Tag Archive: Reflexion

Words, Words, Words!

Suddenly My Fair Lady is playing in my head!

Anyway, here’s the word count.

No, I’m not finished. The screen shot didn’t quite work right. 931 words needed to achieve my lesser goal. Certainly not 50k. But I still like the story so I need to keep working it. 17k till the 50k. I guess that will be the goal for December.

I have to say that what happened, besides crazy life of leaks, old dog, dying kitty, electrical issues (the guys replaced two breakers today-finally the house is getting warm) is starting the new crew mid-flight makes a new book mid-writing. I think there’s a way to do it. But like I said with all that was going on my muses couldn’t find me.

Time for bed!

Teddys, Tigers, and Toes

Theodore Tigre Trouble (pronounced Tru-blay) and his best friend Shiva. Who suddenly is possessed by Teddy’s parents. Teddy doesn’t know, yet that he can reflect certain animals, like tigers.

So with all that’s been happening here, leaks, fluffy Internet, snow, electrical issues, my NaNoWriMo, Reflexion had to go on the back burner. I readjusted my goal. I think I can get to 33,000 by the 30th. The story won’t be finished, but I’ll feel more like writing if I feel I’ve accomplished something. So word count for today is 31,047.

Ah, but look what I did finish today with a Kitchener closed toe. I’m so excited! Another pair made with DPNs (double pointed needles). Hehe! Thanks, Jennifer at the Willows for teaching me the hard stuff!

Icy snow hasn’t had much chance to melt since it snowed so beautifully a couple weeks ago. Though pretty, still, the cold is getting old. Even blue skies don’t make it better. I’m fact, clear skies almost guarantee colder than norm temps. It is always warmer here if there’s a cloud cover.

So maybe that is why my mood has gotten less than sweet. My creative writing muses walked out on me. So no writing has happen for a couple days. Not sure what to do about that, or if I should keep the 50k goal or make it a little easier to reach.

One thing I have been doing non-stop has been knitting, tinking, and reknitting rows and rows of these socks. I think I finally have it right.

The heel turned on the top. That’s next on the bottom sock.

The NaNoWriMo stopped all interesting TV watching. Suddenly I noticed I missed a couple weeks of The Walking Dead. Yikes! So today I caught up. I don’t think I have any tears left! Two of my favorites didn’t make it. 😭

I’m almost finished with Sunflowers.

I’m getting back to knitting. Now that I get it, the heel turning, again, I need to practice.

How’s your Monday?

Things Learned

Just 7 inches from the toes. I’m so excited to have learned to divide for the heel, then turn heel, then I shaped the gusset and now it’s stockinette (straight knitting) until the toes. Wah hoo! And I’m ready with yarn and more Double pointed needles for the fiancés socks.

My bathroom is nearly done. I’ll probably have to shower at least once in the guys’ restroom. Ugh! I’ve hated being so scattered, my stuff is everywhere and I had to schlep between my room and their restroom work bags of stuff.

And our poor kitty, Teddy has been having troubles, teeth and blood sugars so my husband has taken the trip through the mountains to the vet to take care of him.

Not to mention, Kali is still getting older and having a hard time with all of it. So lack of sleep is playing hard against ambition.

So I’m trying to be kind to myself for being about a day behind on NaNoWriMo, Reflexion about the Pensées family. So the word count

I need to spend a couple days catching up.

Yay! Knitting Lesson!

Jennifer at Willow West gave me another lesson. I’m learning to ‘turn a heel ‘. I’m so distractible that even counting to 13 I got lost. I blame the pretty Christmas music. It’s why I can’t do music as background. I tend to sing, quietly, in my head when I’m supposed to be paying attention to the lesson.

Look at that cute little heel turning on the left end.

I’m torn. I want to keep knitting, but it’s time for NaNoWriMo!

Thank you, Jennifer. You are a patient teacher! ❤️🤗

Oh, and for those keeping watch on word count:

The story got fun last night. I watched Avenue 5 and the spaceship antics feed my muse.

Friday Eve

Works in progress.

I don’t know if I am more proud of the hat or finally used all that fuzzy yarn up. The yarn at the top is leftovers. Enough for toys, I guess. I’ll share the finished project tomorrow.
Progress so far.

I’ve only written 412 words so far today. Total in project 4,683. It’s fun so I need to get back to it. The family Pensées is so interesting! I know, it’s all in my head. LOL!!!


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