Tag Archive: Loom Knitting

Yeah. I finished m wordage for NaNoWriMo. To get through the writing, I either listened to Pandora Classical Study Channel,

Dawson’s Creek,

or the Misfits.

I know. Quite the variety. My story is about people who are learning about new abilities. Hence the Misfits. There is a lot of family drama. Therefore Dawson’s Creek (And I love meandering down memory lane when my daughter and I used to watch it regularly, think, Y2K!) Other times I needed to just have something in the background. The music did the trick, usually. That is when it didn’t make me pull out the recorders or run to the piano to play Moonlight Sonata or Sarabande.

I wish I had pictures of something that is finished. But socks and hats took second place to writing. Oh, heck. This pair is close enough, just needing the cuffs. So Bam!

What are you watching, working on? By the way, Diamond Painting will be my next thing. I’m gathering bits to help with the new hobby.

Happy Friday and Happy December!

I had to miss yesterday. I went to town (two hours away) to get an upper GI procedure done. I barely got 400 words before I left and had no energy when I got home for anymore. So today, I had to play catch up. My friend and I are finding when we get together on Zoom, we are reasonably productive. We do a bit of a chat but then get right to it. Sometimes we talk about our projects and somehow, bringing the story to light seems to give us a push. This is her first year in a long time that she’s felt up to NaNoWriMo. But she’s being gentle and keeping it accessible for herself to feel good about it. Her goal is 25K, and she is going great guns. I love hearing about her story.

My own story is coming along. It surprises me that the story that started out as a bunch of drawings for #Inktober. Yet the characters feel as real as if they lived in this house with me. Anyway, Crystal now has 26,873 words that make me just a smidge ahead of today’s count.

Oh, the pickles that Crystal and her friends get up to!

Knitting still continues. I think I will have a hat finished in the next few days. I can say, happily, that the mohair is finally gone!

I also have two pairs of socks in the making. This one is ahead of the race. I like to work on them two at a time, so they stay the same length as their mate. This one is for a male, so the heel will be another four inches from here.

Finished Friday

HOTL! (Hot off the loom). Just finished this hat. It is the pink and blue yarns combined. It is soft and warm. I think someone who receives it will love it. It turned out to be a snugger hat than using just one yarn at a time. So a smaller adult. Added to the charity bag with a bit of jealousy cause I love it. But I have plenty of hats in my own yarn.

So the specs:

Flexee fine-gauge loom, 80 pegs. Fold-up brim. All flat knit stitched. GoodKnitKisses 6 row decrease at crown. Move loops to remove every other link. Once more with the 6 row decrease. Then gather bind-off. Boom!

Just in case you forgot the pink and blue hats (same yarn).

After frogging yesterday’s hat, I nearly have a brim finished on the new one. Within a row or two, I will put that first row in the middle onto the pegs, knit the first and the last row together, and then start the main part of the hat.

And after ‘frogging’ yesterday’s podcast attempt, I spent the morning learning about starting a new project. I used Wondershare, the free version, to try and work on what might be salvageable from yesterday. I have only gone through the first couple of steps and feel confident I can do something to help others. Here’s their first YouTube.

So my attempt for tomorrow is to show how to set up for NaNoWriMo and hopefully show how my friends start theirs in other programs. I will even walk through setting up a new project on NaNoWriMo. Though I finished (Pandamapocalypse) and won last year’s, That book isn’t finished. I got halfway through another during the first CampNaNo with Marina’s Mission. And suddenly, I had another story, Meeps creep in, but I haven’t posted word count to NaNo yet. And now, because of #Inktober, I suddenly have Crystal. Which I set up in yWriter yesterday thinking I had screen sharing going on Zoom. Nope, it was just me talking, and all you could see was my glasses as I had to get really close to the screen to see. The nice thing about NaNo now, as opposed to how it used to be, is you can divide your wordage between projects or even aim for pages edited or other types of goals. So I plan to share that tomorrow also. So the mistakes of yarns yesterday become new projects today.

cat yarn

Making Monday

As I sit here in the parking lot awaiting my husband’s colonoscopy to be done, I have lots to keep myself occupied.

There’s a bluish hat starting. Or the second red sock to reach 8 inches like its left-at-home mate. Or should I shut the window and play a tune?

While knitting I plan to listen on Libby to this:

I’m never bored!

What are you making?

Finished Friday, hat

I love this decrease on the Flexee fine-gauge.

Another mohair charity hat.

Flexee fine-gauge loom with beginning of brim.

There are 80 pegs for my last couple hats. This one is less ‘fancy’ than the last. No cables. Just flat knit stitching throughout.

The brim is a fold up. I like those best as the double layer of fabric helps keep those ears warm.

