Tag Archive: #Ta-da Tuesday

Ta-Da Tuesday

Wow! It’s already a Tuesday! This week has been BUSY!

A pair getting ready for their heels.

More Diamond Painting happened. I’m so happy my friends got me into it.

Haircutting is calling. This bob is getting to me. Maybe another pixie?

26 degrees and snow tonight. Tomorrow night single digits. Glad our bedrooms are warm!

Ta-Da Tuesday

Getting lots done, just not the things I would have wanted to do for family and friends. Instead, charity yarn makes charity gifts.

Made on 80 pegs of KB fine-gauge Flexee loom. Fold up brim. Flat knit-stitch throughout. Kind of made up the decreases in crown.

The minute the loom was empty I divided it in two and made two 40-peg sock looms. Here’s the Kitchener cast-on (we were watching the Witcher so I called the cast-on the Witchener, hehe).

They will be slipper-socks.

Oh, and just for the curious, here’s the progress on the Diamond Painting. I can’t work at it for very long stretches but I do enjoy it.

Ta-Da Tuesday

One sock down, 4″ needed for sock 2.

And we got a call that we get our boosters on my birthday. I’m happy. 🤗

I had to miss yesterday. I went to town (two hours away) to get an upper GI procedure done. I barely got 400 words before I left and had no energy when I got home for anymore. So today, I had to play catch up. My friend and I are finding when we get together on Zoom, we are reasonably productive. We do a bit of a chat but then get right to it. Sometimes we talk about our projects and somehow, bringing the story to light seems to give us a push. This is her first year in a long time that she’s felt up to NaNoWriMo. But she’s being gentle and keeping it accessible for herself to feel good about it. Her goal is 25K, and she is going great guns. I love hearing about her story.

My own story is coming along. It surprises me that the story that started out as a bunch of drawings for #Inktober. Yet the characters feel as real as if they lived in this house with me. Anyway, Crystal now has 26,873 words that make me just a smidge ahead of today’s count.

Oh, the pickles that Crystal and her friends get up to!

Knitting still continues. I think I will have a hat finished in the next few days. I can say, happily, that the mohair is finally gone!

I also have two pairs of socks in the making. This one is ahead of the race. I like to work on them two at a time, so they stay the same length as their mate. This one is for a male, so the heel will be another four inches from here.

Ta Da Tuesday

Sometimes I love the results so much it is hard to resist keeping the item. But this one is headed for the charity. This yarn is so soft.

Flexee Fine-gauge, 80 pegs. Fold-up brim, flat-knit. 4×6 purl, knit basketweave. The bind-off is the Kristen GoodKnitKisses decrease then remove excess pegs to redo the decreases. I’ve used this method in my previous hats. I’d make a clickable URL but I’m writing this on my phone. It is acting up. 😥


Ta-Da Tuesday

I finally finished this pair of socks. And guess who they fit? Me!

Guess I should tell the details. CinDWood sock loom, Kitchener cast-on, toe-up, 4by4 knit/purl on top of foot then the ankle up through cuff. I didn’t like the purling. It made the project take far too long.

Yep, I’m at it again! JuNoWriMo. I didn’t finish, or even do much with last months editing. So I am combining the editing and rewriting that needs to happen to finish Pandamapocalypse. But a new book was calling to me so I have started on Marina’s Mission. So my count for Panda is 510 words added as the story still hasn’t finished. Yet MM is the second part of Panda. So this is going to get complicated. Even so I managed 1870 words. Yeah! 

I have complained that we get no spring or fall here. But this year the weather has been more of a springy feeling. I love my mesquite bushes just outside. They blossomed up and became nearly yellow with all the flowers. I finally got out to take a couple pictures.

Can you see the pods? Those are what makes the mesquite the most fun. In the summer when the pods turn brown they start popping open. If you are lucky, as you stand an look at these huge bushes, the sound of popping corn happens. It is so much fun to stand and hear a bush make noise!

It wasn’t really quiet as I took the pictures. There were so many bees that the buzz made me very nervous. I got away as soon as I could.

My newest socks are coming along.

The practice on the recorder was slight but I did manage to finger out Mary Had A Little Lamb, and Twinkle Twinkle. But I would love a book to read the music as I go. Tomorrow I promised myself to play one song on the piano just to reconnect.

For those that are curious as to how the Intermittent Fasting/Keto are doing. I’m managing OMAD (One Meal A Day) and that is a very healthy meal. I am rarely hungry later and if so water or tea will do the trick. My pants are getting loose enough to pull down without unsnapping or unzipping. I don’t weigh myself but at the end of the month I have a doctor’s appointment where I know they will weigh me. I think I will be happy with the result.

Today has been the warmest day all year. I think we hit 92. It is suppose to cool off the rest of the week. I think this was to help us get used to what is coming. Fans were running in every room all day.

Midnight is creeping up so I best get this published and head off to bed.

sleep well

Ta Da and Teddy Tuesday

First the TaDa:

KB fine-gauge Flexee 20 links. Tie-up starting with Kitchener cast-on. German short-row heel. Cuff two-by-two purl/knit. Stretchy cast-off. Now passed on to charity.

Now the Teddy update.

As you may have noticed, I have many names for this feline, and he reenacts them all at will. Saint Theodore. That’s when he does a CAT scan and finds my hurty spots and purrs it away. It works like a miracle. Not for others in the house, but for me, it is true. Then there’s Teddy, the Terrorist. That is the demon that has decided we can’t have nice things. No matter how many scratching posts or pads we get, he chooses the arms of the furniture, even the newest chair. It’s embarrassing to have scratched up furniture, but he’s the one in charge of our Feng Sui. Teddy the terrific: That’s the one that is having zoom meetings down the hallway. No, not the kind people have. The kind of crazy cats and dogs have running around to show their joy of life. After three days of antibiotics on board, and Tedster seems back to his original multi-personable self. I’m so happy he’s back! And the plus is that he is quite talkative now, and he hasn’t been since he was a kitten. I’m so delighted!

Ta-Da Tuesday

Went to my PCP today. Guess what? I’ve lost 6 pounds! Yay! It’s working. And becoming less work as I learn. I’ve picked up the paper copies of The Diabetes Code, The Obesity Code, and The Complete Guide to Fasting, all by Dr. Jason Fung. I read The Diabetes Code and The Cancer Code. You can click on the underlined titles to see my reviews. I’m getting ready to read The Obesity Code. Dr. Jason Fung can write a thought-provoking book while displaying a sense of humor.

Intermittent Fasting using low-carbs high fat or keto is proving to be easier and easier. I seem to be doing quite well on one very healthy meal a day. That means a 20 or like today 22 hours of fast and a two to four-hour window to make sure I’ve eaten well.

I was delighted that my team at the doctor’s office knew about and encouraged this method of achieving better health.

Tired had been the theme of the week since the vaccine. It does seem like the rest of the family felt the same way. Maybe we were just tired for no reason. It happens. I still tried to get my normal tasks done. And guess what? I finished something!

These are going to Hugger Hats, the charity group. Done two-at-a-time on Flexee fine-gauge looms with 40 pegs (20 links) each loom. Kitchener cast-on, German short-rows for toe and heel. Flat knit stitch until cuff. Cuff two-by-two knit/purl. These are great slipper socks. I know because I have enjoyed my own pair for a couple months.

Ta-Da! And

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