Tag Archive: #Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “Start with a question.” Begin your post with the first question that comes to mind when you sit down to write your post. Bonus points if you end your post with a question, too. Have fun!

Which question shall I start with? Shall it be last night’s answer to the prompt when I read it?

Who was the most resilient?

We lost Kali over a year ago. Why does it seem like less than a month ago? Kali’s Death

Shortly after that, Teddy left us. Could I miss anyone as much as I missed them? (Teddy’s story is easily researched here.)

So, the third question is the one I’m answering first, and the answer is plain: Rosey outlasted the rest of the furry trio. Yikes. I already am speaking in the past tense. I hadn’t planned to do that last night.

A recent picture of love. Rosey and Chris.

What is Rosey’s story? Well, when we moved to Reno, we had only had Panda, a tuxedo sweetie. Then, our friend Kieu brought us a little Teddy. It wasn’t long until Panda was playing and, we think, had a heart attack as he was gone. Sadly, we were at our writers’ meeting, so we didn’t get to say goodbye. My brother and Son-in-Love were home to take care of the felines.

Teddy and Chris were heartbroken, so we didn’t wait long to grieve. As much as we needed a new friend, we also realized that there had to be furry friends looking for us, so we went to the shelter. Chris, my brother, and I wandered the shelter for a couple hours. As many animals were adorable, nothing seemed to call out for us. Then, just as we were leaving, I felt something off to the other side of the call to me. I walked over, and there was this black cat wanting all my attention. Without waiting, I reached into her cage and picked her up. The attendant was surprised at how easily I held her. She asked us to a visiting room to see how we all got along. David and I sat on the floor, expecting the kitty to come right to us. Nope. She walked right by us straight up to Chris on the bench at the back of the room. She jumped in his lap and started licking his face. He giggled like a little kid. His face was red with happiness. And so it was when Rosey was 12 years old she adopted my husband. I sometimes felt a slight jealousy of the way they clicked together. But I was happy they were both happy.

Teddy seemed to like Rosey, so we had a good thing. Teddy would choose me, so we each had a cat on our laps. They loved riding in the car.

Teddy during the long move from Reno to Christmas Valley.

But when Kali came into the picture, Teddy divorced me. I tried to let him know I still loved him, but it took him a while to get over feeling replaced. Towards his end, he chose me again and Kali.

When Kali joined us, Rosey was already 14 years old or older. She already felt like a bit of a grump around the more energetic Teddy and Kali, but we could tell she missed them when they were gone.

As of last night, we had been on a bit of a vigil for about a week. She refused food and soon refused drink. Again, the horrid choice, take the hour-and-a-half drive or just try to make her as comfortable as we could. She was 22. We dosed her with bone broth and water as that was all she’d tolerate. Although alert and loving, we knew it wasn’t long for her. Every night, we wondered if she’d be with us in the morning. Even on her last days, she walked/crawled the hallway to our room, looking for Chris to hold her.

This morning, we woke early. David found her in the livingroom end of the hallway. She was still breathing. He lifted her up, and within a few moments, she stopped breathing. After our goodbyes, David buried her with her special bed. She loved it so much we couldn’t think of her without it, or it without her.

How quiet can a house get? She wasn’t noisy but… How lonely are we going to be without her?

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “move.” Use it as a verb or a noun; write the first thing that comes to mind. Have fun!

Moving was the title I gave to the memoir I wrote a couple of NaNoWriMos ago. The name started revealing itself to me right away. At first, it was that even though I was in two houses for my first twenty-one years, they kept building schools for our grade level, and we were the newbies to settle each new school. After marriage, my husband’s job moved us around the state.

My story then ran in how my mental attitude moved from one thinking to another. Music played a part in the many mental states I phased through. And since I have been reentering the music world for a while, movement is a prominent word in that realm.

Photo by Saeid Anvar on Pexels.com

Ah, but yesterday, before I even saw the prompt of the day, I saw the word movement on the top of most of the pieces I worked on.

Photo by David McEachan on Pexels.com

Each piece was a movement from one symphony or another. As a music major whose professor was the conductor of the college orchestra, I sat in on a lot of concerts. But I couldn’t sit still. My teacher saw that I needed to be a part of the music, so she made sure I had the orchestral score to follow along with. My aim in music in college was voice, not piano. There was too much psychology attached to that big, beautiful machine.

In the next few days, I plan to break it all down. Needless to say, I need to move from the depth of stagefright that even played a part in yesterday’s practices to phone calls or being with more than people I know very, very well.

Now I need to move, to Duo, then uke, then recorder, then bed. Get up and MOVE!

