Tag Archive: Reviews

While knitting up a storm or three, I’ve been bingeing a bunch of things. I had that floundering feeling after Grey’s Anatomy and This Is Us ended. So I have been more or less sampling. And in no particular order, because I didn’t write it down, duh!

Okay. Not my kind of show. I don’t like a lot of shooting and car chases, not to mention a perfectly good Alfa Romeo ruined. But I know tons of you will love this. Maybe when anxiousness isn’t the go-to emotion this would be fun for me. Oh, and Bechdel has got to frown at this one.

But then again though equality stands the tests how can I like stuff like:

Hey, they got some things right in Carriers and if you can watch shows about pandemics this is okay;

To lighten things up I took all the choices on Kimmy!

That one was hard to knit to as I had to keep dropping the loom for the remote to make the right or left or middle choice accordingly. It did make me laugh a few times.

I finished Dead to Me. I did have to go back and rewatch the first season. But it was fun and kept my mind busy while knitting.

Today I finished Doctor Foster


I dunno. Too much angst and not using enough logic as I would hope from a doctor. But again, great for knitting!

Right now I am watching our recorded from Christmas Time, Frozen. It is cute enough that I might have to buy it.


If it wasn’t for commercials in this recording I wouldn’t get this blog done!

Legend (Legend, #1)Legend by Marie Lu

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am SO impressed with this series! Especially since I had to read it backward. For the most part, I read it on my local library’s Kindle and listened to the library Overdrive version. This last book, book one, I actually had had the chance to buy the Audible version. I figured I will eventually buy all of this series (Kindle and Audible) so that someday I would read it in the correct order. If it is good and held together reading it the way I did, imagine how good it is reading it the right way!

Spoilers are hard to avoid as I write this. In fact, I thought by knowing what was to come I wouldn’t be able to continue. Then something happened between Metais and Day. Something seemed off as I remembered what was to happen in book two. Luckily, by the end of book one that issue revealed itself properly. Everything else held together very well. Again, I am so impressed with the world, characters and story that Marie Lu (author) built.

In this first book, you get to see how June and Day meet and start falling for each other. I had wondered about that. You get to see how Day meets Tess. You actually meet Day’s family. You meet all the people who play crucial roles later in the series and now you know why (if you read it back to front, that is).

Yesterday, I saw that Legend is on sale on Amazon. It is $3.00. If you can, I suggest you buy it. If I had more than a dollar to my name, I would buy it now. Alas, that will have to wait.

Now a comment on the narration by Mariel Stern and Steven Kaplan who play June and Day respectfully. I don’t know if this is their first narration gig or if they were finding their voices to these characters, but this one felt like they were new. Especially, Mariel Stern, whose voice appeared higher and a little crackly in comparison to the later books. Maybe she was attempting to sound younger? And, of course, if they recorded them in order that would still be the case, right? But as this story continues both voices become stronger and true to the characters. I was often in a situation where wearing headphones and listening were impossible and I had to read the book strictly by sight, and there were times my eyes were tired and I just listened, either and both methods hold up and maintain a fantastic story. An author who writes very well, combined with narrators who read very well, makes a wonderful experience, even in a dystopian world.

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Mother Earth (The Girl God)Mother Earth by Trista Hendren

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When something intrigues me, I do not stop until I have chased down every butterfly! This was the next book by Trista Hendren. Another wow!

Again the illustrations were amazing. The story to all children of all ages touched me, inspired me. Again, there are quotes to go along with each picture. They made me wish I had the tree book to highlight and review from time to time.

I picked this up for free with Kindle Unlimited. It was a shame to let the book go back, but I plan to buy my own copies when I get paid.

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The Girl GodThe Girl God by Trista Hendren

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, wow. I picked this small but mighty book up for free today from Amazon. I was intrigued by the picture on the front cover and the title. I thought I was getting a children’s book. I believe this is an ‘everybody’ book.

