Tag Archive: series

Review: Darkmoon

Darkmoon by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Not many books throw the main character into the action pregnant with twins. Even worse, whose babies are they? Poor Alpha Rylie has found herself in this weird predicament. I love that the rivals for her love and progeny are brothers who have love for each other, often to their own detriment. And will these twins be pups or human? So many questions yet so much to do!

Meanwhile, Rylie’s aunt is now a zombie. And Cain, the rotten apple from Abel and Seth’s mother, is raising–well, Cain! Add to all that the care of a pack and Rylie’s got trouble!

This was another quick exciting read that had me up til the early morning. I had to know what was going to happen, and the action didn’t quit until that last page. No, it wasn’t a cliffhanger. Even so, I have made myself not read the next book until I write this so I won’t be confused again. SO–Read this series after Summer of the Moon series and enjoy!!

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The Cain Chronicles, Episodes 1-4: New Moon Summer, Blood Moon Harvest, Moon of the Terrible, Red Rose Moon
The Cain Chronicles, Episodes 1-4: New Moon Summer, Blood Moon Harvest, Moon of the Terrible, Red Rose Moon by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another great work by S.M. Reine. I love her characters and stories. It was fun to go back and see Rylie, Seth and Abel. I find their evolving relationships so intriguing. They can’t live with modern societies rules of love. Two Alpha werewolves and a Kopic. Two brothers and the girl of their dreams. Human needs versus werewolf needs. A little polyamory needs to play out.

I keep trying to write this review on this batch of episodes but I am already reading book number five. I just couldn’t stop reading at the end of this four book box set.

Check out the Seasons of the Moon series first. The Cain Chronicles just gives us more time with the same cast of characters. Who doesn’t love to spend time with friends? Now, can I get back to book five? I am 67% into it and enjoying it thoroughly. 🙂

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Review: Dragonsdawn

Cover of "Dragonsdawn (Dragonriders of Pe...

Cover via Amazon

Dragonsdawn by Anne McCaffrey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is my third reading of this book. I still love it. This time I was able to purchase the Audible version to go along with my own hardback book. This particular book includes Chronicles of Pern: The First Fall. But since I am trying to read these in order I didn’t want to read that part yet. Yes, I realized that Moreta should have been the read, but I didn’t have that Audible version yet. So I jumped ahead. I do have Moreta now, so I’ll start it soon.

I loved discovering, again, how humans landed and learned to survive on Pern. I was fascinated by the amount of research that Ms. McCaffrey put into the writing of this book. Not only is this pointed out in her preface, but it is obvious in how the humans proceed in inhabiting this new land. Her characters are so realistic.

Dick Hill’s narration further developed each character. All voices done so well that you know who is talking without the identifying tags in the sentences.

I have mentioned in previous Pern reviews how I love the way Dick Hill reads. He keeps the reader/listener engaged. Even his dragon voices sound convincing.

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Rowena Through the Wall: Expanded Edition
Rowena Through the Wall: Expanded Edition by Melodie Campbell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I received Rowena Through the Wall as a gift from the author for an honest review.

I hate taking the time away from the series to write a review! That’s how good this first book was. The ending prodded me to make sure I had number two lined up. Don’t get me wrong, number one didn’t leave you on a real cliffhanger. It just leaves you wanting more.

This book remind me of P.C. Cast’s Paratholon series. I loved that series so to find something similar, yet unique, made me a happy reader, indeed!

Rowena is a modern womyn, independent, self-actualizing, and funny. I loved her! I loved that this wasn’t a squishy romance novel. There’s plenty of action, much of it unwanted, but squishy is just not a part of this great adventure. There is science and magic. There is time-travel, of sorts. Or should I call it world hopping? Well, written and believable. Well, that is, until I need to explain it here.

You know, I think this series could be a movie or television series. It is that much fun. It keeps your attention dwelling in the book and the real world disappears into Rowena’s.

I think males or females from young adult on could read it and find it a gripping read.

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