Tag Archive: loom knit socks

In the moment, I feel uninspired. In the moment, I feel accomplished.

Another pair for charity.
The next pair toe to foot.
In the moment, I wish I had a TARDIS I could fly away on. But that might take energy and/or inspiration as to where or when to go. Instead, in the moment, I prefer to be knitting or Diamond Painting.

Enjoy your weekend! I’m enjoying mine!

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “In the.” Start your post with the words “In the” – that’s the prompt! Enjoy!

Finished these:

And tonight I will finish these:

The top ones are so soft and thin, they make my hands and feet melt in coziness. The bottom ones are just in time for the end of winter.

I still have three pairs of socks on looms and a practice pair on my circular needles.


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