcasm or facetious remarks, I’ll forgo the #JusJoJan for this last day.

I don’t know if I shared the black painted “framed” *TARDIS in Starry Night.

Didn’t get the whole picture but I think you get the idea. Now I need to pick up some Command Strips to hang it on the wall.

Here’s a little for those who haven’t crossed paths with Doctor Who.<— Wiki

Here is the progress on my newest diamond project. In five days I’ve manage the lower right, of the sandy beach of Beach Sunset. The whole preview on the right. Sideways. This one is worked horizontally and sideways. I need to use the straightener to get my lines more even.

The slipper socks are nearly finished. I’m still working the cuffs.

What are you working on?

Made It Monday


Heading to the gifter of red yarn!🤗

Quick notes: Kitchener cast-on, CinDWood sock loom, German short-row heel, 2by2 rib-knit cuff.

First, the disappointing word count of 44,235. That is 774 words short of the goal of 45,009. But I will try to make that up tomorrow.

On the other hand

Two more slipper socks, and the toe of the first of the next pair ready to go. I added a few rows on the multi-frogged X-Wing loom of four socks. So maybe the words suffer for the soft yarn? If I yarn better can I get more words? Curious minds want to know.

Meanwhile, my son and I are watching S.H.I.E.L.D.

We are into season 3. It is a Marvelous background to write to. It is fun and has similar energy that I think my NaNo has.

In the mornings after Kelly and Ryan and the View, oops and the News and GMA3 I am rewatching the Crown I just got to the Kennedy part. By the way, the choices for actors for those two was so wrong!

By the way, I finally finished Poldark. I had to leave it for a while because it added to the dispare of the day. And the cold parts were hard to watch when the weather got cold. But I did enjoy it and wished for more when it ended.



Monday’s Making

Mitten caps done. Half-fingers done. Now onto cuff and the sewing. I hope to finish tomorrow. NaNo characters are calling me!

Monday Makings

Three hats, a earwarmer convertible fingerless mittens.
And four socks. Busy. Busy, Busy!

Yay! Finished Friday!

I’ll be more talkie tomorrow.


This happened.


I took Kali outside. Stood on the porch for half a moment. Then suddenly something made me yelp. I don’t know what it was. I didn’t see anything fly or crawl away. But touching anything feels like cactus on my arm. So I am trying not to hold my arm where it touches. I’m not dying. It hardly hurts. Just uncomfortable. Wish I could find the critter who did it. Revenge sounds good!

Making Monday

This sad first sock should be on Finished Friday, but unfortunately, there wasn’t any more of the white wool. The thin red wool is still a large cake so, I guess I will have to frog this soft sock and find another way to use the white. Maybe smaller socks? I tend to think a child might have problems with the wool. So even making a hat might be a bad thing. Maybe just a toy? Either way, this one has had its chance in the sun and will go back to being a yarn cake. By the way, this one was made on the 24-peg, blue, Knifty Knitter.  It was an experiment of the toe up on a wider gauge loom. It was a fast project so I’m sorry I couldn’t go further.

You have seen sock number one of this pair and the second sock is just ankle and cuff away from making the pair.

This is the metal-pegged loom. I think it is KB. It is not as comfortable to hold or keep my tension even. But I think the pair will be comfortable as house slippers. It is just acrylic yarn so not inherently warm. I love the toe-up, Kitchener cast-on. The rest is flat-knit if tension allows or u-wrap or even e-wrap at times as the tension was hard to maintain. Kitchener cast-on is harder on this rectangle loom. It may be one I use less and less often.


