Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “a phrase you grew up with.” Include in your post a phrase your mom/dad/grandparent/sibling used all the time when you were growing up, or just write whatever inspires you based on that phrase. Enjoy!

Oh. This is a hard one. I’m writing my memoirs/ autobiography. At first I thought the prompt was to write about your mom/dad/grandparent/sibling. That would have been easy. I’ve been writing that stuff for a couple of months.

Ah, but the fine print. “A phrase you grew up with.” A million phrases come to mind. “Jesus Loves You.” “For God so loved the world…” ” You aren’t worth the leather it’d take to blow you to kingdom come.” Is the couch ready with someone taking notes? Yeah, mix messages much?

But as crazy as home life was, the overwhelming spoken and unspoken phrase was love. I think that is how I survived. I was surrounded by relatives full of love. When home life was level it was full of love, too. So at 72, I finally say the phrase is the word Love.