Tag Archive: slipper socks

#Making Monday

Because I don’t like sarcasm or facetious remarks, I’ll forgo the #JusJoJan for this last day.

I don’t know if I shared the black painted “framed” *TARDIS in Starry Night.

Didn’t get the whole picture but I think you get the idea. Now I need to pick up some Command Strips to hang it on the wall.

Here’s a little for those who haven’t crossed paths with Doctor Who.<— Wiki

Here is the progress on my newest diamond project. In five days I’ve manage the lower right, of the sandy beach of Beach Sunset. The whole preview on the right. Sideways. This one is worked horizontally and sideways. I need to use the straightener to get my lines more even.

The slipper socks are nearly finished. I’m still working the cuffs.

What are you working on?

Done with the dots and Mod Podge. Tomorrow, black paint framing.

Yesterday, I kitted up the new project.

Here’s the preview and key.

The ‘diamonds’ come in little packets. With this project it’s even better as they are in little ziplock bags. The numbers correspond to the key on the canvas.

One side of cellophane bag.
The other side.
I have these containers that I think are less dumpable. So I labeled per key.
Progress so far.

And knitting is still keeping me out of trouble. This pair going to the charity. I’ll give the play by play when finished.

So soft. I wish they fit me! Not really. I feel good that someone might feel more comfortable in their life.

Fast Friday

That’s how today has gone. Fast! When days like today happen, I remember when my kids were young. I remember being so busy the whole day and when my then husband got home the house was a mess and I was exhausted yet it looked like I didn’t do anything at all. I learned a little trick. Rather than write a list of tasks I wanted to achieve, I would list what I actually did. That made me feel so much better.

In fact, I think this blog is a bit like that for me. It is a way to help me not think that life has just passed by while I just lived it. You know what I mean? And it does help. If I want to know when the last snow happened, when the last pair of socks finished, what was I doing last year this date, I look it up here and say to myself, “See! I did do something.” ” Oh look it snowed bundles more last year,” etc.

So, I don’t have writing numbers for today as I haven’t written yet today. With yesterdays numbers I have Pandamapocalypse just 1,001 added. Marina’s Mission 5,360. As soon as I have this blog published I will go spend the time to make about 500 on Panda and 1,667 on Marina.

I did run through the Prelude from yesterday, not nearly as well. I think the light was worse for me at that time of day. Then I played a few bars of 


No, I didn’t play it one handed. I have in the past but right now I just want to make music. Lesson learned, do piano things earlier in the day while the piano is in the living room. When we move it, it will be lighter longer as it will get a southern exposure.

I did play with the recorder a bit. I will be using this YouTube to help for a bit.

Then when I just wanted to make the music I went to practice on this website.

Then I did a little playing by ear just to work on breath control and moving stiff fingers.

Speaking of stiff fingers I did a few rows on the newest pair of charity slipper socks. Working on ankles then cuffs, yay!

Now it is close to midnight and I have some stories to write before bed.

dont stay up too late

Finished Friday


Hot off the Loom!

Twenty peg KB Fine-gauge Flexee loom each sock. Kitchener cast-on, toe up. Flat knit stitch through body of sock. German short-rows on toes and heels. Two by two purl/knit cuff. Slipper socks going to charity.

I hope your Friday was as fun as mine!

Tired had been the theme of the week since the vaccine. It does seem like the rest of the family felt the same way. Maybe we were just tired for no reason. It happens. I still tried to get my normal tasks done. And guess what? I finished something!

These are going to Hugger Hats, the charity group. Done two-at-a-time on Flexee fine-gauge looms with 40 pegs (20 links) each loom. Kitchener cast-on, German short-rows for toe and heel. Flat knit stitch until cuff. Cuff two-by-two knit/purl. These are great slipper socks. I know because I have enjoyed my own pair for a couple months.

Ta-Da! And

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Sock Sunday

Finally finished the slippers. Pretty proud of these leftover bits. The perfect way to finish a beautiful Sunday.

I don’t know if I’ll get any editing done. I did take my walk. Kali is out cold on the sofa. Guess I wore her out.

Now onto Duolingo and early to bed.

Ta Da Tuesday

These slipper socks should be finished tomorrow sometime. It was fun playing with the leftover bits of yarn. Notes: KB fine-gauge Flexee loom, 40 pegs each. Kitchener cast-on . German short-rows for toe and heel. Cuffs will be 2×2 knit, purl ribbing.

Far From Finished Friday

As I look around I have so many projects and all of them far from finished. The items I am most drawn to is a mixed up crazy pair of slipper socks. I have finished the toe and plan to match the heels and possibly the cuff in the pink. The rest will be stray yarn around here. I think they will be fun warmth for the charity. And it uses up the leftovers.

Since I want to get busy and see how I like the new color combo before fading away to bed, I’ll just post the picture and scram. Happy Friday everyone!

Sunday Slippers Almost

Tomorrow I will finish the cuffs and put these on my feet. It’s been a bit of a slog while trying to learn to make socks on cable needles and working 7 other pairs of socks on other looms. My hands need the variations to keep from hurting. Otherwise, I might try to stay with just one project until finished. But when one project starts hurting, I put it down and grab another. Progress always happening, just not as fast on any one item as I would like.

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Just Jot It January–Shutter

I don’t know how to use the word ‘shutter’ in this sense as I know nothing about photography. But I did take a cell pic of my finished slipper socks. And John Holton, tell Mary one cuff is bigger. But hey, they are for me! Gift yarn = gift for me!


Just Jot It January is brought to us by Linda G. Hill.


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