The story was from a mother to her daughter. A sweet simple story. But the wisdom of the story runs deeply. Then there are the quotations throughout; each capturing a piece of my soul. All the illustrations were engaging. I wish I bought this in tree form as I would like to spend more time with the book and with the pictures. At least I can go back to this one in my ‘cloud’.

Because this was so wonderful I went to find other books by Trista Hendren. Yay! The were free with Kindle Unlimited!

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Inner Mind/Outer Space: Four Short Stories and a Novelette by the Author of Alien WithinInner Mind/Outer Space: Four Short Stories and a Novelette by the Author of Alien Within by Karen Forrester

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After finishing Karen Forrester’s book Alien Within, I wanted more. Though I don’t like short stories because they leave me wanting more, I have to admit that I liked these stories. I think I should have read these first for my own chronology of events. So that is my recommendation.

By the way, this one was free on Smashwords but either of these books can be obtained on Amazon for $.99 each. That is quite the bargain for a bit of imaginative adventure. Inner Mind/Outer Space has the beginning of the world of Alien Within and a bonus chapter of that book.

Though I loved the sci-fi parts, I have to admit that my favorite story was one of grief and gratitude. Again, I would have liked more about the characters in that story, still I got enough to make me love them and the situations presented.

I look forward to reading more by Karen Forrester. I love her writing style and imagination.

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Confessions of a Pagan NunConfessions of a Pagan Nun by Kate Horsley

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I finished this book a couple days ago. I wish I didn’t have to write a review for it. Mostly because I can’t figure out what to say.

What I hope to find was an education about the Pagan ways in a gentle fictional story. Instead there was plenty to tell about the cruelty of the ‘onward christian soldiers’. But the book seemed to tell more about the cruelty and less about the goodness of either religion. Even the awe of nature and all her wonders was minimal.

Emotions seemed to rule the book: guilt, depression and unrequited love.

The feelings that I am left with are the cold and muddiness, disease and death.

Many have left much more eloquent reviews for this book. I leave only the shivering grittiness I feel when thinking of this story.

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Semper AudaciaSemper Audacia by M. Pax

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A space opera novelette. This was more like it! Though this wasn’t a full size novel or series, I felt satisfied. The depth of character, world-building, plot, action, adventure, all left me feeling like I’d been to outer-space, meet new beings, experienced friendships, saved and lost lives. In fact, this little book crammed more in than many long series I’ve read.

All that said, I found myself lost trying to figure out if this were memory or the present. In the end, it all sorts itself out. Maybe the author wanted that bit of confusion.

I recommend this little prize to my fellow sci-fi friends.

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Semper AudaciaSemper Audacia by M. Pax

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A space opera novelette. This was more like it! Though this wasn’t a full size novel or series, I felt satisfied. The depth of character, world-building, plot, action, adventure, all left me feeling like I’d been to outer-space, meet new beings, experienced friendships, saved and lost lives. In fact, this little book crammed more in than many long series I’ve read.

All that said, I found myself lost trying to figure out if this were memory or the present. In the end, it all sorts itself out. Maybe the author wanted that bit of confusion.

I recommend this little prize to my fellow sci-fi friends.

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TranslationsTranslations by M. Pax

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Another short story. Too much romance not enough action. Didn’t care for the main character. So, um, meh. But don’t take it from me. Many reviewers have given it high praise.

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Small GracesSmall Graces by M. Pax

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Another short story. I love M. Pax’s writing. I even like her story lines. This one had me involved until the end.

And that’s just the problem. It ends far too soon. I can’t wait to read some of her longer works.

The nicest part of these short stories is they allow that ‘treading water’ time between books I need to review. There was a need to cleanse the reading palate.

I have been reading Ms. Pax’s stories from Smashwords (mostly for free or $.99) which means I read them on my Moon Reader Pro app. I love this app because I can use the text-to-speech feature that keeps me focused and I can vary the speed and pitch to push my reading speed while staying engaged.

Check out M. Pax when you get the chance.

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