Tag Archive: love


Sometimes something amazing happens. An answer to prayer shows up so unexpectedly.

Today I found out I can afford my cataract surgery. My daughter by marriage told us she’s sent the money. I’m blown away. I’ve been crying off and on all day.

Love you, H.❤💕💜🙏🙏😇

One-liner Wednesday

Found on Facebook:

Thank you, Linda, find the One-liner Wednesday prompt and others. Click URL above.

Found on Facebook:

Thank you, Linda, find the One-liner Wednesday prompt and others. Click URL above.

Share Your World August 30, 2021


(Going DEEP on these today)

Are human beings required to better themselves, and will doing that make them happier?

Who would require this? So no. I don’t think humans are required to better themselves. Nor can I say that those who strive to better themselves are happier in the process, or even with the final result of said bettering. I would love to say that some chose not to work on themselves at all. But maybe that is judgemental of me to look at them from the outside. Maybe they are doing the best they can at where they are in their path of living. I try to not judge myself either and just do my best to do what feels like the right thing to do.

Is it easier to love or to be loved?

Being loved is out of our hands. And though it may seem a nice thing, it can be torturous if you can’t return in kind for whatever reason. But truly loving a person holds deep responsibilities. So though the emotion can be easy, the follow-through can be painful. So I didn’t answer with a definitive. I guess loving is easier if it is your constant choice in how you live your life. Having loving habits makes that follow-through more automatic.

Outside traumatic brain injury, can memories be completely erased?

I don’t think so. They readjust as they are reflected against current moods and life. Bad memories can be less emotionally charged when leveled with knowing other information unavailable when the memory happened. Good memories can come from looking a the mundane with loving understanding. In this case, seeing your mother’s grocery list in her handwriting after she passed. I still get a tear in my eye when I remember picking up that boring bit of scrap paper.

Is there such a thing as a good death?

No. I guess I am bad about endings. I’m bad about people who leave me, or I have to leave. Even when I know, we will see each other again. Lots of tears. The sadness of the loss. But I wouldn’t want a person to live in debilitating pain. That would hurt worse.

and one ‘silly’ one because the former questions were fairly serious:   What do you imagine is inside a baseball?    

I imagine a rock in the hardball and a baby chick in the softball. I have seen the inside of a golf ball, my favorite jacks ball; it looked like a bunch of rubber bands. And I suppose if I got curious, I could go Google it. Not that curious. Sorry. Throw me the baby chick, please.


Feel free to share something uplifting this week!  

I am grateful that the hot summer seems to be ebbing. We have to drip our water tonight as the temp is predicted to be 32. I am grateful the flies are on their last days!

Thank you, MELANIE B CEE, for Share Your World questions to pursue!

Girl Love Happens: Season ThreeGirl Love Happens: Season Three by T.B. Markinson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was my favorite of the series so far. The main character is coming into her own emotionally and using wisdom and care with others as she goes through the problems presented in her life. Tegan is far from a perfect person, but her growth is so fun to read about.

I love how T.B. Markinson writes. Her characters, even the secondary ones, all feel real. The situations feel plausible, and she brings wisdom to the story.

I like that we are getting to go through the college scene while Tegan learns about her sexuality. And as she learns how to help her mother adjust to Tegan’s self-discovery.

Though this book didn’t leave me on a cliff-hanger, it indicated that it would continue. I can’t wait to see how Tegan grows.

By the way, the book is free with Kindle Unlimited.

View all my reviews


Today on my Zoom, I was told it was my dad’s birthday. Now I don’t know how I could have Zoomed my dad. Even in the days when we share the family home, he couldn’t understand the internet or computers. He hasn’t been with us for over a decade. Wonder if they have Zoom in Heaven? If so, I have a bunch of folk I’d love to chat with. Starting with the others in this 4 generation both ways picture.

Being the oldest cousin on one side and third oldest on the other, I was lucky. I remember both great-grandmothers on both sides. There is a lot of love and laughter I feel when I absorb this picture in my heart.

Happy birthday, Dad. And Mom, though a couple weeks late.

A collection of thoughts come to me today. Forty two years ago today my third son was born. It seems a million years ago, yet yesterday. Never did he feel new to me. Never had the gene-pool collected so many aspects of loved ones. I think he inherited all the good of us. His preciseness, musicality, need to express, yet need for isolation makes him difficult to control but more lovable nonetheless. His life finally seems to be blooming. Love has found his life. I hope and pray that for him forever.

