Tag Archive: Margaret McGaffey Fisk

Planet Urth Boxed Set (Planet Urth, #1-3)Planet Urth Boxed Set by Jennifer Martucci
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A while back my friend. Margaret McGaffey Fisk recommended this book on her website (https://margaretmcgaffeyfisk.com/?s=urth). I was intrigued. I looked on Amazon and it seemed that between my husband’s and my joined content we had downloaded this story many times as a boxed set and separately. So I decided to read the boxed set. And guess what? I liked it a lot!

My inner teen was happy to have a book dedicated to young people, especially a strong female teen. The book was imaginative and fast moving. I had a hard time getting to sleep as I didn’t want to leave the characters out there in possible danger.

My only problem with the writing is how repetitive it was. Aspects are repeated ad nauseum. Maybe if I were to read the books slowly, getting only moments to read, it would help remind me of the important points, but I found it distracting. I know the big sister, Avery, cares deeply for her little sister, June, and must try to protect her. Oh, and the lust Avery feels for the first guy she meets and then the second guy she meets, in spite of the dangers, and the angst that goes with adolescence is just annoying.

Overall, though, I did love the story and want to read the next in the series. Maybe you will love it even more!

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Medicine (Anthropology) Evidence the use of prosthetics is nothing new in a discovery in China from 2,200 years ago. Tips (Cats) 26 tips on making your cat’s life easier…and yours as we…

Source: 5 Interesting Links for 02-05-2016 | Tales to Tide You Over

Sewing (History) An SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) friend of mine opened my eyes to Medieval sewing and suddenly geometry made sense. This Pinterest board is full of period patterns for mak…

Source: 5 Interesting Links for 01-29-2016 | Tales to Tide You Over

Beneath the MaskBeneath the Mask by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t read ‘romance’ novels. Not if I can help it. But I consider Margaret McGaffey Fisk to be my friend so I felt I should try. I knew I couldn’t go wrong with her writing. I don’t think I saw a passive sentence anywhere in the book. This reading comes close after I read of Pride and Prejudice. If this were to be a contest, this would win heads down!

Passion is what wins it for me. No! Not that kind of passion! I mean the passion this young girl had pursued since she was small. But, now that she was to be presented as a woman… She wants to dance, something frowned upon back in those days.

Dawn Hyde, narrator of the Audible version of the book made this book so beautiful! Her accents and voice changes helped keep the characters separated and unique. I look forward to reading more with her voice.

Okay, for the romanticohics, there is romance in the end, but most of it is this girl coming of age and her trying to live out her passions, somehow. It makes me sad to know women of the past weren’t encouraged to follow their hearts and passions. When I start feeling like we’ve made no forward motion in the feminist movement, reading something like this shows we have made some progress.

I am looking forward to more by Margaret McGaffey Fisk!

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Curve of Her ClawCurve of Her Claw by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I wish I could give this story more stars. Especially since, so far, I have loved all of my friend, Margaret McGaffey Fisk’s other stories. This is the first story that I had to read in two sittings. I couldn’t continue reading it as a bedtime book, too gruesome!

At the end of the story is the reason it is so dark. This was a part of a dark fantasy anthology. It needed that darkness. It succeeded! I typed that with a shiver up my spine.

As usual, the writing was spectacular! I just didn’t care for the main character, no matter how hard I tried. I wanted the story to take a different path, but it didn’t. I hope I never meet an elf like this one!

For my braver friends, this may be right up your alley! Try it!

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War ChildWar Child by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this a couple days ago. But I still remember the story with fondness. I was afraid to read it. The title, War Child, made me think this was going to be a book about war. Then I started reading and the first few pages showed that indeed there was to be war. Definitely not my type of story.

This was written by a member of our writing group that I think of as a friend. It was that friendship that caused me to continue reading past the part about war. Spoiler: This is a story about peace. A beautiful story about peace and how it could be attained.

Okay. There was one thing. Yeah, it was a short story. I always want more. No, it doesn’t leave you on a cliff. It’s just that I really liked the characters and wanted to hang with them longer. I’m sure another chapter or two could come out of this. Please, Margaret, please?

