Don’t ask me how Snoopy photo-bombed. I felt him feeling left out so included him in the sock picture. So anyway, I finished these today. I can’t give them to just anyone so I had to write on the donation card that they are a wool mix.

That is the CinDWood fine-gauge 1/4″, 56 peg loom. I love this loom! These are toe-up that start out looking like this with the Kitchener Cast-on.

Doesn’t that look like fun? It is! So you start out wrapping the pegs until you have this loom. Then on one side of the loom, you work the toe with a few wraps and turns. Then take it all the way around making the foot part of the sock. When you have enough rows done you can get the knitted sides to meet up. That’s when you get the fun-total chaos! See what I did there? 😀 Anyway, you start at the opposite side of the start string. You pick up the beginning stitches. pretty soon you have a bit of yarn. Picking, pulling one side and then the other before long you have a few inches of yarn. Keep it going and soon you have a foot. Then you have a yarn. By the time you reach the beginning string, you have a few yards of yarn. By that point, I am moving a nest of yarn from one shoulder to another. Then I am using my knees to keep this mass of yarn open and straightened out so as not to make a bigger mess. Keep pulling, keep pulling! It is so much fun I can’t wait until I make the next sock. By the time the toe is closed up you have a little ball to use later. Here’s my favorite YouTube of this Kitchener Chaos:

Oh. I have several socks in the process right now. But the latest project is because of GoodKnitStitches. She put out this YouTube.

I didn’t have any T-shirt yarn but I have tons of plastic bags and balls of plarn adding to the chaos of my house. I thought maybe this would make a good roll-up padding for the homeless. It is going well. Here is what it looks like so far:

If it doesn’t feel good for me to lay on, it may end up being a pet bed or foot massager for the shower, or doormat. At any rate, I am enjoying this pattern with the plarn. I used to crochet with it but crochet seemed to hurt my hands. This doesn’t hurt and whips up fast. Now I dream that when I finish this mat I will find T-shirt material as that bath mat looks so cozy!

So sorry to see this January Jotting over. I always love it! The worst of it is as of Sunday the chaos of coming up with prompts for my blog!

Thank you, Linda!


Your prompt for JusJoJan January 31st, 2020, is “chaos.” Use the word “chaos” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Done, and done!