Now let me collect my emotions, tears of joy and love. Maybe I have a stable center when I’m not focused on family. But family is what I collect.

Per Linda G. Hill:
Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “collect.” Use the word “collect” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Just Jot It January–Gurgle

Not my son, a Pixabay.com baby.

When he was a baby, he could charm me with his gurgle.

He would play with my hair making strands into little characters talking to each other.

Gorgeous and loving,

LOTS of energy.

He loved to throw things into the toilet and watch his dad, and I take the throne apart and find the item.

He sang with me a lot. Learned to love the Beatles.

Now he plays in a band for fun

And should you hear a gurgle in your pipes, he’ll be there to fix the problem.


I don’t know why gurgle made me think of my #3 son. But it did.

Yet another type of gurgle had me thinking of my #2 son. He’s always been strong and healthy. But his doctor told him his cholesterol was high. Yeah, genetic. (Mine) He’s a skinny guy, yet he’s on an Intermittent Fasting diet. I’ve decided to give it a try, gradually and trying to make it a lifestyle rather than a diet. And now my tummy is gurgling from the salad of spinach.

By the way, both sons have made albums—very different kinds of music, and way different than what I like. Still, I am proud that they are following their passions and finding their way. All three of my sons and my daughter are gorgeous. Genetics. Just not mine.

Another gurgle came from the couch. Two ears shot up. Now Kali is running around telling me to take her outside. So see ya tomorrow!

The real Kali, not Pixabay.

i'm out

Here are the JusJoJan Rules:

1. Just Jot It January starts January 1st, but it’s never too late to join in! Here, we run on the honour system; the “jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post, it can even be a grocery list), counts as a “jot.” If it makes it to your blog that day, great! If it waits a week to get from a sticky note to your screen, no problem!

2. I’ll post prompts at 2am my time (GMT -5). The prompt will be the word in quotation marks in the title of my 2am post. You don’t have to follow the prompt every day, but that will be where you leave your link for others to see. You’ll get a prompt for every day except Wednesday, when the prompt is simply my One-Liner Wednesday and on Saturday, when your prompt will be the Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS, which will appear at about 9:30am Friday. Each prompt post will include the rules.

3. Please ping back or link to the daily prompt. To ping back, just copy the URL from the daily prompt post, and paste it anywhere in your post. Check to make sure your link shows up where you want it to, and go back occasionally to see other bloggers’ entries – the more you visit others, the more they’ll visit you! Note: A) The newest pingbacks will be at the top of the comments section. B) Ping backs only work if you’re blogging on WordPress. Everyone else must paste a link manually.

4. Tag your post JusJoJan and/or #JusJoJan.

5. Write anything! Any length will do! It can even be a photo or a drawing – you’re going to title it, right? There’s your jot!

6. If your post is NSFW, do not ping back. Please leave your link in the comments with a warning.

7. If you’d like to, use the JusJoJan badge so that others can find your post more easily.

8. Have fun!

I know it’s Friday because of Grey’s Anatomy last night and garbage collection today.



And Fridays my friends and I get on FaceBook IM and talk face-to-face. We have been doing that for quite a while now. Our talks go on for hours. Most of the time the only reason they end is one or all of us need to hit the necessary room. LOL! But sometimes I’ll leave Kali or husband to chat with them so I can find relief and come back and chat some more.


While we chat we knit or crochet, or talk with one of the friend’s daughter and granddaughter. Today, we got to see the baby grandson. What a cutie! Usually, we see them wander into my friend’s room as they drop off or pick up said granddaughter. Now we saw them on the phone. It made me cry that they had to stay apart. My friend and her granddaughter have created a beautiful relationship. But the hugs and relationship have to be apart. Breaks my heart.

Granted in previous plagues there was no internet or even phones. That had to be heartbreaking. Especially for those that lived alone wondering what was happening to the people they love.


Many have adapted the three-degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon is now played with how close are you to one affected with the virus. I have two degrees twice. I don’t know the people but the people who love or know the affected.

But the degree of separation may be even closer as the roommate of my friend had been in contact with one who later tested positive. They are doing their best not to be in the same room or keep the mutual surfaces clean. But I must admit to being SO worried!