Meanwhile, pick it up on Amazon. It’s only $.99. Well worth the lessons that could be learned by all of us are within its pages. Try it! 🙂

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Forged: A Fantasy Short StoryForged: A Fantasy Short Story by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a delightful bedtime story. The strong female lead sharing her weaknesses, that are actual strengths, keep the story moving. I love that she is an apprentice to the smithy. That isn’t an easy job even for a strong boy. But she brings her full game and proves invaluable to the smithy and her community.

What I don’t like about short stories: they are short. I just barely was in love with the main character when the story ended. Please, Margaret, I want to know what happens next! I think there is a lot more than can come from this storyline.

Even so, I am glad it wasn’t gruesome or scary as some of the other books I am reading right now. Like I said it was great before bed. I think this would be a story for most people, most ages. It beats Grimm for depth and feminism.

By the way, I feel I am friends with Margaret McGaffey Fisk as she is a member of our writing group. This review, though, is my honest thoughts on a story anyone could have written. Great job, Ms. McGaffey Fisk! I want more!

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Secrets (The Steamship Chronicles Book 1)Secrets by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I feel I can claim I am friends with the author, Margaret McGaffey Fisk. She has been an important member of the writing group I belong to. I don’t think that comes into play in this review, first of all because I fell deeply into the world she created, and second because I was saddened to find myself back in reality when I finished this adventure.

Safe Haven began this adventure for me. It precludes the series The Steaamship Chronicles of which this, Secrets, is book 1. I had already fallen in love with the characters, Lily and Samantha. To research the burbs and other reviews please check out Amazon and GoodReads.

Meanwhile, my review. Although this started sadly and then got exciting, it leaves me in the heads of Sam and the boy, Nat. I would guess this is the set up for much more fun ahead.

I wish Samantha was set free to do what she does best, but, again, that will happen, I’m sure, in the next books. There seemed to be times where I tended to put the book aside and attend to other shining things. I don’t remember having that problem in Safe Haven. Maybe it is all my own problems and not that of the author. Maybe I am not in the demographic the book is for. I do know I would have had fun reading this to my children, or had them read it to me way back when.

It is: A great bedtime story, a great for Young Adults as Sam learns to fit in her world. And fun for this old lady!

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Review: Shafter

Shafter Shafter by Margaret McGaffey Fisk
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Twelve year old Darlene would have LOVED this book. Yet at 64 I love it even deeper. As a kid, reading about Trina’s adventures on her home world while dreaming of space travel would have captured my heart, as that was my dream. As an older adult, I can see the fuller picture that includes the choices Trina and her sister, Katie, must make as they grow to become adults.


Feminism embraces these choices. The old world explorers knew some of these choices. Stay with the family you know or explore. Meeting new people and finding yourself in new family happens, our population wouldn’t be so large if that wasn’t the case. But then which dream to do you follow? Do you stay or do you go? Can you live without your loved ones? Would they want you to? All these questions are addressed within a tight, well-written story I didn’t want to leave.


You know those tales you leave with sadness, that make you read slower to savor your time with the characters but the plot won’t let you? Yeah, that’s what happened to me with this book. I am so glad to know Margaret McGaffey-Fisk! Maybe I can put peer pressure on her to make this a series? What an excellent read!

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Review: Safe Haven

Safe Haven

Safe Haven by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First of all, I need to say that the author is a member of the writing group I belong to, and I consider her a friend. That said, I want to be as objective and honest as I can. But Margaret need not worry. I was impressed!

I must admit that at the beginning I felt the story a bit formulaic. I started reading once and got sidetracked by other books. But I got back in and put on my text-to-speech on fast to help me get engaged into the story. Once I was, I didn’t want to leave.

Lily, the main character, is a sweet, lovable soul who became real to me. Her sister, Sam, is cute as a button. Both are now orphans. Worse… they hide a secret from everyone. Even the law. Sam is a Natural. Naturals are against the law and put in an asylum.

At first I was confused by what being a Natural meant. But as I understand it now, a Natural is a person who can make and repair things made of metal gears and steam, seemingly as if by magic. To make matters worse, Lily finds herself falling for the local cop, Henry.

I was so sad to see the story end, even with a satisfying finish. Luckily, it seems there will be more to the story. I can hardly wait. Meanwhile, I have Ms. McGaffey Fisk’s other books on my Kindle shelves and ready to read. Great job, Margaret!

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