Wow! Can you believe we are back to January in a year that can look like this Y2K22? Beginning Just Jot it January, again, a prompt to write on everyday. Today’s blends with the Stream of Consciousness Saturday with the word prompt appropriate for the day, resolve.

Resolve according to Dar’s silly dictionary is to repeatedly solve. Which is how we all continue an insanity every year. Resolutions have been proven unsuccessful most of the time.

My friend and I choose to sit and write out possibilities. Last year I saw a possibility of getting healthier. It took the whole year adjusting eating habits losing over 30 pounds. And Intermittent Fasting has been the best, easiest method of my life.

This year will mean a possibility of more movement. More music making. More art enjoyments. Of course more knitting. But I’m determined to knit socks on circular needles, flippies  or whatever they call those bendy short ones, and I want to learn to use double pointed needles. Right now, loom knitting is fast and I don’t lose stitches. But I am determined to be able to use any of these methods.

I see myself writing more letters and cards. And speaking of writing, I see those many books edited and finding readers. 

I see people being kinder to each other. So let’s see if we can make this and more come true!

Per Linda of the prompts:

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “resolve.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!