Per Linda: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “photograph.” Use it as a noun or a verb or both. Have fun!

Photograph. This brings songs and groups to mind that remind me of the times in the car with my teens in the late 90s. They were late to the Beatles and to Depeche Mode and the Cure. But we had fun with the 80s music mixed with my 60s fun.

Ah, but I have a photograph for you.

The last two of the suncatchers are finished and hanging. It is a cloudy day, so this is the best I could share today.

The picture looks easy. Even when I found it on Amazon. Looks easy. And the diamond painting part was. But this little kit wasn’t easy for my eyes or fingers when it came to the chains and the rings and connectors. Maybe if you are into jewelry making or trying it out, this might be a good start. But I don’t think so. As I scanned through YouTubes, I couldn’t find those bendie things anywhere. And they seem to need lots of pressure to close them tightly around the last ball of the chain. Maybe stronger fingers? It could just be me. You may have much better luck and talent with these. For me? I’ll stay with coasters or keychains for smaller diamond painting fun.

Speaking of which, here’s the photo of today’s turtle progress.

I’m ready to move on to the next section. I love this picture (and the photograph!)

Oops. I am floundering in how to bring up floundering. But I think today’s evidence is the suncatchers. Sometimes, when we flounder, we find what we can’t do.

Per Linda: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “watch.” Use it as a noun or a verb, use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Watch this; I will meander all over the place during this session and find myself right here. Meanwhile, I spent a lot of time on Duolingo. Sometimes I just can’t stop. Sometimes I just can’t. Ya know? Word order is the hardest part of all the languages.

While doing things that take a brain, I usually put on something I nearly have memorized just to have a place to look farther away than arm’s length. I can’t do music as I get too involved in the music and get nothing done. So this time is another run at the Walking Dead. I am always surprised at the wisdom of the writer of how humans respond to scary things. The show has never been about the monsters. It is about how people react to each other and find their own tribe. Or think they have until it is proven that that tribe doesn’t exist.

A while ago, while my husband was in here with me we were watching The Chosen. I am very surprised at how much I like it. It is not for everyone. But then I loved Jesus Christ Superstar, and my mother found it offensive. I think it is like the people in The Walking Dead. Our tribes show up, and even within our tribes, things show that, in the end, our views are our own. We can only agree where we can and find others that fit with other parts of ourselves.

If we feel the need to nap, and since I love to read after midnight, I often need a nap, I put on some animal show. Dogs 101 found my restful place, and I woke wishing for my new canine friend.

So many uses for one word. My husband has a watch that tells him his blood sugar, blood pressure, etc. I had one, but the sensor burned my skin. But I am smiling now as I think of Dick Tracy.

No flying cars yet, but Rosy, the Roomba robot, vacuums our house, and we have these watches that are telephones!

And now I am tired of Floundering.

Back to knitting.

Per Linda:
Your prompt for #JusJoJan the 20th and Stream of Consciousness Saturday
is: “in a nutshell.” Use it as an idiom, or use it literally. Enjoy!

In a nutshell is the best way to eat nuts, not salted, not cooked. And hard to eat a lot at a time, which can be my way if I don’t have to work at it! Maybe that is something to look at in life. I could go out and buy a lot of socks. But my body won’t be as happy as the ones I make myself. I thought it was just me, but my son and brother both told me they love the way the sock feels like it’s hugging their foot, like a little massage. I feel that way, too.

I do seem to be a paradox, though, as I look at this line of thinking. Though I love the process of learning music as opposed to buying and listening to it, and I love diamond painting instead of looking at magazine pictures, why do I find such laziness within? Shouldn’t I be happy with a process no matter what?

A friend and I were talking about how some things seem too much work. The first and silliest example is when I am playing a game, and I have to leave the scene and click five times to find myself in a totally different scene. I sigh like it is a lot of work. I find myself complaining: why do I have to go all the way out there? In this case, the game is Mystery Case Files®: Return to Ravenhearst™ Collector’s Edition. If you play it, you know there is a place where you need to leave the children’s town to go back to the well to get the knife. FIVE clicks. Yet it seems like so much work! It definitely says more about me than it does the game. I love the game, though I have played it so often. It is mostly boring and just something to do when I need to waste time. If you’re curious, here is what it looks like:

But I lost my stream. It is that often I feel something is too much work. Even though when I do the work of most tasks I am satisfied that I did it. I rarely am unhappy when I put in the time and effort.

