Tag Archive: My Fair Lady

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “luck.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Luck is what you make, right? The fires in the west and the floods in the east and the occasional tornado, not the kind of thing one can make for oneself, right? Those who live and those who die from these incidents are a flip of the coin or brought it on themselves?

Okay, the thought of what we all might have contributed to the laws and the global warming that might have contributed to the catastrophes, does occur. Yet the individual who lives an dies don’t seem to pull that all to themselves. Sure a person can make sure their home is protected as best they can to withstand the throws of nature. But who is to blame for the victim’s bad luck?

There are those who wear special hats or ribbons when they gamble or race. Is it their luck if they win? Is it bad luck if they didn’t wear the lucky pin and they lost?

Yes, I’m addressing this. If we catch COVID19 or Delta and we’ve done everything to prevent it, is it our bad luck? This has to do with neighbors and friends and family, too. Just as a person can pass by your house and recklessly toss a cigarette out the car window and catch your house on fire. Even though you have fireproofed your place it burns down. Luck? Blame? Maybe the worst is the anger that blame brings. The house is still on fire. The possible disease is attacking. Maybe it’s a waste of time and energy to call out the careless? They are probably rich and can get out of it anyway. Sure we hope there will be a way to recover physically and financially. And we have done everything in our power to stay safe and healthy. We’ve saved our pennies when we could. So it’s just bad luck?

I’m falling down a rabbit hole here. I’m not sure there is a wise person, guru, rabbit’s foot that can save this blog today.

Meanwhile, our day was hot, 96 with smoke and clouds making it sticky and awful. We’ve kept the fans going and kept hydrated. Tomorrow will be 100. If we are lucky we will get through as the next week shows 80s. Our pets lay around the floor and we check on them. We take siestas during the heat of the day and that helps a little. But I get grouchy after a hot nap.

All the while I am hearing this earworm.

Maybe I can get it out of my head.

According to Linda G. HillYour Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “key.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!


The key to a good series is good editing. Hey, that sound professional, right? Yikes, how do you writers do this part? Since I finished writing in November I have chosen to keep at it by editing. I chose to move back into the novel I wrote for CampNaNo (April 2019?) Haven in 3D. It was going quite well. I opened the project in both yWriter and Word and used Grammarly to get me through. I may not have everything in the final order, there may be big plot bunnies running around. But at least it will not have glaring grammar or misspellings. After I correct a scene I copy it from Word and replace the one in yWriter so that it is also corrected.

I got as far as chapter 6. Then I had a mass of questions about past characters and planet issues. Did you hear the screech of the sudden slam on the brakes?

Where did I hide the novel about all of this? The title is Earth the Final Frontier. That project has over 92 thousand words according to the yWriter project and 99 thousand words in the Word version. Why the discrepancy? I haven’t figured that out yet. But I am pleased and proud that I have that many words in one novel anywhere!

So now, shifting gears I am into the first chapter of ETFF. When I get far enough to find said characters and can get back to Haven in 3D I will have rescued the key element.

I have a build-in amount of time I can put into editing. It seems to be four or five hours and then I am spent. I am done with words. I feel like Eliza Doolittle, “Words, words, words! I’m so sick of words!”

So the key to good editing is knitting! Bye! Now, where is that little hook-doohickey?

(You see what I did there? hehe)


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