I use this method to decrease the crown.

After doing the six rounds Kristen Mangus of #GoodKnitKisses shows here, I do six more by doing this: Once the loom is down to every other peg has a loop, I move one loop over to join a friend. That leaves the link beside it empty. I pop the empty out and resnap together the ends of the loom left dangling. I do that all the way around the loom making it half as large as it was before. I think that means I now have 40 pegs. Now I redo all six steps that Kristen show us.

By the way the closest the phone camera got to the color of this soft yarn is the one with the crown of the hat. It is more of a pinkish apricot than the orange that the camera shows.

Making Monday

I’m nearly finished with the fold-up brim of another hat on the KB Flexee fine-gauge loom.

I wanted to do a longer blog but I still need to play recorders before bed.

I hope you all had a good, thought-filled Labor Day. The seeming end of summer. Usually, I get to this point kicking and screaming. I usually love summer the most. But this year I can’t wait for rain and snow and clean air.

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “pin.” Use it as a noun, use it as a verb, use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Pinterest is a history lesson of my passion over the last few years. Ah, but then so is this blog.

Writing starts and continues as the place I put a lot of energy. But I used to sew. I found the race of pulling the pins before the needle hit them too stressful. Not to mention the ripping what I sewed. Ugh! And sitting in the position of leaning over the machine hurt my back. Sewing fell as a passion.

Crochet became my next passion. I could make hats for charities and spend time creating. But my hands didn’t like the constant positioning.

Then I learned to loom knit. Even ripping, frogging, or tinking projects was fun. More yarn, more chances to improve.

I tried to dry felt but found the constant hand movement hurt so another craft bit the dust.

Now I’m having fun playing my recorders. It hurts my hands sometimes but it seems, if I’m inconsistent (skipping a day here and there) that my hands get more proficient and hurt less. It doesn’t carry with it the fulfillment the loom knitting does. I’m not helping anyone else. But maybe that’ll be something to come?

Drawing has the same feeling. I can get lost, as lost as when writing, in a project. True, I don’t feel the giving feeling there like I do with the knitting but I don’t feel wasteful of my time and energy. I wonder what that is? Should I see how I can expand somehow into something more charitable?

Music is coming alive in me again. What can I do with it? Is it okay to just enjoy the journey? Does it, too need me to pin it to the social magazine (how I think of Pinterest)? I really want to pinpoint my passions to understand how best to approach the ‘work’s of the fun.

And now with health improving, I wonder where that will lead. Hiking, camping? Let’s just put a pin in that.

My life has been hectic. Doing what? It’s a mystery. Maybe a list of accomplishments isn’t available, but I see a fun task finished every now and then, and it isn’t a myth. Look at this loomy hat fresh off the loom today.

Sorry for the gloomy pictures. That is a salmon color. Somehow the cellphone didn’t capture it properly. I knitted it on the Flexee loom. 80 pegs, so it should fit an adult. It was with mohair from the charity so it will go to the charity. The brim was a fold back on itself, then I did a couple rows of cable stitches. The rest just flat knit. I did this decrease method.

The difference is that after finishing the first batch of decreases, I move all the loops to remove the links of every other stitch so that in the end, I will have 40 pegs, and I do this whole decrease again. It is fun to do this decrease on the flexees.

Oh, another done thing without crossing off a list, I actually wrote more on my story. I haven’t done much writing in the last two CampNaNos. I sort of forgot to write and edit. I think I have been avoiding it because seeing the computer screen is difficult. Myopia with cataracts makes the reading of any kind painful. When I have to try too hard, I get gloomy, But, Yay! Today I wrote, and now I want to know what happens to my lost characters. I’m hoping they will become chummy with wild horses to pull their truck like a covered wagon. Covered will be necessary as it may soon get stormy.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “my.” Start your post with the word “My.” Bonus points if you end your post with “yours.” Enjoy!

Making music. My housemates and neighbors may disagree.

My free classes ended last Thursday. It was fun having a Zoom class making progress through elementary music.

I am a music major so I can read music,  no problem.  Well, except for the eyes that have problems seeing. But recorder music is only one line. As opposed to four or more in piano music. So recorder is easier.

Without the black and white keys I have had to learn finger positions. Seems easy enough. Except fingers, my fingers are short and have a hard time reaching.

Maintaining breath while hitting the notes and trying to keep time present challenges.

Any of you who had to take recorder classes in school might remember the screeching noises of the soprano recorder.

So I am attempting to learn the alto, too. I love it’s rich smooth sounds. But my hands hurt after more than few minutes playing.

All the music time cuts my knitting time. So the socks are just two inches from being done. Maybe this week they’ll be complete.

What are you making?


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