Some things feel unproductive. Knitting, there’s an item when done. Riding the stationary bike? I go nowhere. But I have seen proof it is working just in my energy levels, and my abilities to do certain things have improved. But that box of things I need to go through… Seems like five clicks too many! I need to work on my brain! That’s it! In a nutshell!

Your prompt for #JusJoJan the 13th and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “close up/close-up.” Use the verbal phrase “close up” and/or the noun/adjective “close-up” somewhere in your post, or write a post in the spirit of the phrase. Have fun!

Photo by Andre Mouton on Pexels.com

A face only a mother could love or one more wrinkle? The close-up may not bring in the bucks, but what about personality? What about love? Those who are as touchy as a cactus or close up their hearts and hide from emotions are even less appealing. It isn’t easy to be around the monkey, for the energy is tough to keep up with. Walking on eggshells for the touchier relationships is tough, too.

I’ve been lucky enough to live with the types I mentioned and have to admit that as hard as it was, there were good times, too. The monkey is more fun than the cactus, but when those anti-touchy-feely types feel safe and can find their center, they can reveal their hearts of gold. Long, honest talks can bring understanding. It’s not easy. Early traumas can trigger anyone. Even me. Making me a part of the problem while hoping to be part of the solution. Yeah, bring it up close, and those gray hairs and wrinkles have good reasons to be there.

It’s a lot of work, don’t you think? And worth it.

Just like the leg warmers. And speaking of close-ups, the areas that I had to do decreases, look like little hearts. I think I see a correlation. Maybe not.

The stream went cold. Just like when our electricity went off a while ago. We finally got our foot of snow. Not enough to cover the bushes but it’s looking better.

If you click on the photo, you can see the snow close up. But you still can’t feel the cold.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday

From Linda’s Prompt: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “something that closes.” Write about the first thing that pops into your head that closes. Enjoy!
Closing of an era and opening of the next. For a couple weeks, I have been watching The Doctor (From Chris Eccleston through Jodie Wittaker). That way, I’d be ready for this morning’s special. It’s on Disney Plus if you want to see it. I watched the previous Whos on Max.
My son has been letting us watch his Complete Farscape collection for the past month. That ended for us today. Another door closes.

And Now:

Though he has the movies, we couldn’t wait; we went on Amazon Prime to find the movies.

But when this ends, I am going to have that loose ends feeling. What next? Suggestions?

A part of Linda’s Stream of Consciousness prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “oo.” Find a word with “oo” in it or just use “oo” because why not? Whatever you decide on, use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Boo! The best friend at the wedding. She and her daughter were so much fun. I want to share the daughter’s picture, but feel it might be a violation. ‘G’ did face paintings on all the kids at the wedding.

I’m still working through all the pics and deciding what to share. There were so many children, and most of the girls did the same as Spouse 1’s mother and I. Witches. We tried to take a group photo but couldn’t keep us all in one place long enough.

The memories of this great event still flood me, and I long for more. More Oos and Aws. So good!

A prompt from Linda for Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: starts with “hum.” Find a word that starts with “hum” or use the word “hum” itself. Send your bonus points to Dan at https://nofacilities.com/ if you use both. Enjoy!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Humble. That’s how I feel. And Wow!

When I had to leave Reno to pursue a less expensive place to live, I had to leave my adult children. Not that we got to see each other often. We didn’t see each other frequently, with all of them working and pursuing their own lives. But at least we knew we could get together for a quick cup of coffee or tea if needed. We did get to spend the holidays together and birthdays. Now six hours away and with weather issues, we find Zoom and instant Messaging but mostly phone our way to keep in touch. I miss them. One son had to come to live with us, making it a little easier.

Then, my daughter moved to Wisconsin. Yikes! That is a long way from the Oregon Outback. And with a truck that works for the short drives, Wisconsin is too long to drive without fear of breaking down. We manage food, mortgage, and small bills on our social security. But anything else is above our abilities. I’d love to be able to get a small job, but my health can’t do that right now, and neither can my husband’s. And as my brother and son have found, there are no jobs in this desert. So we do the best we can with what we have.

Then I learned that my daughter and her husband are getting married. I longed to be able to be there. Especially when she said they were doing a costume wedding in Halloween fashion. It seems like it would be so fun! I picture something like this:

Photo by T Leish on Pexels.com, not my daughter or her groom. I have no idea what they will wear.

One son is pulling out the stops to fund my live-in son and me to fly to and from the visit and wedding. As I mentioned, flight son is six hours away. There is no airport near here. The nearest is two and a half hours away. That would have made an eight-and-a-half-hour drive for him. I nearly gave up. It seemed impossible.

