Tag Archive: meandering

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “starts with ‘ab’.” Find a word that starts with “ab” and use it in your post. Enjoy!

I absolutely love the sky out here. Especially the sunsets.

I feel like the absent minded professor right now. I can’t seem to think of what to write about. Sometimes my brain goes to the absurd and I don’t want to abstain from writing but find myself absorbed in the many abiding abilities and lack thereof calling to me. Too bad the prompt isn’t ADD. But that is just an abuse of a good prompt!🤪

Or could this be early Monday Madness? No. It still has to be Sunday as I am still awake. If I say it is Monday then I will have missed a day of blogging and my record is ruined! I can’t have that! I like that I do this every day. Even when it isn’t the greatest of blogs, it is the habit I want to keep.

Some things in our lives don’t take working at. Like breathing, swallowing, eating. But some days getting out of bed is a challenge. So I try to make sure I do it. I try not to take naps so that my nights are better, but since Hubby broke his shoulder our schedules have messed up with pain and naps have to happen. Brushing teeth. There is one that isn’t like breathing. I have to tell myself a couple times a day to do it or it flies away into the land of forgotten things. Brushing my hair. This one includes pain sometimes so I have to find a way to keep it corralled. A ponytail does that and keeps it out of my eyes and off my face. I’m seriously thinking of cutting it all off. The only thing that stops me is the in-between lengths when it can be so much more work than a ponytail.

Reading is like breathing. I never have to tell myself to read. It just happens. Writing reviews? Not as easy. In fact, I have three I need to do tomorrow!

Along with reading is loom knitting. My hands get anxious when I am not doing it.

Gosh, I think that is all of the easy habits. EVERYTHING ELSE TAKES –what? Will-power? Not so much. Will-power is energy I don’t have. And doing the blog and my languages and my piano and taking walks have to flow from something else. Passion? Not the flaming kind. But, yeah–that or a sense of pride?

Sorry that I am using you as a sounding board but jump right in and help me understand how to make better habits. I do feel a sense of pride for blogging every day since New Years and the same track record on the Duolingo languages.

All of this was somewhat easier when I was a full-time mom, working, pre-pain. Now I have to work at all of it. I’m truly sorry for the parents who have to deal with pain, for people who have to work while in pain. Yes, I did have that and managed. But I’m going to tell you, faking it, smiling and doing your job dressed in uncomfortable clothing, thinking when your brain refuses, all that catches up with you; can break you. Finding the balance back then was doing nothing after work. So many things I wanted to do but had no energy to try.

Now I have all the time but lack energy and funds. So I want to do it wisely. I have so many interests. I have always had a million interests. How to turn those into habits so as to squeeze the most out of the life I’m in.

How do you all handle your passions, interests, balance?


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