This is my favorite project. Look! My daughter’s first sock is nearly finished. Just the cuff to finish. What is slowing me down on it is that I am doing a four-by-four purl/knit ribbing stitch using ‘true’ knit stitch. It is very like the purl stitch and more time-consuming. Those purple looms hold the toe-starts to my daughter’s boyfriend’s socks. By knitting two at a time I can keep the lengths the same. I need to order yet another set of the His/Hers KB sock looms as the first one I start her sock on broke. So I transferred the project to the new loom and will order the next set at payday. So I will only be doing one at a time for her socks. It’ll work just not as timely. Looking at the purple looms, isn’t it cool how each skein of yarn starts exactly the same. Each toe starts with red. Because the orange loom is smaller and was my first, I will have to skip the red parts of the next skein to keep her socks even. It is truly an amazing thing to watch as I work! I wish I had been a part of the people who invented this kind of yarn. It is magical! By the way, I love the texture of this yarn, too. It is so soft and being wool will be warm in the colder winters up here or on camping trips.


Yes, another sock. This is the cuff of a sock. I am trying to learn to needle knit on circular needles. This pair of needles are bamboo. It makes it harder to lose a stitch. The yarn is kind of like T-shirt material as it has no fibers that can be frayed or separated. I figured it would help me see my mistakes more clearly.


Yep, another sock. This one will be for a child.


One more:

One of my favorite looms, CinDWood, 56, 1/4 inch gauge. This is donated wool. I know it works up into a nice sock and I have plenty.


I’m still working on two hats. I find the bigger looms are not as much fun or as easy on my hands as the smaller looms for socks and toys.

Both hats are on KB smaller gauge looms. The one on the left is soft pastels with black. The one on the right is red and white, I think that is HomeSpun. The one on the right is gifted to me yarn so should go to a loved one. The one on the right is donated and so should be for charity. Both should make cozy head warmers.

I think that’s it. I usually keep each project in its own zip-lock baggie. But I do keep them all where I can see and grab the one my hands feel drawn to.

As spring is working its way into our area I probably will have to slow it all down for more outdoor activities. Or find ways to take a project with me to sit and enjoy the sun while knitting, drawing, writing, or reading. Those are all good rewards for a nice walk, don’t you think? How do you do the balance?

Finished Friday

Finally a hat for me!

And, yes that us The Walkin Dead season 6 in the background.

Oh, that’s a KB, small gauge, 80 peg, adult size, orange loom. Two-by-two, knit, purl, brim. The yarn, Bernat Pipsqueak Stripes, is so soft and fluffy, you can’t see the stitches. The rest is flat knit stitch. I made it big enough to fold up the brim. Can’t wait to wear it!

Finished Friday

For nearly a week my sweet Kali has been sick. Her own silly fault, but she’s a dog? She ate Kitty litter and then ate grass including a few foxtails. I’ve had four kids. Nothing is harder to take care of than a dog! I trained my children to hit the toilet so there wouldn’t be multiple projectiles going on. Kali figures all floor bedding and furniture are targets. Finally a dog savvy friend gave me advice and that seems to be helping right away. Whew!

My Acer computer doesn’t let me be on for very long without the screen going white and pretty rainbow colors so I am forced to use my tablet and tiny vintage so I’ve pulled back from being online.

Even still, the loom knitting continues. Here’s the latest sock and hat.

Made on the CinDWood 56 peg small-gauge. Two-by-two rubbing thing flat knit the rest to about a size 8 1/2.

Made on the orange small-gauge KB loom. Same stitches as the sock. I started with the Pipsqueak but needed to pull on my next skein of Bernard, not the same colors but just as fun as they stripe out so cool!

Beyond BBQ

While my son made meat barbeque for the other carnivores in the house, I put my vegeburger in the microwave for a minute and continued to finish this:

I’d love to give the pattern but it was kind of freestyle, wing-it hat sized for a small adult or a  large child. I did the brim in garter stitch (Knit a row, Purl a row, etc.) Then flat knit stitch a row, U-wrap a row, e-wrap a row, Purl a row and alternating the rows without paying a lot of attention. It was on the white KB loom, two strands of yarn one olive green the other striated green and beige. I miss socks! Must start a new pair soon!


Off topic: Hope your 4th was fun and safe! How many watch the movie every year? (Raising hand) Oh, and I hope all are recovered from the earthquakes today.


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