Neither of my friends have great immune systems. One had a heart attack recently and has rheumatoid arthritis, the other a survivor of cervical cancer. I worry. I don’t want to. I try to tell myself that should we actually know that we only have a couple weeks to live I wouldn’t want to spend it worrying about the end but live life as full as we can under the circumstances. But it is a reality we all must face. The funny thing is, things could have happened to us at any time during our lives to kill us. Aren’t we blessed to have lived through the love and beauty and excitement we’ve had our whole lives? Every moment is a gift!

The facts change from day to day. At first, we were only worried about those of us that are older, but now we are seeing all ages getting it. Staying in and doing the best we can to stay healthy is what most of the people I know are doing. My daughter has been working at home for a while now. Hunkering down is same/same for her. I worry for her and her man, but not as much as her siblings. Two of my sons are still working. One in a high demand job that has him going crazy. There is little downtime. I worry about these two sons, and their friends and significant others.

Again, there is nothing I can do besides stay in touch and say prayers. The control we thought we had in life isn’t ours to hold.

There are so many friends and family out there that I have shared good times and lots of love. May we all come out of this healthier with better systems in place to handle it all with grace and peace.

Love and health to all of you!

Thank you, Linda G. Hill for this chance to communicate with our blogging community about our new normal. #WDIIA


Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “wire.” Use “wire” as a noun or a verb or any way you’d like. Enjoy!

More slipper socks finished. Yay!


And the snow is falling. About an inch in an hour. Here’s the latest of my porch banister that was just wet and brown an hour ago:


(revised edit: two inches now at the finish of the blog)

That is the peaceful scene I wished for in December or January. Here we are early spring and I wanted to start getting out for walks. But I guess it is helping all of us stay inside and meditate our lives.

You know at any moment we all could have died. Let’s say by accident or gunshot or our own stupidity. I guess the risk-takers would have been more prone to death than those who live from a cautious point of view. It’s all according to how we are wired.

Heck, we have enough coyote-to-roadrunner ratio here that we could have been hit by:



The loss of life from any or all those incidences are devastating. Yet, they happen every day, bar the anvil. We try to protect ourselves as best we can from any of these, yet our thoughts don’t stray to or remain on the what-ifs.

Our new shared reality is built of constant worry on top of the regular worries of paying bills and surviving winter.

Some of us are wired to be gregarious. We must be around people at all times. Others of us are more of quiet wiring. Many taught to greet with a hug or handshake are shaken to bows or not even meeting people. Besides, who has toilet paper these days? You don’t want to shake that hand!

This is a time for the introverts to enjoy not feeling guilty for staying home, enjoying our own company. This is a time to reflect on how death has always been just around the corner. But facing that it may or may not be your own is hard to grab onto.

We came into this thinking it one more hoax, one more conspiracy. A joke. But even if so, life has come to a halt. Many I know are finding people they know have the virus. Many have it that can’t be tested. It is fear upon fear.

It is like we just opened a new book and we find ourselves in The Walking Dead or something like it. Panic is our worst enemy. Take a lesson from the disaster movies. Stay put and use your time to ponder.

I am finding it hard to listen to the constant fears of others. I’m 70 after all! I have lived a wonderful life. I have a great extended family and fantastic friends. I would hate, at any point in my life to have lost any of them.

At the same time, I have been the young mother as my young children romped about me. I chose not to take my children to see grandparents if any of us were even the slightest bit ill. So I don’t believe in my heart I cause their demise. Yet, at my age, I have lost many I have loved. This is something you never get used to. I assume if it happens on a large scale the loss will be overwhelming. Let’s hope that that doesn’t happen.

Meanwhile, what if we only have a few days to be alive? A few days to enjoy the amount of health we do have? Why spend our last moments worrying. Outside of proper precaution, what more can we do? I’m not saying ‘eat, drink, and be merry,’ I’m saying love your people. Spend as much time as you can by connecting in the ways earlier pandemics didn’t have: Skype, FaceTime, google chat. Talk on the phone if you can handle it. Write out your thoughts, email. If you are so inclined: write letters. I don’t know if sending the letters is advisable as others will have to touch and handle the mail to their detriment. But once this passes, and it will pass, there will be ways to reach out or remember each other.

I do believe we are wired to LOVE.






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