That’s when my friend volunteered. She wanted to visit again before the snow and freezes start in earnest as Fall rolls in. She is coming up as of tomorrow. We will visit, and then she will drive my son and me back to her place in Reno. We will spend a day or so there.

The flight is at 6 AM, and we must be at the airport at 3. That means a night of no sleep. You know I can’t fall asleep before 3ish. So that won’t be the problem. Flight son will pick us up at my friend’s, and the next adventure begins.

Now, more of the humble pie, as if I didn’t feel so grateful for the flights and drives received. The only thing I could figure out would be to stay with my daughter and her new husband once I was there. That’s not so great. The honeymooners would probably not want to have Mom and brother underfoot, ya know? They’re only human! But I certainly didn’t want to put the financial burden on the son footing the flights and drive home.

That’s when the groom’s mother jumped in and became another hero in this story. Not only is she covering catering and heating (the wedding and party will be outdoors to keep it anti-covidy. The groom has health issues that would make it deadly for him. Anyway, she found and is funding a couple bed and breakfast homes for a couple of us in this wedding party. Both are near the lake. I cried when I heard that. She said she knew how much it would mean to my daughter and me for us to be there. I can’t wait to give her a massive hug of thanks if allowed.

Back to the end of the wedding week in Wisconsin, the flight son has the return flight set up. Unfortunately, they could only get a flight to Portland. That’s five hours north of us. That means the flight son will have to rent another car to drive us home. Then, another six hours back to Reno.

Maybe for some of you, this isn’t much. Doing all the finances would be, well, doable. Perhaps leaving your husband and brother behind would be easy, or you would be able to bring them with you. My husband can’t fly. It would have had to be a car or train for him. My brother, again, with no income, can’t afford to go, and we are already taxing our family and friends’ finances. They are not rich by a long shot. Besides, who would stay and take care of the chickens and cats? So that’s where I feel more humbleness. They are both being so kind and selfless in making sure I don’t feel the guilt of leaving them behind. I know I will miss them. We’ll probably spend hours on the Zooms or Instant Messaging. I’ll try to take a lot of pictures.

Now for the exciting, fun things. I’ve made the witch’s hat (pics here and here). I bought a cheap wig that I’m still working on to make it more me.

It’s from Amazon

I’ve given her bangs and will rat her up for the witch costume, then brush her out and use her as needed. I plan to trim my own hair and purple up before I leave.

I have some black broom skirts to wear, one as a skirt and the other I will slice up and make into a cape. I’ll take pics when there. Even I don’t know how it will all look. I’ll take as many pics of the area and the fun as possible. I don’t want to involve names or faces that don’t want to be on the internets.

Speaking of pics. The afghan is nearly finished. I need to make a trim around the edges to prevent curling. I’ll try to post that later in the week.

And that reminds me. It will be a busy couple of weeks. I will try to post as much as I can. But I may still miss a few days. That disappoints me, I’m sure, more than it disappoints you. I do my Duolingo and blogging every day. Whereas I have 1,520 days on Duo, I am only on day 118 on the blog. That is because I post after the languages. Often, I don’t get to the publish part until after midnight. 😒 I know I should do a bunch of blogs ahead, but I find I can’t. I feel like it is like a journal for me, so I like to hit it daily, and when I’m done, I’m done. I do have a couple ‘freezes’ set up on the Duo.

So there you have it. Let’s all hum the wedding march in minor key. But enjoy this, too.

Per Linda: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “starts with gen.” Find a word that starts with “gen” and use it in your post. Have fun!

This is to combine the SoCS with the AtoZ Challenge that I seem ahead of? I thought yesterday was G, but oh, well, I’ll go with it and stream as it will.

While everyone is concentrating on Easter and streaming and the challenges, I am still editing my CampNaNo novel, Reflexion. The ‘G’ word is Generate, something I need to do. I can’t wait to finish the edits to part one and actually start writing part two. I may actually get finished by tomorrow. I’m hoping that I won’t get garbage, but when letting the consciousness play and put the editor away, you gather the flowers with the thorns, if you get my drift. Generally, I know where the story is going, but now is not the time to worry about grace. Writing is fairly graceless. Editing is when you can make good, or almost good, to great. I hope.

The story I’m writing is sci-fi with ghosts. That is who is doing the reflections of the crew. Grand and Greatgrandparents who didn’t want to travel were left behind on Earth, but they chose to go with the space team in the end. And their ability to be there and unseen by many helps solve a lot of problems but gives grounds for a lot more growth.

Ah, well, back to editing. GROAN!

Ah, well, I’m still:


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